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Why did you choose to focus on health influencers on social media? OR Why did you choose this topic?

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Why did you choose to focus on health influencers on social media? OR Why did you choose this topic?

health influencers on social media become a significant source of health information for many people. The rise of social media platforms has changed how we access and perceive health information, and understanding the influence of these platforms can help us improve public health strategies.

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Why half of your studies include has no themes

One limitation of this review is that some themes did not have pre-defined themes for analysis. This could potentially introduce some bias in the overall analysis.

Due to the lack of pre-defined themes in some studies, we focused our analysis on the findings that directly addressed our research questions

However, the studies with pre-defined themes encompassed a broad range of relevant topics, providing a strong foundation for our conclusions

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Can you elaborate , explain your Methology

Literature Search Strategy

  1. Search Databases:

    • The systematic search was conducted across major databases: PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science.

    • The search was limited to studies published between January 2014 and December 2023.

    • Search terms included keywords related to health, influencers, social media, and their variations (e.g., wellness, fitness, influencer, content creator, social networking platforms).

  2. Search Terms:

    • Boolean operators (AND, OR) were used to combine search terms.

    • Wildcard characters were employed to capture variations of the keywords.

Study Selection

  1. Screening Process:

    • Duplicate records were removed.

    • Two reviewers independently screened the titles and abstracts to assess eligibility based on pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  2. Inclusion Criteria:

    • Peer-reviewed articles published between 2014-2023.

    • Full-length original studies in English.

    • Studies examining at least one social networking platform.

    • Studies focused on health influencers.

  3. Exclusion Criteria:

    • Articles not available in full text.

    • Non-original research (e.g., books, theses, case reports).

    • Studies not published in English.

  4. Resolution of Discrepancies:

    • Any disagreements between the reviewers during the screening process were resolved through discussion and consensus.

Data Extraction and Quality Assessment

  1. Data Extraction:

    • A standardized form was used to extract relevant data from the included studies. This included study reference, year of publication, study design, sample characteristics, intervention/exposure, outcome measures, and key findings.

  2. Quality Assessment:

    • The methodological quality of each study was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS).

    • Two reviewers independently assessed the quality using NOS, and discrepancies were resolved through discussion.

    • NOS consists of three categories: Selection (4 items), Comparability (1 item), and Outcome/Exposure (3 items), with a maximum score of 9.

Data Analysis

  1. Iterative Process:

    • The data analysis process was iterative, continuously refining the synthesis and interpretation of the characteristics and findings.

    • The analysis aimed to ensure a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the impact of health influencers on social media.

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what did data analysis you did

II did qualitative data synthesis using a framework derived from literature and modified based on the results of included studies.

1. Full text review

2. Data extractions using structured format

3. Consolidation of results using qualitative synthesis

4. Fitting the results in respective themes identified as part of literature review

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Practical implication to Public health

Health influencers could partner with public health authorities to deliver real-time health interventions during crises. For example, during an outbreak, influencers could provide immediate, accurate information about symptoms, prevention strategies, and where to seek help, leveraging their platforms to disseminate critical updates quickly.

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Practica Implication to Social Marketing

Campaigns utilizing social influencers tend to generate more engagement and reach compared to non-influencer messages.

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Why did you choose health communication as major?

the fields offer a unique

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What are the practical implications of your research for public health strategies?

  • Practical implications include the need for public health organizations to engage with social media influencers as part of health promotion strategies. It also suggests the importance of regulating health-related content on social media to prevent the spread of misinformation.

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What recommendations would you make for future research based on your findings?

  • Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impact of health influencers, investigate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at leveraging influencers for positive health outcomes, and explore the role of different social media platforms in moderating influencer impact.

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How would you improve your research design if you were to conduct a similar study again?

improvements could include expanding the search to include grey literature, conducting meta-analyses where possible to quantify the impact of health influencers, and incorporating more diverse study designs to capture a broader range of influencer effects.

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Can you briefly summarize your thesis topic and its significance?

  • My thesis investigates the impact of health influencers on social media on the health-related behaviors and perceptions of their followers. This topic is significant because social media has become a major source of health information for many people, and influencers can play a critical role in shaping public health behaviors and perceptions. Understanding this impact is essential for developing effective public health strategies.

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Can you discuss any potential biases in your review and how they were mitigated?

  • Potential biases include selection bias and publication bias. Mitigation strategies included a thorough and systematic search process, transparent reporting of the review process, and using multiple reviewers to assess study quality and relevance.

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How can policymakers use the insights from your thesis to regulate health influencers on social media?

  • Policymakers can use these insights to develop guidelines for health influencers, promote transparency in health-related endorsements, and collaborate with influencers to disseminate accurate health information. Additionally, monitoring and penalizing the spread of misinformation can help mitigate negative impacts.

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What future research directions do you propose based on your systematic review?

  • Future research should explore the differential impact of influencers across various demographic groups, the role of new and emerging social media platforms, and the effectiveness of specific public health interventions that leverage the influence of social media personalities.

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What gaps in the existing literature did you aim to address with your research?

  • The primary gap addressed is the lack of a comprehensive synthesis of how health influencers affect various health-related behaviors and perceptions and the mechanisms behind this influence. Additionally, there is limited research on the quality of studies in this area and how different factors might moderate the influence of health influencers.

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What motivated you to choose this topic for your thesis?

  • The motivation came from observing the growing influence of social media in people's lives, particularly in health-related areas. I noticed how influencers could sway public opinion and behaviors significantly and wanted to explore this phenomenon systematically to understand its implications better.

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Can you explain your literature search strategy and the rationale behind it?

  • The literature search strategy involved using multiple academic databases to identify relevant studies, using keywords related to health influencers and social media impact. The rationale was to ensure a comprehensive and unbiased collection of studies to be included in the systematic review.

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What is your primary research question, and why is it important?

  • The primary research question is: "What is the impact of health influencers on social media on the health-related behaviors and perceptions of social media users?" This question is important because it addresses the need to understand how digital influencers can affect health outcomes, which has implications for public health interventions and policy-making.

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UNI - How do you think your research takes “forward our knowledge” in the health sciences/this specific subfield?

It provides a new way to use social media strategically to promote health and wellness in specific groups like pregnant women, teens, and children, beyond the general population. It can be a key source for reinforcing healthy communication and encouraging healthy habits. As social media content becomes more regulated and evidence of positive influence grows, people will gain more trust in using these platforms to make healthy choices.

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How did you select the studies included in your review?

  • Studies were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria, such as relevance to the research question, the presence of empirical data, and publication in peer-reviewed journals. Exclusion criteria included studies that did not focus on health influencers or lacked empirical data.

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How did you decide on the key themes explored in your systematic review?

the key themes were identified through a comprehensive review of existing literature and understanding the primary areas where health influencers impact social media users. These themes include the influence on health-related behaviors and perceptions, mechanisms of influence, moderating factors, and comparative perspectives

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What criteria did you use to assess the quality of the included studies?

the quality of studies was assessed using criteria such as study design, sample size, methodology robustness, and the clarity of reported outcomes. This assessment ensured that only high-quality studies were included in the synthesis of findings.

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How do your findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge?

  • The findings contribute by providing a comprehensive synthesis of how health influencers impact health behaviors and perceptions, highlighting both positive and negative influences, and identifying key mechanisms and moderating factors. This adds depth to the understanding of the role of social media in public health.

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In an ideal world, are there different methods or other data sources that you would have liked to use instead?

I would have conducted a primary research to identify the impact engaging diverse age groups and population strata. It would have given me a more first-hand understanding on associated factors and influence. With regards to the current evidence synthesis, I would have incorporated a behavioral science perspective to understand mechanisms more thoroughly and long term evidence on the impact.

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What are the main implications or lessons learned of your research for the health sciences/this specific subfield?

Healthcare institutions can leverage the power of social media influencers to promote their services, raise awareness about health issues, and engage with their communities.

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1.     What has been the significant contribution of your thesis?

My thesis has given a sound evidence on the influence of social media influencers on general population. The work identified a positive influence in most cases which is contrary to general perception. The thesis also identified common pathways, comparative perspectives and moderating factors which may influence the works of social media influencers. For example, Hayman et al. (2023) found that fitness influencers can motivate and inspire their audience to adopt healthy lifestyles. These findings could further be translated into using social media to our benefit during emergency since in today’s world where it forms a significant component of everyone’s lives.

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Can you tell me about your thesis topic? What is it? (Title and objectives)

the title of the thesis is "Health Influencers in Social Media and Their Impact on Health-Related Behaviors and Perceptions of Social Media Users: A Systematic Review

Specifically, the review aims to:

  1. Identify and summarize key findings from studies investigating the influence of health influencers on social media users' health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

  2. Examine the mechanisms and pathways through which health influencers on social media exert their influence.

  3. Evaluate the quality of existing research and identify gaps that warrant further investigation.

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How does the low-quality paper affect your findings?

The low-quality papers did not follow the ideal methods of conducting the study, making space for potential bias. Biased studies can reduce the validity of study findings and compromise the quality of systematic review.

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What are the limitations of your study?

·      The quality of systematic review depends on the quality of studies included in the review. With 8 studies scoring low on NOS, the evidence might be skewed.

·      There is a possible publication bias since most of the studies included has either positive or neutral evidence. A funnel plot could have been added for better comment on the bias.

·      The studies included are mostly focused on western region, limiting its generalizability. Though the review process cannot help with the bias, it generates a need for evidence from different settings like LMICs, South east Asia region etc.

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1.     What did you use for quality assessment? Comment on results.

Newcastle Ottawa scale. The scale consists of three main categories: Selection (4 items), Comparability (1 item), and Outcome/Exposure (3 items). Based on the NOS assessment, most of the included studies (20 out of 31) scored 8 or higher, indicating a relatively high methodological quality. A few studies (8 out of 31) scored 6 or lower, suggesting lower quality.

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Why did you choose this topic?

I chose this topic due to the growing influence of Health Influencer in social media in public health and the need to understand how health influencers can affect health behaviors and perceptions. This area has not been deeply explored, and I believe it can provide valuable insights into enhancing public health communication.

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Why did you decide these four themes?

The four themes were derived based on literature review and modified according to the results identified in the study.

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Do you think the result is biased? If yes, how so?

The results point mostly towards positive influence with two neutral studies. Since it is a systematic review, there is low risk of bias in conduct of this study. Though the literature itself might be biased with favoring publication of papers with positive findings.

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What is the most surprising finding from your research?

influencer marketing can be confusing. In one study, influencers promoting a sedentary lifestyle (nvolving little or no physical activity) led children to choose healthier snacks, even though they admired the influencer less (De Jans et al., 2021).

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How does your work relate to the existing literature in the field?

My work builds on existing reaseach on the postive and negative impact of health influencer on social media, but my thesis also explore the mechanism on which this influencer exert their influencer on social meida.

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How does your work relate to the existing literature in the field?

My work/thesis builds on existing reseach examining the positive and negative of health influencer, but my thesis also explore on which mechanism and moderating factor of a health influencer on their followers or social meida

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Briefly explain what your research project is all about (OBJECTIVE)

The research project is a systematic review that synthesizes existing studies on the impact of health influencers on social media users' health-related behaviors and perceptions. It aims to identify key findings, examine the mechanisms of influence, evaluate the quality of existing research, and highlight gaps that warrant further investigation.

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What is the scope of your research project? (inclusion and exclusion)

  1. Reviewing literature from January 2014 to December 2023 across major databases.

  2. Focusing on studies that examine the influence of health-related influencers on social media.

  3. Assessing outcomes related to health-related attitudes, beliefs, intentions, or behaviors.

  4. Evaluating the methodological quality of included studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale .

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How did you ensure the quality and reliability of the studies included in your review?

  • To ensure quality and reliability, I used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. This scale helped evaluate the selection of study groups, comparability, and outcome assessment. Additionally, any discrepancies between reviewers were resolved through discussion and consensus to ensure consistency.

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What is the significance of your study?

My thesis makes a significant contribution to the field of health communication by providing a comprehensive overview of how health influencers impact social media users' health behaviors. TThis knowledge is instrumental in developing more effective public health strategies and can inform the creation of ethical guidelines for influencer practices. Additionally, my research identifies key areas for further investigation

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How does your work relate to the existing literature in the field

  • Balanced View of Influencer Impact: Some studies focus on the positive aspects of health influencers, while others highlight potential harms like misinformation.

  • Theoretical Integration: Various theories, such as Social Cognitive Theory and the Elaboration Likelihood Model, have been used to explain how social media influences health behaviors.

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How did you ensure the study's validity and reliability?

To ensure validity and reliability, the study followed a systematic review protocol, including a comprehensive literature search across multiple databases (PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, Web of Science) with clear inclusion and exclusion criteria. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. This helped in selecting studies with robust designs and reliable findings

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How do your findings impact the real world?

The findings have real-world implications for public health strategies and social media marketing. They suggest that health influencers can be powerful tools for promoting healthy behaviors, but also highlight the need for regulatory oversight to prevent the spread of misinformation and harmful practices. Social media platforms and health organizations can use these insights to develop more effective health communication campaigns .

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Why did you choose to conduct a systematic review for this topic?

  • I chose to conduct a systematic review because it allows for a comprehensive synthesis of existing research on health influencers. This method helps to aggregate findings from various studies, providing a clearer picture of overall trends and insights. It also ensures a rigorous and methodical approach to summarizing the evidence on how health influencers affect health-related behaviors and perceptions.

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What are the practical implications of your findings for public health strategies?

  • Public health strategies can leverage the influence of health influencers to promote positive health behaviors. However, it's crucial to also address the potential risks by promoting transparency and encouraging influencers to share evidence-based information. Collaborations between health organizations and credible influencers could be particularly effective.

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Can you explain the inclusion and exclusion criteria for your study selection?

For inclusion, I focused on peer-reviewed articles that specifically examined health influencers on social media and their impact on health-related behaviors and perceptions. I included studies published within the last decade to ensure the relevance of the findings. Exclusion criteria included non-peer-reviewed sources, studies not focused on health influencers, and those not written in English.

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How can policymakers and practitioners use your findings to improve health communication on social media?

can use these findings to develop guidelines for influencer marketing, ensuring that health information shared on social media is accurate and evidence-based. They could also promote the importance of sponsorship disclosure to help users make informed decisions.

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How did you ensure the quality and reliability of the studies included in your review?

  • To ensure quality and reliability, I used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale to assess the methodological quality of the included studies. This scale helped evaluate the selection of study groups, comparability, and outcome assessment. Additionally, any discrepancies between reviewers were resolved through discussion and consensus to ensure consistency.

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What did you learn from doing this research?

  1. Significant Influence: Health influencers have a substantial impact on followers' health behaviors and perceptions.

  2. Complex Mechanisms: The influence operates through complex mechanisms, including parasocial relationships and perceived credibility.

  3. Dual-Edged Sword: The influence can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the content and behavior promoted .

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How has your view of your research topic changed over the course of your project?

In the beginning, I thought health influencers were like coaches, telling people exactly what to eat or how to exercise. But my research showed it's more than that. They can really affect how people see health in general, even how they feel about themselves. It made me realize their impact is way bigger than I thought!

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can you explain the data analysis process you used?

Here's how thematic synthesis can be applied in a systematic review with diverse study designs:

  1. Data Extraction: Researchers systematically extract relevant data from each included study, regardless of the study design. This may include qualitative quotes, quantitative results, descriptions of interventions or exposures, outcome measures, and key findings.

  2. Coding and Theme Development: The extracted data are then coded, typically using a qualitative coding approach. Codes are assigned to segments of data that represent meaningful concepts or themes related to the research question. These codes can come from various types of data, such as qualitative interviews, survey responses, or statistical results.

  3. Thematic Analysis: Researchers group similar codes together to identify preliminary themes. These themes represent patterns or concepts that emerge across the data, regardless of the study design. Through iterative analysis and comparison, themes are refined and developed into a coherent framework.

  4. Synthesis: The synthesized themes are analyzed in relation to the research question or objectives of the systematic review. Researchers explore how these themes intersect, diverge, or complement each other across different study designs. This synthesis process enables researchers to generate new insights or interpretations that go beyond individual studies.

  5. Reporting: The findings of the thematic synthesis are reported in the systematic review, typically in the form of a narrative synthesis or thematic map. Researchers describe the key themes identified, supported by evidence from the included studies, and discuss their implications for theory, practice, or further research.

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What limitations did you encounter in your study?

  1. Publication Bias: There may be a bias towards publishing studies with positive findings.

  2. Heterogeneity of Studies: The included studies varied widely in terms of design, participants, and outcomes, making it challenging to compare results directly.

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Can you discuss the main contributions of your research to your field of study?

It provides a clearer understanding of how health influencers can shape health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, which can inform the development of guidelines and policies for leveraging influencers in health communication .

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Can you elaborate on the significance of this research in the context of current public health challenges? ( how important the findings, what does it tell that we diddnt know befofe?, in current public health challenges)

it addresses the gap in understanding how health influencers affect people's health behaviors and perceptions. Given the widespread use of social media, these influencers have the potential to impact a large audience. By understanding their influence, we can better harness social media for positive health promotion and mitigate the spread of misinformation.

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How did you select the studies included in your systematic review?

The studies included in the systematic review were selected through a comprehensive process. The initial search was conducted across electronic databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO, with a focus on identifying peer-reviewed articles published in English between January 2014 and December 2023. The search strategy involved the use of operators (AND, OR) to combine search terms, as well as wildcard characters to capture variations of keywords. The inclusion criteria encompassed full-length original studies in English that examined at least one social networking platform and focused on health influencers. Articles that did not meet these criteria, such as duplicates, books, theses, preprints, retracted articles, or those not available in full text, were excluded.

The study selection process involved several steps, including the removal of duplicate records and independent screening of titles and abstracts by two reviewers to assess eligibility based on pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Any disagreements between the reviewers during the screening process were resolved through discussion and consensus. The full texts of the potentially eligible studies were then retrieved and further assessed for inclusion. Finally, a total of 31 studies were included in the systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines.

The methodological quality of each study was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS), a validated tool for evaluating the quality of non-randomized studies. This scale consists of three main categories: Selection, Comparability, and Outcome/Exposure, and each item is scored from 0 to 1, resulting in a maximum total score of 9. Based on the NOS assessment, most of the included studies scored 8 or higher, indicating relatively high methodological quality.

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Can you explain the use of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale in your quality assessment process?

the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of the non-randomized studies included in the review. It evaluates studies based on three broad perspectives: selection of the study groups, comparability of the groups, and ascertainment of the outcome of interest. This scale helped ensure that the studies included in the review were of high quality and that their findings were reliable.

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How did you ensure the reliability and validity of your data extraction process?

to ensure reliability and validity, I used a standardized data extraction form and conducted pilot testing with a few studies to refine the process.

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What are the main mechanisms through which health influencers impact health-related behaviors and perceptions?

The main mechanisms include the development of parasocial relationships, where followers feel a personal connection with influencers, and the perceived credibility and trustworthiness of the influencers. These factors enhance the persuasive power of influencers and can significantly affect followers' health behaviors and perceptions.

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What moderating factors did you identify that affect the influence of health influencers?

Some key moderating factors include the type of health behavior being promoted, the characteristics of the influencer (such as their expertise and authenticity), and the way the health message is presented (for example, the use of visual aids or personal stories).

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How does the influence of health influencers compare to traditional health communication methods?

Health influencers often have a more personal and engaging approach compared to traditional health communication methods. They can reach a broader audience through social media and create content that connect more with their followers. However, traditional methods like public health campaigns are still crucial for providing evidence-based information and maintaining credibility.

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Can you discuss any advantages or disadvantages of using health influencers over traditional methods?

Advantages of using health influencers include their ability to engage with a wide audience, create relatable content, and quickly disseminate information. Disadvantages include the potential for spreading misinformation and the varying levels of expertise among influencers. It's essential to strike a balance and ensure that influencers are well-informed and responsible in their messaging.

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What are the practical implications of your findings for public health policy and practice?

(Practical implication= real world application, Public health policy = rules and guideliness set by goverment, Public Pracrce =Day by day activities public health professional do)

The findings suggest that public health organizations should consider collaborating with credible health influencers to boost their messages and reach a larger audience. Additionally, developing guidelines for health influencers can help ensure that the information they share is accurate and beneficial.

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How can your research inform the development of guidelines or regulations for health influencer content on social media?

My research highlights the need for transparency, accuracy, and ethical considerations in health influencer content. Guidelines could include requirements for evidence-based information, disclosures of sponsorships, and training for influencers on effective health communication.

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What ethical concerns arise from the influence of health influencers on social media?

Ethical concerns include the potential spread of misinformation, exploitation of followers for commercial gain, and the promotion of unhealthy behaviors. Ensuring that influencers provide accurate and ethical health advice is crucial to mitigating these concerns.

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How can misinformation and the promotion of unhealthy behaviors by influencers be mitigated?

Misinformation can be mitigated by promoting digital literacy among social media users, encouraging critical thinking, and providing clear guidelines for influencers. Public health organizations can also monitor influencer content and provide corrections when necessary.

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What gaps in the current literature did you identify, and how do you suggest these should be addressed in future research?

One gap is the limited understanding of the long-term impact of health influencers on behavior change. Future research could focus on longitudinal studies to assess these long-term effects. Additionally, exploring the role of different types of influencers across various health topics would provide a more comprehensive understanding.

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How could future studies build on your findings to further explore the impact of health influencers?

future studies should explore the impact of health influencers in non-Western cultural contexts and among underrepresented populations.

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What were the main limitations of your systematic review?

  1. Geographical and Cultural Representativeness: Many studies included in the review focus on western population, which limit the generalizability of the finding to non-western context.

  2. Publication Bias: here is a tendency for studies with significant or positive findings to be published more frequently than those with null or negative results. This publication bias can lead to an overestimation of the effectiveness or impact of the interventions or phenomena being studied .

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How do these limitations affect the interpretation of your results?

  1. Geographical and Cultural Representativeness: Many studies included in the review focus on western population, which limit the generalizability of the finding to non-western context.

    "One limitation of this study is that I included a small number of studies (8 out of 31) with methodological limitations (scores of 6 or lower). While this provides a more comprehensive view of the existing research, it's important to acknowledge that these studies might have less reliable findings due to potential weaknesses in design, data collection, or analysis

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What was the most surprising finding from your research?

the most surprising finding was the strong impact of parasocial relationships on health behaviors. It was intriguing to see how deeply followers could connect with influencers and how this connection could drive significant changes in their health-related decisions.

Influencer marketing can be confusing. In one study, influencers promoting a sedentary lifestyle led children to choose healthier snacks, even though they admired the influencer less (De Jans et al., 2021).

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How has this research project (Thesis) influenced your perspective on social media and health communication? (how this thesis changed the way you view how social media is used to communicate about health topics)

this research project has shown me that social media is a powerful tool for health communication, but it requires responsible use. By promoting transparency, creating trustworthy content, and potentially implementing some regulations,social media can become a valuable resource for public health initiatives.

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How did you assess the quality of the studies included in your review?

The quality of the studies included in the review was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS), a validated tool for evaluating the quality of non-randomized studies. The NOS assessment considered various aspects of study quality, such as selection, comparability, and outcome/exposure. This systematic approach helped in objectively evaluating the methodological quality of each study and ensuring the reliability of the findings

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How did you define your research question and inclusion/exclusion criteria?

I conducted a preliminary review of existing studies on health influencers to understand what has already been researched and identify gaps in the knowledge and narrow down the focus. and inclusion/exclusion criteria were defined by focusing on the impact of health influencers on social media users. The criteria included peer-reviewed articles published between 2014-2023, full-length original studies in English, studies examining social networking platforms, and studies specifically about health influencers. This clear definition helped guide the selection of relevant studies for the systematic review

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Can you explain your search strategy and how you ensured it was comprehensive?

The search strategy was developed using the PICO framework and included keywords related to health, influencers, and social media. Boolean operators (AND, OR) were used to combine search terms, and wildcard characters were employed to capture variations of keywords. The search was conducted across multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO, to ensure a comprehensive retrieval of relevant studies. This approach aimed to minimize bias and increase the likelihood of identifying all relevant literature on the topic

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What types of studies did you include in your review?

Our review included a diverse range of studies, such as Experimental, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Scoping videos, Observational, Video analysis, Survey, cross-sectional, Thematic analysis, Text mining, Monitoring and data collection, Cross-sectional, Econometric model, Restropective, Exploratory.

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Did you encounter any challenges or limitations

Heterogeneity of Studies: Different studies may use various methods, involve different populations, and measure different outcomes. This diversity can make it hard to combine findings and draw clear conclusions across studies.

Quality of Evidence: Some studies may be more rigorously conducted than others, leading to variations in the reliability of the evidence. Assessing the quality of studies is important for understanding the strength of the review findings.

Publication Bias: Studies with significant results are more likely to be published, which could skew the overall findings if studies with less notable results are left out.

Temporal Limitations: Since social media and influencer trends change rapidly, older studies may not reflect current practices accurately. Limiting the review to a specific time frame can miss out on recent developments.

Generalizability: Findings from included studies may not apply to everyone due to differences in samples, locations, or topics studied. Applying these findings to broader populations or contexts requires caution.

Bias and Confounding Factors: Studies may be influenced by biases or other factors that affect the relationship between health influencers and health outcomes. Addressing these factors is crucial for ensuring the validity of the review findings.

Lack of Consistent Definitions: Definitions of terms like "health influencers" may vary across studies, leading to inconsistencies in how findings are interpreted. Clarifying these definitions is essential for making sense of the evidence.

Data Extraction Challenges: Gathering and synthesizing data from many studies can be time-consuming and challenging. Ensuring accuracy and consistency in this process is vital for the reliability of the review results.

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Can you explain the methods you used to synthesize the findings across studies

I used a method called narrative synthesis to bring together findings from different studies. Here's a simple breakdown of how I did it:

Gathering Data: I collected information from each study, like who took part and what they found about health influencers on social media.

Thematic Coding: I looked for common themes or ideas across the studies, organizing the information to see what trends emerged.

Narrative Description: Using these themes, I painted a clear picture of what all the studies together showed about how health influencers affect people on social media.

Comparing Studies: I compared findings from different studies to see where they agreed or disagreed, helping to identify the big picture.

Interpretation and Discussion: I interpreted the combined findings to draw meaningful conclusions about how health influencers influence people's health-related thoughts and actions on social media.

Limitations and Recommendations: I also pointed out any limitations in the studies and suggested ideas for future research to keep exploring this topic.

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What are the key themes explored in the systematic review on health influencers?

• Influence on health-related behaviors and perceptions

• Mechanisms of influence

• Moderating factors

• Comparative perspectives

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How many studies were included in the systematic review on health influencers?

A total of 31 studies were included in the systematic review.

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What was the literature search strategy used in the systematic review?

The literature search strategy involved using keywords related to health, influencers, and social media, along with their variations. Boolean operators (AND & OR) and wildcard characters were used to capture variations of the keywords.

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What databases were included in the literature search strategy for this systematic review?

The databases included in the literature search strategy were PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO.

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What was the time frame for the studies included in the systematic review?

The studies included in the systematic review were published between January 2014 and December 2023.

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Why only peer-reviewed articles?

  1. we include only peer-reviewed articles to ensure the reliability and credibility of the research findings. Peer review helps maintain the quality and rigor of the studies included in our analysis, which is crucial for addressing our research question effectively.

  1. Peer-reviewed articles undergo a rigorous evaluation process by experts in the field, ensuring that the research meets high academic standards. By focusing on peer-reviewed articles, the systematic review aimed to include studies that had been critically evaluated for their methodological rigor, validity, and contribution to the scholarly literature.

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Why did you decide to do this study?

I wanted to understand how social media influencers affect people's health behaviors and beliefs because influencers are becoming increasingly popular, especially among younger generations.

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Can you explain the use of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale in your quality assessment process?

The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to assess the quality of the non-randomized studies included in the review. It evaluates studies based on three broad perspectives: selection of the study groups, comparability of the groups, and ascertainment of the outcome of interest. This scale helped ensure that the studies included in the review were of high quality and that their findings were reliable.

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How did you select the studies included in your systematic review?

I selected the studies through a comprehensive search of several academic databases, using specific keywords related to health influencers and social media. I included studies that met predefined criteria, such as relevance to health behaviors, publication in peer-reviewed journals, and methodological rigor.

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What did you learn from your review?

I found that social media influencers can have both positive and negative effects on people's health behaviors. For example, some influencers promote healthy habits, while others may endorse unhealthy products.

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Why Limitation to 2014-2023

We chose to study the years 2014-2023 because that's when social media really took off and changed how people get health information.

The 2014-2023 timeframe captures a significant period in the rise of health influencers on social media. It allowed me to analyze their impact during a crucial stage of their growth and influence.

The 2014-2023 timeframe represents a crucial period in the growth and evolution of health influencers on social media

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What were the key findings and results of the review?

The findings suggest that exposure to health influencers on social media can have a significant impact on users' health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Mechanisms of influence include the development of parasocial relationships, perceived credibility and trustworthiness of influencers, visual appeal and emotional resonance of content, and the role of social norms and peer influence. The impact of health influencers was moderated by factors such as the type of health behavior promoted, influencer characteristics, and users' existing health-related attitudes and behaviors.

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What were the objectives of the study?

The study aimed to identify and summarize key findings from studies investigating the influence of health influencers on social media users' health-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, examine the mechanisms and pathways through which health influencers exert their influence, and evaluate the quality of existing research while identifying gaps that warrant further investigation

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What databases were used for the systematic search and how many potentially relevant articles were identified?

the systematic search was conducted across major databases, including PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. The initial search yielded a total of 2,283 potentially relevant articles across the four databases.

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Why you choice these database (Pubmed, Scopes, Web of Science and PsycINFO


  1. Specialization in Biomedical Literature: Offers extensive access to health and medical journals, ideal for health-related research.

  2. High-Quality Sources: Focuses on peer-reviewed, authoritative articles, ensuring the credibility of the included studies.

  3. Free Access: Freely accessible to researchers and the public, making it easy to use.

Scopus and Web of Science: These databases offer multidisciplinary coverage, including fields such as communication studies, sociology, and public health. Provides citation data, helping to assess the impact and relevance of studies.

PsycINFO: As your topic likely involves understanding the psychological aspects of influencer marketing and audience behavior, PsycINFO provides access to studies on social influence, persuasion, and behavioral psychology.

these databases offer a comprehensive range of literature relevant to my topic

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Can you describe your sample population and the methods used for data collection?

As a systematic review, the study did not involve primary data collection. Instead, it analyzed data from existing studies that met the inclusion criteria .

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What are the potential implications of your findings for public health policy, practice, or future research?

The findings suggest that public health campaigns can benefit from partnering with credible and relatable health influencers to disseminate information and promote healthy behaviors. Future research should explore the long-term effects of influencer marketing on health behaviors and identify best practices for selecting and collaborating with health influencers .

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UNI - What has been the significant contribution of your thesis?

My thesis makes a significant contribution to the field of health communication by providing a comprehensive overview of how health influencers impact social media users' health behaviors. TThis knowledge is instrumental in developing more effective public health strategies and can inform the creation of ethical guidelines for influencer practices. Additionally, my research identifies key areas for further investigation

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UNI - What are the theoretical underpinnings of your research, and how did you derive your hypothesis/hypotheses from that?

My research is built on the idea of social cognitive theory. This basically says that learning and behavior are shaped by a mix of things: who we are (attitudes, beliefs), our social environment (social media in this case), and the actions we take (health choices). I was particularly interested in how influencers act as role models for health behaviors on social media. Based on this theory, I figured that followers who see positive health habits from a credible influencer (modeling) and believe they can do them too (self-efficacy) would be more likely to adopt these practices themselves.

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UNI - In an ideal world, are there different methods or other data sources that you would have liked to use instead?

In an ideal world, I preferred to use more longitudinal studies to examine the long-term effects of health influencer exposure and experimental designs to establish causality more robustly. Additionally, exploring diverse cultural contexts and underrepresented populations could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the global impact of health influencers

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UNI - What are the main implications or lessons learned of your research for the health sciences/this specific subfield?


The need for clear guidelines and regulations to manage the influencer of health influencers ensuring that they promote accurate and beneficial health information, Second it suggests that public health campaigns can significantly benefit from collaborating with credible influencers who aligns with the campaign goals, the need for continuous education and training for influencers on ethical practices and the responsible dissemination of health information.

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UNI - Where do you see your thesis in the broader context of the health sciences, and your chosen Major in particular?

In the broader context of health sciences, my thesis fits into the growing field of digital health communication. It highlights the potential of social media as a tool for health promotion and the importance of ethical considerations in influencer marketing. For health communication professionals, my research underscores the necessity of integrating digital strategies with traditional public health approaches to reach and engage wider audiences effectively.

Public Health Benefits:

  • Influencer Impact: Your research shows how influencers can influence health behaviors, aiding public health professionals in designing better interventions.

  • Campaign Strategies: Understanding influencer impact allows public health officials to leverage them for wider reach and targeted campaigns.

  • Combating Misinformation: Your thesis highlights the risk of misinformation spread by influencers, helping public health address this challenge.

Digital Health Communication Benefits:

  • Engaging Audiences: Your research shows how influencers can make health information more engaging,improving communication strategies.

  • Understanding Influence Mechanisms: Your thesis helps us understand how people are influenced by health messages, leading to more effective communication design.

  • Ethical Communication: Your research emphasizes the importance of accurate and trustworthy information from influencers, crucial for building trust in health communication.

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