flexes abducts and laterally rotates the hip
O: Anterior superior iliac spine
I: Tibia
Adducts the hip
I:Medial condyle of tibia
Adductor longus
adducts the hip
Adductor magnus
adducts the hip
Tensor fascia lata
flex, abduct and medially rotated the jip
Gluteus maximus
Extends, abducts, and laterally rotates the hip
O:ilium and sacrum
I: Gluteal Tuberosity
Gluteus medius
abducts and medially rotates the hip
Vastus Lateralis
extends the knee
O: greater trochanter of femur
I: tibial tuberosity and patella
Vastus medialis
extends the knee
O: linea aspera of femur
I:tibial tuberosity and patella
Rectus Femoris
extends the knee, flexs the hip
O:Anterior inferior iliac spine
I:tibial tuberosity and patella
extends the hip flexes the knee
O:ischial tuberosity
extends the hip flexes the knee
O:ischial tuberosity
I: medial condyle of tibia
Bicep femoris
extends the hip flexs the knee
O:ischial tuberosity
I: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
right under the patella in front of the posterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
under the patella behind the anterior cruciate ligament
Tibial collateral ligament
most medial ligament of knee on the side
Fibular collateral ligament
most lateral ligament of the side of knee
Lateral and medial meniscus
under lateral and medial condyle
quadricep tendon
top part over the patella
patellar ligament
bottom part over the patella