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argūmentum, argūmentī
proof, evidence, argument (n.)
auctor, auctōris
author, originator; increaser (m.)
beneficium, beneficiī
benefit, kindness; favor (n.)
familia, familiae
household, family (f.)
Graecia, Graeciae
Greece (f.)
iūdex, iūdicis
judge, juror (m.)
iūdicium, iūdiciī
judgment, decision, opinion; trial (n.)
scelus, sceleris
evil deed, sin, crime, wickedness (n.)
quis? quid?
who? what? (interrogative pronoun)
quī? quae? quod?
what? which? (interrogative adjective)
certus, certa, certum
definite, sure, certain
gravis, grave
heavy; serious, important; severe
immortālis, immortāle
immortal, not subject to death
but; but, mind you (conj. - stronger adversative than sed)
unless, except (conj.)
contrā (+ ACC.)
now, already
dēlēctō, dēlectāre, dēlectāvī, dēlectātum
to delight, charm, please
līberō, līberāre, līberāvī, līberātum
to free, liberate
parō, parāre, parāvī, parātum
to prepare, provide; get, obtain
coniūrātī, coniūrātōrum
conspirators (m. and only pl.)
cornū, cornūs
horn (n.)
frūctus, frūctūs
fruit; profit, benefit (m.)
genū, genūs
knee (n.)
manus, manūs
hand; handwriting; band (f.)
metus, metūs
anxiety, dread, fear (m.)
mōns, montis
mountain (m.)
senātus, senātūs
senate (m. - a council of elders)
servitūs, servitūtis
servitude, slavery (f.)
spīritus, spīritūs
breath; spirit, soul (m.)
versus, versūs
line of verse (m.)
commūnis, commūne
common, general, of/for the community
dexter, dextra, dextrum
right, right-hand
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
left, left-hand; harmful, ill-omened
careō, carēre, caruī, caritūrum
to be without, deprived of (+ ABL. of separation)
dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsum
to ward off; defend, protect
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum
to go away, depart
ōdī, ōdisse, ōsum
to hate (DEFECTIVE VERB - occurs only in Perf. System with Pres. force)
prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum
to prevent, hinder, prohibit
prōnūntiō, prōnūntiāre, prōnūntiāvī, prōnūntiātum
to proclaim, pronounce, announce
libellus, libellī
little book (m. - diminutive of liber)
quī, quae, quod
who, which, that (relative pronoun)
caecus, caeca, caecum
levis, leve
light; easy; trivial
or (CONJ.)
quickly (adv.)
also, too
admittō, admittere, admīsī, admissum
to admit, receive, let in
coepī, coepisse, copetum
cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītum
to desire, wish, long for
dēleō, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētum
to destroy, wipe out, erase
dēsīderō, dēsīderāre, dēsīderāvī, dēsīderātum
to desire, long for, miss
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptum
to begin
nāvigō, nāvigāre, nāvigāvī, nāvigātum
to sail, navigate
neglegō, neglegere, neglēxī, neglēctum
to neglect, disregard
recitō, recitāre, recitāvī, recitātum
to read aloud, recite
flūmen, flūminis
river (n.)
genus, generis
origin; kind, type, class (n.)
hostis, hostis
an enemy (m.)
hostēs, -ium
the enemy
lūdus, lūdī
game, sport; school (m.)
probitās, probitātis
uprightness, honesty (f.)
scientia, scientiae
knowledge (f.)
clārus, clāra, clārum
clear, bright; renowned
mortālis, mortāle
why (adv.)
thereupon, next, then (adv.)
fluō, fluere, flūxī, flūxum
to flow
legō, legere, lēgī, lēctum
to pick out, choose; read
misceō, miscēre, miscuī, mixtum
to mix, stir up, disturb
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtum
to move; arouse, affect
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum
to be seen, appear (pass. of videō)
dīvitiae, dīvitiārum
riches, wealth (f. pl.)
factum, factī
deed, act, achievement (n.)
signum, signī
sign, signal; seal (n.)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
intensive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, etc.)
quisque, quidque
indefinite pronoun (each one/person/thing)
himself (reflexive pronoun of 3rd pers.)
doctus, docta, doctum
taught. learned skilled
fortūnātus, fortūnāta, fortūnātum
lucky, fortunate, happy
suus, sua, suum
his own (reflexive possessive of 3rd pers.)
for (conj.)
ante ( + ACC.)
before, in front of
previously (adv.)
per ( + ACC.)
through, by
once, long ago; some day, in the future (adv. - refers to something distant whether in the past or in the future)
alō, alere, aluī, altum
to nourish, sustain, increase
altus, alta, altum
tall, high
dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlēctum
to esteem, love
iungō, iungere, iūnxī, iūnctum
to join
stō, stāre, stetī, statum
to stand, stand firm
animal, animālis
a living creature, animal (n.)
aqua, aquae
water (f.)
ars, artis
art, skill (f.)
auris, auris
ear (f.)
cīvis, cīvis
citizen (m. and f.)
iūs, iūris
right, justice, law (n.)
mare, maris
sea (n.)
mors, mortis
death (f.)