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A form of listening that involves the whole body and uses all the senses to pick up subtle cues that aren't put into words or readily apparent.
A. Holistic Listening
B. Feedforward
C. Multiculturalism
D. Nature-Nurture
The correct answer is:
Holistic Listening
A curriculum that grows out of children's interests and activities and takes shape over time.
A. Reflective Practice
B. Emergent Curriculum
C. Parallel Curriculum
D. Synchronous Curriculum
The correct answer is:
Emergent Curriculum
A theorist who believes that children develop according to specific, sequential stages of development.
A. Behaviorists
B. Child-Centered Theorists
C. Stage Theorists
D. None of the above
The correct answer is:
Stage Theorists
A catchphrase that relates to child features and behaviors that tend to correlate with specific ages.
A. Dual Focus
B. Reflective Practice
C. Emergent Curriculum
D. Ages and Stages
The correct answer is:
Ages and Stages
The question that asks if a child's development is influenced more by heredity (DNA) or by environment (experiences and culture/context).
A. Nature-Nurture
B. One-to-One
C. Environmentalism
D. Synchronicity
The correct answer is:
A method of supervision that allows the adult to focus on a child or small group of children while still being aware of what else is going on in the environment at large
A. Full Inclusion
B. Proximal-Distal
C. Dual Focus
D. Associative Play
The correct answer is:
Dual Focus
Nonpunishing methods of leading children's behaviors in positive directions so that children learn to control themselves, develop a healthy conscience, and preserve their self-esteen
A. Guidance
B. Discipline
C. Double Bind
D. Feedforward
The correct answer is:
Helping someone experience is or her own sense of personal power.
A. Righteousness
B. Empowerment
C. Power Assertion
D. Escalation
The correct answer is:
A form of early childhood guidance that diverts a child from unacceptable behavior to acceptable behavior without stopping the energy flow.
A. Dual Focus
B. Reflection
C. Guidance
D. Redirection
The correct answer is:
A group dedicated to improving the quality of infant care and education.
The correct answer is:
If a mother embraces a child and says, “Why don’t you go play with the other children?” Her body language says “Stay here with me,” but her actual words say the opposite. This is called:
A. Distraction
B. Double Bind
C. Invalidation
D. Reception
The correct answer is:
Double Bind
If a person’s body language conveys anger while the words contradict the emotion, this is called:
A. Incongruence
B. Distraction
C. Holism
D. Anecdotal
The correct answer is:
Responding to a child’s act of expression in a way that ignores, negates, or trivializes the child’s thoughts, judgments, and/or emotions.
A. Double Bind
B. Invalidation
C. Incongruence
D. Distraction
The correct answer is:
Language that can be understood, though perhaps not spoken.
A. Expressive Language
B. Receptive Language
C. Incongruence
D. Distraction
The correct answer is:
Receptive Language
A documentation method that briefly describes an activity, a snatch of conversation, a chant, and so on.
A. Debriefing
B. Anecdotal Record
C. Reception
D. Expressive Record
The correct answer is:
Anecdotal Record
A teaching strategy and guidance tool in which an adult's attitude or behavior serves as an example that children will consciously or unconsciously imitate.
A. Modeling
B. Mentoring
C. Mixed messages
D. Mapping
The correct answer is:
A concept described by Vygotsky that suggests children perform better than they can alone if they receive a bit of help from a slightly more skilled person
A. Zone of Proximal Development
B. Authentic Assistance
C. Assisted Performance
D. Adult Feedback
The correct answer is:
Assisted Performance
A guidance strategy that helps children understand what consequences will follow a behavior.
A. Shaping
B. Feedforward
C. Punishment
D. Reinforcement
The correct answer is:
A dominating power that results in pushing forward without regard to the welfare of other people.
A. Aggressiveness
B. Assertiveness
C. Power assertion
D. Associative method
The correct answer is:
A teaching approach that values diversity and promotes equity by teaching children to accept, respect, and celebrate diversity
A. Jacobian approach
B. Critical race theory
C. Duality
D. Antibias focus
The correct answer is:
Antibias focus
Chapter 7
Parties try to reduce emphasis on the differences while validating each others’ language, values, and ideas.
→ Third Space
Gathering information and understanding multiple viewpoints in order to find the best solution for all parties concerned.
→ Dialoguing
"Here is what I think."
→ Explain
"I see how upset you are about this situation."
→ Reflect
"What can be done about this situation?"
→ Negotiate
Areas of the early childhood environment that are designated and equipped for cooking, eating, cleaning up, hand washing, diapering and toileting, and napping.
A. Physical-Care Centers
B. Infant Play Areas
C. Interest Centers
D. Gross-Motor Learning Spaces
The correct answer is:
Physical-Care Centers
What are dramatic play, block, science, art, and music centers.
A. Physical-Care Centers
B. Interest Centers
C. Gross-Motor Centers
D. Surround Care
The correct answer is:
Interest Centers
Areas for running, stretching, climbing, jumping, rolling, swinging, ball throwing, and (in the case of older children) game playing.
A. Physical-Care Centers
B. Interest Centers
C. Gross-Motor Spaces
D. Surround Care
The correct answer is:
Gross-Motor Spaces
Care offered in a child care center for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers during the early morning and evening, when there are fewer children present.
A. Physical-Care Center
B. Interest Center
C. Gross-Motor Space
D. Surround Care
The correct answer is:
Surround Care
Low, open shelves that invite children to help themselves to supplies and materials
A. Promote independence
B. Promote interdependence
C. Promote codependence
D. Promote authenticity
The correct answer is:
Promote independence
Guidance and Punishment are the same things.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Chapter 5
Physical and verbal boundaries placed on children’s behavior.
→ Limits,
Non-punishing methods of leading children’s behavior in positive directions so that children learn to control themselves, develop a healthy conscience, and preserve their self-esteem.
→ Guidance
An effective guidance measure when the child is truly out of control and needs to be removed to settle down.
→ Time Out
Reinforcing acceptable behavior rather than paying attention to and, thus, rewarding unacceptable behavior.
→ Behavior Modification
Developmentally appropriate practices are a set of practices that directly relate to a child’s stage of development as defined by such theorists as Piaget and Erikson.
The correct answer is 'True'.
A form of play in which two or several children are playing by themselves, but within close proximity of each other. Each child’s play may be influenced by what another child is doing or saying, but there is no direct interaction or acknowledgment of the other child.
A. Solitary Play
B. Associative Play
C. Cooperative Play
D. Parallel Play
The correct answer is:
Parallel Play
Which of the following is a form of play that uses one thing to stand for another and shows the person’s ability to create mental images?
A. Games with rules
B. Cooperative Play
C. Constructive Play
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
The correct answer is:
All of the above
An in-depth teaching–learning process that emerges from an idea—thought up by either a child or an adult—and is carried out over days or weeks.
A. Free Play Approach
B. Project-Based Approach
C. Behaviorist Approach
The correct answer is:
Project-Based Approach
A form of nonjudgmental commentary.
A. Intrinsic Motivation
B. Running Record Observations
C. Descriptive Feedback
D. Cooperative Feedback
The correct answer is:
Descriptive Feedback
Services such as early care and education programs provided to those with special needs are based on circumstances that are as culturally normative as possible.
A. Naturalization
B. Normalization
C. Actualization
D. None of the above
The correct answer is:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
A. requires employers, transportation, and other public agencies to provide access to the disabled
B. prohibits discrimination
C. defines disability
D. All of the above
The correct answer is:
All of the above
Chapter 9
integrating children with special needs into a natural environment with culturally normative services.
→ full inclusion
incorporating children with special needs into programs with support to allow children to belong and fully participate.
→ integration
placing children with special needs into programs that serve children who are typically developing.
→ mainstreaming
Which approach emphasizes teaching isolated skills rather than allowing literacy to naturally unfold in a print-rich environment.
A. Reading-Readiness
B. Emergent Literacy
The correct answer is:
Emergent Literacy
This type of culture depends a great deal on words to convey messages rather than emphasizing context.
A. Low-Context
B. High-Context
The correct answer is:
A particular style of language or way of speaking that varies according to the circumstances and the role a person is filling at the moment.
A. Low-Context
B. High-Context
C. Register
D. None of the above
The correct answer is:
The way children spell when they first begin to write, going by the sounds of the language
A. Invented Spelling
B. Conventional Spelling
C. Reactionary Spelling
D. Context Spelling
The correct answer is:
Invented Spelling
Programs where a child is exposed only to a new language being learned.
A. Language Inclusion
B. Language Immersion
C. Language Identity
D. Language Interest
The correct answer is:
Language Immersion
Constructivism is a view based on Jean Piaget’s work that suggests that children do not passively receive knowledge through being taught but rather actively construct it themselves.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Behavior contagion is a phenomenon that occurs when children are influenced by each other’s behavior that is most noticeable in its positive form.
The correct answer is 'False'.
Chapter 14
Knowledge that involves an understanding—in concrete rather than abstract terms—of how objects and materials behave in the physical world.
→ Physical Knowledge
Knowledge about the world that can only be transmitted socially, such as labels for objects.
→ Social Knowledge
Knowledge that involves an understanding of relationships between objects through the use of comparison and seriation.
→ Logical-Mathematica Knowledge
Chapter 15
Body Tracing → Social Studies
Creative Movement → Music
Play Dough → Art
Self-Knowledge → Social Studies
Painting → Art
The Holistic Approach to ECE focuses on individual content areas (like art, music, and social studies) instead of on open-ended activities that can address a variety of cognitive goals.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A coordinated interaction in which one person responds to the other in a timely way so that one response influences the next in a kind of rhythmic chain reaction that creates connections.
A. Asynchrony
B. Coordination
C. Continuous Interaction
D. Synchronous Interaction
The correct answer is:
Synchronous Interaction
A period during which children come together to participate in some specially planned activities, such as singing, storytelling, movement activities, or discussions.
A. Group time
B. Story Time
C. Circle Time
D. All of the above
The correct answers are:
All of the above
Transitions are:
A. passages between one place and another or one activity and another
B. arrivals and departures, cleanup time, and going outside.
C. occur as often as children change activities either as a group or as individuals
D. All of the above
The correct answers are:
All of the above
A primary caregiving system:
A. A system in which infants are divided up and assigned (in groups of three or four) to specific primary caregivers who are responsible for meeting their needs and record keeping
B. Has the goal of promoting closeness and attachment, but not exclusivity.
C. Allows for each child to know and relate to other caregivers as well
D. All of the above
The correct answers are:
All of the above
A. Creates an enduring affectionate bond between a child and a person who cares for the child, giving the child a feeling of safety or security.
B. Builds a trusting secure attachment through consistency, responsiveness, and predictability.
C. Shows children they can trust the caregiver to meet their needs and frees them to explore their environment.
D. All of the above
The correct answers are:
All of the above
Running record observations are longer and more detailed than anecdotal records.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Mapping and environmental checklists are similar in that they both give information about how the children use the environment.
The correct answer is 'True'.
Standardized tests are developmentally appropriate and measure items related to the actual curriculum.
The correct answer is 'False'.
A coordinated interaction in which one person responds to the other in a timely way so that one response influences the next in a kind of rhythmic chain reaction that creates connections.
A. Synchronous Interaction
B. Continuous Interaction
C. Asynchrony
D. Coordination
The correct answer is:
Synchronous Interaction
Compared to authentic assessment, diagnostic and prescriptive assessment is more likely to
A. give a true picture of the child and her/his development.
B. focus on strengths rather than on weaknesses.
C. provide insight into the child's thinking process.
D. measure skills and bits of knowledge.
The correct answer is:
measure skills and bits of knowledge.