Saskatchewan 1907
Jakob Feist
German-speaking farmer; 19 years old; forced from South Russia for South Dakota
Kaspar Feist
Jakob’s father; blacksmith; hot-tempered
Bernhard Holtz
Feists’ enemy; barrel-shaped; drunkard
Uncle Sebastien
Jakob’s uncle
Anton Feist
Jakob’s younger brother; died of pneumonia in 1904
Magda, Johanna, Adam
Feist children
Jakob’s mother; has a strong faith
Werans, Eberles
among fourteen families that left for Canada in 1905
Aunt Helen, Mary, Ignaz
Uncle Sebastien’s wife, toddler, and baby boy; Jakob’s cousins
Kaspar’s horse
Gutenbergs, Gereins
other families that relocate with the Feists
Mr. Dudenhafer
eyeing the same quarter as Kaspar; gives it up because he has a family; plays the accordion
Mr. Zerr
eyeing the same quarter as Kaspar; it’s next to his brother Nicolaus
Christian Holtz
Bernhard’s brother
Claudius Volker
Bernard’s cousin; drowned in a well playing hide-and-seek at the same age Anton did; Kaspar’s fault?
trick-taking game; similar to Ukrainian Kaiser
Johannes Gutenberg
Kaspar’s friend
Nels Eberle
Aggie’s husband; Katherine’s sister
Aggie Eberle
Nels’ wife; mother of four sons, one of which is Lambert
Katherine Weran
Nels’ sister; 21 years old; first child is due before May; hardworking
Frank Weran
Katherine’s husband; “sits on his hands until the very last minute “; loud and aggressive
Kasimir Weran
Frank’s father
Peter Eberle
Nels’ older cousin; 21 years old; had jaw broken and teeth knocked out in horse accident four years ago
Joseph Eberle
Nels’ cousin; talkative; always smiling and laughing
Mr. Landgraf
Aggie’s uncle
Karolin Landgraf
the Landgraf’s youngest daughter; almost 17 years old; only child living at home; everlasting smile
Margaret Dudenhafer
girl Joseph wants to marry
Katherine’s father
Teresa Weran
Frank’s sister; mouse-like
Konstantin and Johanna Eberle
Peter and Joseph’s parents
Barbara and Magda
Peter and Joseph’s sisters
Karl Ziegler
foreman from Baden, Germany; laid rail through the Rocky Mountains, fell broad trees, and built wide bridges; taken to concentration camp
Margaret Dudenhafer’s sister
Father Selz
minister; barely 30; boyish good looks; passionate about photography and new technologies; enjoys Charles Chaplin
Mrs. Stolz and Mrs. Zerr
mothers in Selz’ congregation; consider new inventions the devil’s tools
Father Trimbach
Selz’ friend from seminary; landed in Boston together; skeptical about films
Fredrich Gerein
one of the picnic organizers; organizes family contests (tug-o-war, three-legge race, cards/gambling)
Andreas Stolz
talent show organizer
Mr. Ball, Mr. Fetsch, Mr. Zahn
donates prizes for contest winners (soda), children (gum), and the raffle (rifle)
Mrs. Gutenberg
one of the caterers for the picnic
Bernhard’s 3-year-old daughter
Peter and Markus Holtz
Bernhard’s older brothers
the kitten Bernhard brings Katherine and Frankie
Charles Harrison
elevator agent; interested in Katherine
Markus Zerr and Anne Dudenhafer
married couple; Katherine and Mr. Harrison met at their wedding
Annaliese Reichert
Jakob’s crush; 18 or 19 years old; Leo’s daughter; near Crane Hills
Andreas Stolz’ son
Henry Sutherland
Peter’s friend; brawny, 18-year-old with widowed mother, younger sisters in Vancouver
Cormac Gallagher
Peter’s crew’s veteran lead topper
Thomas Spence
Peter’s crew boss
Logan MacNair
newest topper on Peter’s crew: war veteran
Mr. Leahy
owner of main office; hands out wages and mail
Ludwig Gerein
died of the flu
Steven, John, Helen
Peter’s nieces and nephews
dark-haired, green-eyed prostitute