Year 9 - P.E Revision

Components of warmups and cool downs

Warm up - Heart raiser (jog, high knees), stretcher ( lunges, arm stretch) , activity specific ( football, dribbling, practice penalties)

Main muscles of the body

Skeletal system - functions and bone names

(skeletal system) - cranium/skull, the femur, the veterbrae/spine and the ribs

Functions of the skeletal system :

  1. To protect your vital organs
  2. Posture and Shape
  3. Produces Blood cells
  4. Facilitates movement

Types of respiration

Aerobic respiration takes place in presence of oxygen; whereas anaerobic respiration takes place in absence of oxygen.


EPOC : Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC, informally called after-burn) is a measurably increased rate of oxygen intake following strenuous activation historical contexts the term "oxygen debt"

DOMS : Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) also known as 'muscle fever'. It is a sore, aching, painful feeling in the muscles after unfamiliar and unaccustomed intense exercise. DOMS is thought to be due to temporary muscle damage and inflammation for which the most common trigger appears to be eccentric exercises.

SMART targets

R: Realistic - Make sure the goal is realistic and achievable, don’t make it so that it’s extremely difficult or unrealistic

S: Specific - Be clear and specific so your goals are easier to achieve. Understand clearly what you are trying to gain through this goal

Guidance in sport

Open and closed skills

Open skills are performed in a dynamic and changing environment, while closed skills take place in a predictable and static environment

Synovial joints

Synovial joints allow for movement


a category to which people are assigned according to the extent to which their bodily physiqueconforms to a basic type (usually endomorphic, mesomorphic, or ectomorphic).

Information processing

input : the information that is received from the senses

decision making: understand the input using long and short term memory

output : the action you take to respond

feedback : will show you whether or not the response was correct


  1. A synovial joint is the type of joint found between bones that move against each other, they allow for movement.
  2. impacts of PE, Physical - fitter, more strength, less body fat; Social, get to socialise and make friends at clubs; mental; distract from issues that may be happening elsewhere, give you motivation and have you look forwards for something
  3. r : realistic s : specific
  4. Heart raiser (jog, high knees), stretcher ( lunges, arm stretch) , activity specific ( football, dribbling, practice penalties)
  5. Two muscles in the leg : Hamstrings, Quads
  6. The soreness usually peaks 24-48 hours after exercise - DOMS
  7. To protect your vital organs, Posture and Shape, Produces Blood cells, Facilitates movement
