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What does CDSA stand for?
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
What is the purpose of the CDSA?
It governs the manufacture, selling, and prescribing of narcotics and controlled substances in Canada.
What is defined as a 'controlled drug' under CDSA?
Any drug listed in the schedule to Part G of the Food and Drug Regulations.
What is included in Schedule I of the CDSA?
Old Narcotic Schedule including Opium, Codeine, Morphine, etc.
What substances are found in Schedule II?
Cannabis, its preparations, and derivatives.
What is the primary regulation regarding double doctoring under CDSA?
Patients must disclose their prescription history for controlled substances from other practitioners within the last 30 days.
Who is authorized to order controlled substances?
Only persons with signing authority, like pharmacy owners or managers.
What is required for a pharmacist regarding the receipt of narcotics?
A pharmacist must enter the name, quantity, and date received in a record.
What are 'reportable narcotics'?
Narcotics that must be entered in the Narcotic Sales record.
What is a 'Straight Narcotic'?
A narcotic containing a single narcotic ingredient only, or a narcotic with one other recognized therapeutic ingredient.
What is an OTC narcotic?
Over-the-counter narcotics that contain less than specified amounts of codeine.
What is one example of a verbal narcotic preparation?
Tylenol #3.
What regulation must be followed for returning or destroying narcotic drugs?
Destruction must be witnessed by a second person, and inventory must be signed and dated.
What does the term 'licensed dealer' refer to in the CDSA?
Entities like wholesalers or manufacturers authorized to produce or deal in narcotics.
When can a pharmacist provide an emergency supply of a narcotic?
Upon receiving a written order signed by another pharmacist for emergency purposes.
What is required for the destruction of narcotics and controlled drugs?
Prior authorization from Health Canada and witnessing by two health care professionals.
What is the definition of a prescription according to the Narcotic Control Regulations?
An authorization given by a practitioner for a stated amount of the narcotic to be dispensed.
Who can legally possess a narcotic?
Practitioners, pharmacists, and patients with prescriptions.
What is defined as a 'controlled drug preparation'?
One controlled drug plus one or more medicinal ingredients.
How are narcotic and controlled prescriptions filed in a pharmacy?
Filed by prescription number in a separate file from other prescriptions.
What must be included in the Drug Class Table for reportable narcotics?
Specifications for prescriptions, sales records, refills, and part filling regulations.
What must a pharmacist do when there is a loss or theft of narcotics?
Report the loss or theft to the Minister within 10 days.
What type of information is required in the Narcotic and Controlled Drugs Register?
Records of narcotic purchases and sales.
What is the significance of the 35 day rule in New Brunswick?
It is a specific regulation related to the dispensing of medications under the CDSA that may differ from federal regulations.
What method must be used to destroy targeted substances?
Destruction must be witnessed and documented, following environmental regulations.