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Step 1 of miracle pattern
step 2 of miracle pattern
the display of faith
step 3 of the miracle pattern
jesus responds to problem
step 4 of miracle pattern
performs the miracle
step 5 of miracle pattern
reaction to the miracle
first temptation in the desert
turn stone into bread
second temptation in the desert
throw yourself off a cliff and have an angel catch you
third temptation in the desert
worship Satan and he will have all the kingdoms
feeding the 5,000
sign of the Eucharist
wedding at cana
sacramental presence
healing of the paraclete
sacrament of healing
hemorrhaging woman
laying of the hands, powerful presence
lamb of God
Jesus will save us
original sin gets washed away
jordan river
symbolized Jewish freedom
a person, place, or thing that turns us towards sin
a person in Heaven experiencing God
messianic secret
not to reveal a miracle because Jesus did not want crowds of people trying to make him as a king
kingdom of God
central theme of Jesus’ teaching and life
4 main components of Jesus’ mission
spread the Good news to the poor
release to the captives
sight of the blind
liberty to the oppressed
ordinary people called to do extraordinary things
the inner circle
John, James, Peter
peter John
PJ 2
Philip Judas
James James
bartholemew Andrew Thomas Thadues Simeon
miracles prove:
Jesus’ divinity and authority
types of miracles:
physical healings
command over nature
raising people from the dead
John the Bapist did not:
wear the fur garments
Why did Jesus get baptized if he did not need to?
to be more like us
-fullfill righteousness
-announce to be the Son of God
explicit revelation of the Trinity
a voice parts from the clouds and the Holy Spirit anoints Jesus in the form of a dove
3 necessities for Baptism
for our salvation
command for Jesus
immediately after pentecost Apostles started Baptizing
When was the Holy spirit present in the NT?
Birth of Jesus
Baptism of Jesus
temptations in the Desert
The Holy Spirit is a necessary component of_____________ and in __________
the Life of Jesus/our life
Wild Animals
Adam and eve when they disobeyed God in the garden of Eden
when the israelites were wandering