The congregations in Latin  



me we


you you


H/S/it they

1st congregation - are

amo, amare, amavi, amatus / To love

Get the second one, amare, and take out the “RE”

Stem - Ama

Ama - o

Since you can’t pronounce “ao” just eliminate the a, but keep the a for the rest.

Am - o Ama - mus

Ama - s Ama - tis

Ama- t Ama - nt

2nd congregation - ire

scio, scire, scivi, scius / know

get the second set of word, scire, and take out the RE.

stem - Sci

sci - o sci - mus

sci- s sci - tis

sci - nt

since the 2nd declension can’t have an “i” next to an “n” you must replace it with a “u”

sci - t sc - u - nt

3rd Congregation - ere

cano, canere, canesi, canetus / play (an instroment)

get the second set of word, canere, and take out the ERE. But, you can’t let it sound like “cans” or “cant” so you add an “I” on the end of it. On the last one, on plural, just replace the “i” with a “U”

stem - can (i)

can - o can - i - mus

can - i - s can - i - tis

can - i- t can - u - nt
