What did Johne Locke say freedom is ?
a natural right
What did Johne Locke say there wasn’t without law?
“Where this is no law there is no liberty”
What did Locke say the role of the government was?
To protect a mans right to “life, liberty and estate”- the state is needed to mediate between competing individuals to enforce order
To protect property rights and prevent breach of contracts and fraud
How did Locke argue the state should be constructed ?
Through a social contract
What is the idea of the “social contract”
Where individuals are governed by consent
Humans are rational and would therefore acknowledge that rights are best protected by the state to resolve clashes between individuals
What would happen if the state broke the social contract by not protecting or enhancing natural rights ?
The the people were within their rights to withdraw their consent and replace the government
What do classical liberals believe the state should practise?
Concepts of a limited government
What does a limited state emphasis ?
Free market/laissez fair economics
Who does Locke believe the state should represent the interests of?
What does Mill say we should be free to do?
Anything as long as we are not harming others- then the state can intervene
What did Mill believe Individual liberty was essential for?
The development of the individual in terms of creativity m culture and intellect
Why did Mill oppose popular democracy ?
Tyranny of the majority- opted for representative democracy
When does Mill believe the state must intervene?
When you are harming someone else
To allow individuals to attain developmental individualism
What is the classical liberal conception of freedom ?
Made up individuals with their own interests
Why do classical liberals say people fail/succeed?
Due to their own efforts
why do classical liberals believe that the state shouldn’t provide welfare ?
Leads to dependency culture
What is the impact of rugged individualism ?
Will make society more dynamic as individuals have to succeed on their own merits and efforts
What did MIll believe the state had the moral right to do?
Educate individuals
What does negative freedom focus on?
Freedom from the state
What does positive freedom allow for?
The state have a role in advancing civil liberties
What does Rawls say an “enabling state” will allow for?
For an individuals future to not be determined at birth
What did Woolstone craft advocate for ?
Formal Equality
What does egoistical individualism mean and who supports it?
Individuals are self reliant, self interested and rational
Classical Liberals (Locke+Mill)
Who did Mill say is sovereign ?
How do classical liberals view freedom?
In the negative sense
Which of Mills ideas seemed to advocate for positive freedom?
His ideas of developmental individualism such as universal education which the state would need to facilitate
What can Modern and classical liberals broadly agree on in the core idea of individualism ?
The need for self reliance - however modern liberals say that some need a hand up from the state to achieve this
What do modern liberals say the issue is with negative freedom?
The lack of assistance from the state only compounds social and economic disadvantage
What do modern liberals say the impact of positive freedom is?
An even playing field
To neo liberals what is modern liberalism a betrayal of?
Core values of a limited state and egoistical individualism
What is a “mechanistic state”
A state supported by both classical and modern liberals as a state created by individuals to serve them and act in their interests (differ on what the best interests are)