Jewish upper class and politically active (compromised with people in power)
Committed to temple worship and sacrifice
Rejected the concept of resurrection after death
Often in conflict with Jesus and His teachings
Political and religious rivals of the Sadducces
Pious, strict observers of the Law
Interpreters of law, created commentaries on the law
Overly legalistic
Hippies; carefree, chill
Withdrew from society because of weakness of political leaders
Hated mainstream
Through sacred scripture
Through tradition
Healing - Jesus relieves people’s physical sufferings
Restoration of life - Jesus restores people to life after their death
Nature Miracles - Jesus demonstrates control over the forces of nature
Penance (Confession or Reconciliation)
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Premarital sex
Venial sin = Minor sin
Mortal sin = Major sin
Grave Matter - breaking of God's commandments
Full Knowledge - awareness of the sinful action and the gravity of the offense
Complete Consent - voluntarily committing
Done by a large group of people, by society
Sweatshops, sex trafficking, hurting the environment,
The sin of Adam and Eve; they disobeyed God (first disobedience). When Adam and Eve ate the apple.
Due to their sin, all subsequent human beings are born into a state of sinfulness and with original sin
Feeding the hungry - donating to food pantries
Clothing the naked - donating old clothes
Sheltering the homeless - building homes
Visiting the sick - volunteering at a hospital
Visiting the imprisoned - writing letters for prison
Bury the dead - support those who lost loved ones
Care for the environment - not littering
Instructing the ignorant - educate without being upset
Counseling the doubtful - listen and give advice,
Admonishing the sinner - stop people from committing sins
Bearing wrongs patiently - stay calm
Forgiving offenses willingly - not being reactful/vengeful
Comforting the afflicted - accompany people
Praying for the living and the dead - pray for dead because we don't know if they are in heaven. Pray for living and their problems
Gratefully contemplating God’s world - forgive, justice
She's the mother of Jesus; if Jesus is important, so are his parents
She is like our mother, Jesus told us to trust her as we would trust our own mom
Intersession; shes a person you turn to when you need extra help, like when you turn to the favourite child when you want sometime from your parents
The Divine Motherhood of Mary: Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary without human seed; Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
The Immaculate Conception: at the time of her conception, Mary was conceived without the stain of original sin.
The Perpetual Virginity of Mary: Mary’s virginity was maintained before, during and after the birth of Jesus. (Forever a Virgin)
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven: She does not die but “falls asleep” and is brought to Heaven, body and soul.
Lost sheep
Prodigal son
Women sweeping up to find her coin
The wicked servant
Lesson learned from it
God and Human, not half and half
Fully God and fully human
Pentecost is a festival and birthday of Church
Was the time the Jewish people renewed their commitment to the covenant with God and offered up the first fruits of their harvest and the first-born of their flocks as sacrifice.
It is during this celebration that the author of Acts placed a group of disciples, women and men, in a room in Jerusalem, waiting for the arrival of the Holy Spirit.
And then it came, and it is as if the room was filled with the roar of rushing wind and it looks like tongues of fire.
The apostles then found themselves speaking in foreign languages, inspired by the Holy Spirit, but still understood each other When the holy spirit descended on the apostles and gave them languages and wisdom.
Wisdom: is the gift of knowing the right choices to make to live a holy life.
Understanding: is the gift of comprehension, or the ability to grasp the meaning of the teachings of the Church.
Right Judgement, or Counsel: is the gift of prudence. Helps you make choices to live as a faithful follower of Jesus.
Courage, or Fortitude: is the gift that helps you stand up for your faith in Christ. Helps you overcome any obstacles that would keep you from practicing your faith.
Knowledge: is the gift of knowing and enlightenment. Encourages you to avoid obstacles that will keep you from him.
Reverence, or Piety: is the gift of confidence in God. Inspires you to joyfully want to serve God and others.
Wonder and Awe, or Fear of the Lord: is the gift of wonder and respect that encourages you to be in awe of God. Moves you to love God so much that you do not want to offend him by your words or actions.