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Midterm Review


Central Idea: process used by autotrophs to capture light energy & use it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich carbohydrates.

Main Branches:

Light-dependent Reactions

  • Occur in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts

  • Require light energy and water

  • Produce ATP, NADPH, and oxygen as byproduct

    • ATP and NADPH are used in the Calvin cycle

  • Electron Transport Chain

    • Light first hits PSII & excites electron pair

    • PSII splits water and releases an electron and a hydrogen proton, oxygen gas is released as a byproduct

    • The excited electron moves on

    • The energy from e- allows the cytochrome to pump hydrogen protons across the thylakoid membrane to the lumen

    • Light hits PSI and re-excites electrons

    • e- move on & helps produce NADPH

    • Meanwhile, H+ goes across the thylakoid membrane through ATP Synthase (produces ATP)

    • ATP and NADH move to Calvin Cycle

  • Calvin Cycle (Light-independent Reactions)

    • Occur in the stroma of chloroplasts

    • Does not require light directly

    • Use ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide

    • Produce glucose and regenerate starting molecules (NADPH → NADP+) (ATP → ADP)

      • Carbon fixation

        • Carbon dioxide enters & combines with 5-carbon compound already present.

        • A 3-carbon compound continues to cycle (every 6 carbon dioxides that enters, 12 3-carbon compounds are produced)

      • Reduction

        • Mid cycle, 2 of 12 3-carbon compounds are removed to become the building blocks for sugar production (requires ATP and NADPH)

      • Regeneration

        • Remaining 10 molecules convert back to 6 5-carbon molecules

Cell Organization

Central Idea: Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell: Basic unit of life

  • Organelles: Specialized structures within a cell

Main Branches:

  1. Prokaryotic Cells

    • Lack a nucleus

    • Simple structure

    • Examples: bacteria, archaea

  2. Eukaryotic Cells

    • Have a nucleus

    • Complex structure

    • Examples: animals, plants, fungi

  3. Characteristics of Living Things

    • Reproduce (sexual & asexual)

    • Biological inheritance is carried in DNA

    • Can grow & develop

    • Obtain materials & energy (metabolism)

    • Respond to environment (stimulus)

    • Homeostasis

    • Evolve

Prokaryotic Cells:

  • Cell Wall

    • Provides shape and protection

    • Composed of bacteria

    • porous

  • Cell Membrane

    • Controls entry and exit of substances

    • Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins

  • Cytoplasm

    • Gel-like substance inside the cell

    • Contains enzymes and cellular structures

  • Nucleoid

    • Region where DNA is located

    • Not enclosed by a membrane

  • Ribosomes

    • Site of protein synthesis (follow DNA instructions)

    • Composed of RNA and proteins

    • Located on rough ER or in cytoplasm

Eukaryotic Cells:

  • Nucleus

    • Contains DNA (in chromosomes in the form of chromatin)

      • Chromatin- a complex of DNA

    • Controls cell activities

    • Nucleolus- where ribosome assembly starts

    • Nuclear Membrane surrounds nucleus (porous)

  • Cell Membrane

    • Selectively permeable barrier

    • Maintains cell shape

    • phospholipid bilayer- forms barrier to outside substances

  • Cytoplasm

    • Fluid-filled region between nucleus and cell membrane

    • Contains organelles

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

    • Rough ER: Synthesis of proteins

    • Smooth ER: Lipid synthesis, detoxification of drugs

  • Golgi Apparatus

    • Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins

    • Forms vesicles for transport (transports proteins)

  • Mitochondria

    • Produces energy (ATP) through cellular respiration

    • Double membrane structure

  • Chloroplasts

    • Found in plant cells

    • Site of photosynthesis

    • Contains chlorophyll (absorbs sunlight)

  • Lysosomes

    • Contains digestive enzymes

    • Breaks down waste materials

    • Filled with enzymes

  • Vacuoles

    • Stores water, nutrients, and waste

    • Large central vacuole in plant cells

      • pressure makes plant cell ridged (so can support flowers)

    • Contractile Vacuole- pumps water out of cell

  • Cytoskeleton

    • Provides structural support and cell movement

    • Made of microtubules, microfil

      • Microfilaments

        • Thread-like structures made up of actin (a protein)

        • Helps cell move

      • Microtubles

        • Hollow structures made of tubulins (a protein)

        • Helps with cell division

        • Builds cilia and flagella

Cellular Respiration & Fermentation

Central Idea: Process of energy conversion that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen

Cellular Respiration:

  • Aerobic Respiration

    • Glycolysis

    • Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

    • Electron Transport Chain

  • Anaerobic Respiration

    • Lactic Acid Fermentation

    • Alcoholic Fermentation


  • Sugar Breaking

  • Two ATP invested in cycle (at the end has a net gain of 2)

  • Glucose is broken into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid

  • 4 e- are passed to NAD+ which makes NADH (takes e- to ETC)

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle):

  • Pyruvic acid (from glycolysis) broken into carbon dioxide

  • 1 Carbon dioxide is released

  • Rest of pyruvic acid joins acetic acid which joins co-enzyme A to form Acetyl CoA

  • Acetyl CoA gives 2 carbon Acetyl groups to cycle to 4-carbon molecule already present (which produces a 6-carbon molecule called Citric Acid)

  • Releases carbon dioxide

  • Produces ATP, NADH, and FADH2 (goes to ETC)

Electron Transport Chain:

  • Uses e- to synthesize ATP from ADP

  • At the end, an enzyme combines e- with a hydrogen & oxygen to form water

  • e- send H+ across the membrane- the force makes ATP Synthase spin

  • During each rotation the enzyme attaches a phosphate group making ADP → ATP


  • Lactic Acid Fermentation

    • Pyruvic acid + NADH → Lactic acid + NAD+

    • Muscle cells during intense exercise

  • Alcoholic Fermentation

    • Yeast cells

    • Pyruvic acid + NADH → Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide + NAD+

    • Production of ethanol and carbon dioxide

Long-Term Energy Storage:

  • Exercise <90 seconds

  • Cellular respiration only way to produce enough ATP

  • stores energy in muscle cells & tissues

  • After 15-20 mins, breaks down fats

Short-Term Energy Storage:

  • Glycogenolysis

    • Breakdown of glycogen to glucose

  • Glucose uptake

    • Transport of glucose into cells

  • ATP hydrolysis

    • Conversion of ATP to ADP + Pi for immediate energy release

Note: This mind map provides a simplified overview of the topics. Further details and connections can be explored within each branch and sub-branch.


Central Idea: idk


  • Carbohydrates

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (1:2:1)

    • Structural support & protection

    • Immediate energy

    • Monomer = monosaccharides (ex. glucose, fructose)

    • Hydrophilic

  • Proteins

    • Monomer = amino Acids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

    • Peptide bonding is chemical bond between molecules (covalent)

    • Control rate of reaction (catalyst)

    • Regulate processes

    • Form important structures

    • Fight disease

    • Enable cell interactions

    • Hydrophilic

  • Lipids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

    • Hydrophobic

    • Store energy (long term)

    • Form parts of membranes

    • Water proof (waxy covering)

    • No specific monomer

    • Glycerol (docking molecule)

      • Combines with fatty acids to form lipids

  • Nucleic Acids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus

    • Monomer = nucleotides

    • 2 kinds:

      • RNA

      • DNA

    • Can be both, hydrophilic and hydrophobic

Properties of Water

  • Water

    • Polar

    • Forms hydrogen bonds (weaker then covalent & ionic)

  • Cohesion

    • Surface tension

    • Attraction between molecules of same substance

  • Adhesion

    • ‘Sticking together’ of substances

    • Capillary action = if adhesion causes something to go against gravity

    • Attraction between molecules of different substances

  • Heat Capacity

    • Amount of energy needed to raise waters temperature by making molecules move faster

    • Protects organisms from drastic temperature changes

  • Solution

    • All components are equally distributed

    • Water polarity allows it to dissolve ionic compound & other polar molecules

    • When certain amount of water dissolves all of the solute it can, solution is saturated

  • Suspensions

    • Materials that don’t dissolve in water but separate in small pieces that don’t settle

    • Movement of water molecules keeps them suspended (ex. blood)

  • Mixture

    • Material composed of 2 or more elements that are physically mixed but not chemically combined


  • pH scale

    • Ranges from 0-14

    • At pH of 7, OH- and H+ ions are equal

    • Solutions with pH above 7 are ‘basic’ (have more OH-)

    • Solutions with pH below 7 are ‘acidic’ (have more H+)

    • Factor of 10 (ex. a solution of pH 4 has 10x as many H+ ions as solution with a pH of 5)

  • Bases

    • basic solutions

    • strong bases are 11-14 pH

  • Buffers

    • Help control pH levels

    • Internal pH of most cells is 6.5 - 7.5


  • Active Site

    • Where substrate binds to enzyme

  • Substrate

    • Molecule that binds to enzyme

    • What enzyme breaks down OR builds up

      • For reaction to occur- reactants must collide with each other with sufficient energy that existing bonds will be broken so new ones can form

  • Enzyme Function

    • Catalysis

      • if activation energy is too high or too slow, catalysis speed up reactions

  • Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

    • Temperature

    • pH

    • Substrate Concentration

    • Enzyme Concentration

Midterm Review


Central Idea: process used by autotrophs to capture light energy & use it to power chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and energy-rich carbohydrates.

Main Branches:

Light-dependent Reactions

  • Occur in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts

  • Require light energy and water

  • Produce ATP, NADPH, and oxygen as byproduct

    • ATP and NADPH are used in the Calvin cycle

  • Electron Transport Chain

    • Light first hits PSII & excites electron pair

    • PSII splits water and releases an electron and a hydrogen proton, oxygen gas is released as a byproduct

    • The excited electron moves on

    • The energy from e- allows the cytochrome to pump hydrogen protons across the thylakoid membrane to the lumen

    • Light hits PSI and re-excites electrons

    • e- move on & helps produce NADPH

    • Meanwhile, H+ goes across the thylakoid membrane through ATP Synthase (produces ATP)

    • ATP and NADH move to Calvin Cycle

  • Calvin Cycle (Light-independent Reactions)

    • Occur in the stroma of chloroplasts

    • Does not require light directly

    • Use ATP, NADPH, and carbon dioxide

    • Produce glucose and regenerate starting molecules (NADPH → NADP+) (ATP → ADP)

      • Carbon fixation

        • Carbon dioxide enters & combines with 5-carbon compound already present.

        • A 3-carbon compound continues to cycle (every 6 carbon dioxides that enters, 12 3-carbon compounds are produced)

      • Reduction

        • Mid cycle, 2 of 12 3-carbon compounds are removed to become the building blocks for sugar production (requires ATP and NADPH)

      • Regeneration

        • Remaining 10 molecules convert back to 6 5-carbon molecules

Cell Organization

Central Idea: Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell: Basic unit of life

  • Organelles: Specialized structures within a cell

Main Branches:

  1. Prokaryotic Cells

    • Lack a nucleus

    • Simple structure

    • Examples: bacteria, archaea

  2. Eukaryotic Cells

    • Have a nucleus

    • Complex structure

    • Examples: animals, plants, fungi

  3. Characteristics of Living Things

    • Reproduce (sexual & asexual)

    • Biological inheritance is carried in DNA

    • Can grow & develop

    • Obtain materials & energy (metabolism)

    • Respond to environment (stimulus)

    • Homeostasis

    • Evolve

Prokaryotic Cells:

  • Cell Wall

    • Provides shape and protection

    • Composed of bacteria

    • porous

  • Cell Membrane

    • Controls entry and exit of substances

    • Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins

  • Cytoplasm

    • Gel-like substance inside the cell

    • Contains enzymes and cellular structures

  • Nucleoid

    • Region where DNA is located

    • Not enclosed by a membrane

  • Ribosomes

    • Site of protein synthesis (follow DNA instructions)

    • Composed of RNA and proteins

    • Located on rough ER or in cytoplasm

Eukaryotic Cells:

  • Nucleus

    • Contains DNA (in chromosomes in the form of chromatin)

      • Chromatin- a complex of DNA

    • Controls cell activities

    • Nucleolus- where ribosome assembly starts

    • Nuclear Membrane surrounds nucleus (porous)

  • Cell Membrane

    • Selectively permeable barrier

    • Maintains cell shape

    • phospholipid bilayer- forms barrier to outside substances

  • Cytoplasm

    • Fluid-filled region between nucleus and cell membrane

    • Contains organelles

  • Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

    • Rough ER: Synthesis of proteins

    • Smooth ER: Lipid synthesis, detoxification of drugs

  • Golgi Apparatus

    • Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins

    • Forms vesicles for transport (transports proteins)

  • Mitochondria

    • Produces energy (ATP) through cellular respiration

    • Double membrane structure

  • Chloroplasts

    • Found in plant cells

    • Site of photosynthesis

    • Contains chlorophyll (absorbs sunlight)

  • Lysosomes

    • Contains digestive enzymes

    • Breaks down waste materials

    • Filled with enzymes

  • Vacuoles

    • Stores water, nutrients, and waste

    • Large central vacuole in plant cells

      • pressure makes plant cell ridged (so can support flowers)

    • Contractile Vacuole- pumps water out of cell

  • Cytoskeleton

    • Provides structural support and cell movement

    • Made of microtubules, microfil

      • Microfilaments

        • Thread-like structures made up of actin (a protein)

        • Helps cell move

      • Microtubles

        • Hollow structures made of tubulins (a protein)

        • Helps with cell division

        • Builds cilia and flagella

Cellular Respiration & Fermentation

Central Idea: Process of energy conversion that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen

Cellular Respiration:

  • Aerobic Respiration

    • Glycolysis

    • Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)

    • Electron Transport Chain

  • Anaerobic Respiration

    • Lactic Acid Fermentation

    • Alcoholic Fermentation


  • Sugar Breaking

  • Two ATP invested in cycle (at the end has a net gain of 2)

  • Glucose is broken into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid

  • 4 e- are passed to NAD+ which makes NADH (takes e- to ETC)

Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle):

  • Pyruvic acid (from glycolysis) broken into carbon dioxide

  • 1 Carbon dioxide is released

  • Rest of pyruvic acid joins acetic acid which joins co-enzyme A to form Acetyl CoA

  • Acetyl CoA gives 2 carbon Acetyl groups to cycle to 4-carbon molecule already present (which produces a 6-carbon molecule called Citric Acid)

  • Releases carbon dioxide

  • Produces ATP, NADH, and FADH2 (goes to ETC)

Electron Transport Chain:

  • Uses e- to synthesize ATP from ADP

  • At the end, an enzyme combines e- with a hydrogen & oxygen to form water

  • e- send H+ across the membrane- the force makes ATP Synthase spin

  • During each rotation the enzyme attaches a phosphate group making ADP → ATP


  • Lactic Acid Fermentation

    • Pyruvic acid + NADH → Lactic acid + NAD+

    • Muscle cells during intense exercise

  • Alcoholic Fermentation

    • Yeast cells

    • Pyruvic acid + NADH → Alcohol + Carbon Dioxide + NAD+

    • Production of ethanol and carbon dioxide

Long-Term Energy Storage:

  • Exercise <90 seconds

  • Cellular respiration only way to produce enough ATP

  • stores energy in muscle cells & tissues

  • After 15-20 mins, breaks down fats

Short-Term Energy Storage:

  • Glycogenolysis

    • Breakdown of glycogen to glucose

  • Glucose uptake

    • Transport of glucose into cells

  • ATP hydrolysis

    • Conversion of ATP to ADP + Pi for immediate energy release

Note: This mind map provides a simplified overview of the topics. Further details and connections can be explored within each branch and sub-branch.


Central Idea: idk


  • Carbohydrates

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (1:2:1)

    • Structural support & protection

    • Immediate energy

    • Monomer = monosaccharides (ex. glucose, fructose)

    • Hydrophilic

  • Proteins

    • Monomer = amino Acids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

    • Peptide bonding is chemical bond between molecules (covalent)

    • Control rate of reaction (catalyst)

    • Regulate processes

    • Form important structures

    • Fight disease

    • Enable cell interactions

    • Hydrophilic

  • Lipids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

    • Hydrophobic

    • Store energy (long term)

    • Form parts of membranes

    • Water proof (waxy covering)

    • No specific monomer

    • Glycerol (docking molecule)

      • Combines with fatty acids to form lipids

  • Nucleic Acids

    • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus

    • Monomer = nucleotides

    • 2 kinds:

      • RNA

      • DNA

    • Can be both, hydrophilic and hydrophobic

Properties of Water

  • Water

    • Polar

    • Forms hydrogen bonds (weaker then covalent & ionic)

  • Cohesion

    • Surface tension

    • Attraction between molecules of same substance

  • Adhesion

    • ‘Sticking together’ of substances

    • Capillary action = if adhesion causes something to go against gravity

    • Attraction between molecules of different substances

  • Heat Capacity

    • Amount of energy needed to raise waters temperature by making molecules move faster

    • Protects organisms from drastic temperature changes

  • Solution

    • All components are equally distributed

    • Water polarity allows it to dissolve ionic compound & other polar molecules

    • When certain amount of water dissolves all of the solute it can, solution is saturated

  • Suspensions

    • Materials that don’t dissolve in water but separate in small pieces that don’t settle

    • Movement of water molecules keeps them suspended (ex. blood)

  • Mixture

    • Material composed of 2 or more elements that are physically mixed but not chemically combined


  • pH scale

    • Ranges from 0-14

    • At pH of 7, OH- and H+ ions are equal

    • Solutions with pH above 7 are ‘basic’ (have more OH-)

    • Solutions with pH below 7 are ‘acidic’ (have more H+)

    • Factor of 10 (ex. a solution of pH 4 has 10x as many H+ ions as solution with a pH of 5)

  • Bases

    • basic solutions

    • strong bases are 11-14 pH

  • Buffers

    • Help control pH levels

    • Internal pH of most cells is 6.5 - 7.5


  • Active Site

    • Where substrate binds to enzyme

  • Substrate

    • Molecule that binds to enzyme

    • What enzyme breaks down OR builds up

      • For reaction to occur- reactants must collide with each other with sufficient energy that existing bonds will be broken so new ones can form

  • Enzyme Function

    • Catalysis

      • if activation energy is too high or too slow, catalysis speed up reactions

  • Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

    • Temperature

    • pH

    • Substrate Concentration

    • Enzyme Concentration