The Contact Process

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Product of the contact process

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Product of the contact process

Sulfuric Acid

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Pressure used

2 atmospheres

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450 degrees

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First equation

S (s) + O2 (g)—> SO2

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Second equation

SO2 + ½ O2 —> SO3 Reversible Reaction Exothermic + Endothermic


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Catalyst for second equation

V2O5 Vanadium Oxide

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Temperature used for second equation, and why?

  • High temperature → Reaction would go backwards →lower yield

  • Low temperature → Reaction would be slower but higher yield

  • Moderate temperaturemust be used

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Pressure used for second equation, and why?

  • 2 atmospheres

  • Equilibrium favours the left side

  • Must use pressure to push the reaction forward

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Energy change in second equation?


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Third equation

H2SO4 (l) + SO3 (g) → H2S2O7 (l) Oleum

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Fourth equation

H2S2O7 (l) + H2O (l) → 2H2SO4 (l) Sulfuric Acid

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