Exam 4- lower extremity muscles

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Thigh muscles anterior compartment

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Thigh muscles anterior compartment




  • rectus femoris

  • vastus lateralis

  • vastus intermedius **

  • vastus medialis


  • psoas major

  • illiacus

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thigh muscles medial compartment

“inner thigh”


adductor brevis

adductor longus

adductor Magnus

obturator externus

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thigh muscles posterior compartment


biceps femoris



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anterior thigh muscles, flexors of hip, and extensors of knee are innervated primarily by ____

femoral nerve

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origin: pubis

insertion: femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter

innervation: femoral n. L2-L3

action: -adduct and flex thigh

-assist with medial rotation of thigh

<p><strong>origin: </strong> pubis </p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> femoral n. L2-L3</p><p><strong>action: </strong>-adduct and flex thigh</p><p>-assist with medial rotation of thigh</p>
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-formed by psoas major and illiacus

-flex thigh (hip flexion)

<p><mark data-color="red">-formed by psoas major and illiacus</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-flex thigh (hip flexion)</mark></p>
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muscles of quadriceps femoris

4 parts for extending leg at knee joint:

rectus femoris- flex thigh; extend leg at joint

vastus lateralis- extend leg at knee joint

vastus intermedius- extend leg at knee joint

vastus medialis- extend leg at knee joint

<p><strong>4 parts for extending leg at knee joint:</strong></p><p><mark data-color="red">rectus femoris- flex thigh; extend leg at joint </mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">vastus lateralis- extend leg at knee joint </mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">vastus intermedius- extend leg at knee joint</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">vastus medialis- extend leg at knee joint </mark></p>
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Psoas Major

origin: T12-L5

insertion: lesser trochanter of femur

innervation: anterior rami of lumbar nerves L1-L3

action: -flex thigh/hip

-lateral flexion of vertebrae column

-when sitting- flexes trunk

<p><strong>origin:</strong> T12-L5</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> lesser trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> anterior rami of lumbar nerves L1-L3</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex thigh/hip </p><p>-lateral flexion of vertebrae column</p><p>-when sitting- flexes trunk </p>
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origin: iliac crest and sacrum

insertion: lesser trochanter of femur

innervation: femoral n. (L2-L4)

action: -flex thigh at hip joint

-stabilize hip joint

<p><strong>origin:</strong> iliac crest and sacrum</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> lesser trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> femoral n. (L2-L4)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex thigh at hip joint</p><p>-stabilize hip joint </p>
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longest muscle in the body; “tailor’s muscle”; crosses two joints (hip & knee)

origin: asis of ilium

insertion: superior part of medial surface of tibia

innervation: femoral n. L2-L3

action: -flex, abduct, and laterally rotate thigh at hip joints

-flex leg at knee joint

<p><mark data-color="red">longest muscle in the body; “tailor’s muscle”; crosses two joints (hip &amp; knee)</mark></p><p><strong>origin: </strong>asis of ilium</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> superior part of medial surface of tibia </p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> femoral n. L2-L3</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex, abduct, and laterally rotate thigh at hip joints</p><p>-flex leg at knee joint</p>
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quadricep muscle origins

rectus femoris- anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum

vastus lateralis- greater trochanter of femur

vastus medialis- medial proximal shaft of femur

vastus intermedius- anterior and lethal surfaces of shaft of femur

<p><strong>rectus femoris- </strong> anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum </p><p><strong>vastus lateralis</strong>- greater trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>vastus medialis-</strong> medial proximal shaft of femur</p><p><strong>vastus intermedius-</strong> anterior and lethal surfaces of shaft of femur</p>
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quadricep muscles innervation

femoral n L2-L4

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Which quad muscle steadies hip joint and helps iliopsoas flex thigh?

rectus femoris

<p>rectus femoris</p>
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which quad muscle is crucial for walking, running, jumping, and squatting?

rectus femoris

<p>rectus femoris</p>
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Which muscles are collectively the most powerful muscle in the body?

quadricep muscles

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Quadricep muscles insertion

attaches to superior region of patella with rectus femoris tendon, which then attaches to tibial tuberosity distally as the patellar tendon

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Medial compartment of thigh is primarily innervated by ______

obturator nerve

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most superficial muscle on medial thigh

origin: body and inferior ramus of pubis

insertion: superior part of medial surface of tibia

innervation: anterior branch of obturator nerve L2-L3

action: -adduct thigh

-flex hip

-medially rotate leg

<p><mark data-color="red">most superficial muscle on medial thigh</mark></p><p><strong>origin: </strong>body and inferior ramus of pubis</p><p><strong>insertion: </strong>superior part of medial surface of tibia</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> anterior branch of obturator nerve L2-L3</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -adduct thigh</p><p>-flex hip</p><p>-medially rotate leg</p>
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adductor longus

origin: pubis

insertion: middle femur

innervation: branch of obturator n. L2-L4

action: adduct thigh

<p><strong><mark data-color="red">origin: </mark></strong><mark data-color="red">pubis</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">insertion:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> middle femur</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">innervation:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> branch of obturator n. L2-L4</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">action:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> adduct thigh</mark></p>
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adductor brevis

origin: pubis

insertion: femur

innervation: obturator nerve, L2-L4

action: -adduct thigh

-some extend flexes thigh

<p><strong><mark data-color="red">origin:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> pubis</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">insertion:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> femur</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">innervation:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> obturator nerve, L2-L4</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">action:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> -adduct thigh</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-some extend flexes thigh </mark></p>
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adductor magnus

origin: -pubis: adductor portion

-ischial tuberosity: hamstring portion

insertion: femur

innervation: -obturator n: adductor portion

-tibial n: hamstring portion

action: -adduct thigh (adductor portion)

-extend thigh (hamstring portion)

<p><strong><mark data-color="red">origin:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> -pubis: adductor portion</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-ischial tuberosity: hamstring portion</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">insertion:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> femur</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">innervation:</mark></strong><mark data-color="red"> -obturator n: adductor portion</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-tibial n: hamstring portion</mark></p><p><strong><mark data-color="red">action: </mark></strong><mark data-color="red">-adduct thigh (adductor portion)</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-extend thigh (hamstring portion)</mark></p>
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Femoral triangle boundaries

inguinal ligament superiorly forms base

sartorius m. laterally

adductor longus m. medially

<p><mark data-color="red">inguinal ligament superiorly forms base</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">sartorius m. laterally</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">adductor longus m. medially</mark></p>
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superficial gluteal muscles

large muscles

-gluteus maximus: extension, lateral rotation of thigh

-gluteus medius: abduct, medially rotate thigh

-gluteus minimus: abduct, medially rotate thigh

-tensor fasciae latae: flexor of thigh, not independent

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deep gluteal muscles

small muscles; lateral rotators of thigh and stabilizers of hip joints


-obturator internus

-superior gemelli

-inferior gemelli

-quadratus femoris

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gluteus maximus

origin: ilium, sacrum and coccyx

insertion: most fibers end in iliotibial tract which inserts into lateral condyle of tibia, some fibers insert on gluteal tuberosity of femur

innervation: inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)

action:- major extensor of thigh

- lateral (external) rotator of thigh

- steadies thigh and assists in rising from sitting position

<p><strong>origin</strong>: ilium, sacrum and coccyx</p><p style="text-align: start"><strong>insertion</strong>: most fibers end in iliotibial tract which inserts into lateral condyle of tibia, some fibers insert on gluteal tuberosity of femur</p><p style="text-align: start"><strong>innervation</strong>: inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)</p><p style="text-align: start"><strong>action</strong>:- major extensor of thigh</p><p style="text-align: start">- lateral (external) rotator of thigh</p><p style="text-align: start">- steadies thigh and assists in rising from sitting position</p>
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gluteus medius

origin: ilium

insertion: greater trochanter of femur

innervation: superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)

action: -abduct thigh

-medial rotation of thigh

-prevent pelvis tilt when walking

<p><strong>origin:</strong> ilium</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> greater trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -abduct thigh</p><p>-medial rotation of thigh</p><p>-prevent pelvis tilt when walking </p>
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gluteus minimus

origin: ilium

insertion: greater trochanter of femur

innervation: superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)

action: -abduct thigh

-medial rotation of thigh

-assist gluteus medius in it’s actions (prevent pelvis tilt when walking)

<p><strong>origin:</strong> ilium</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> greater trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -abduct thigh </p><p>-medial rotation of thigh</p><p>-assist gluteus medius in it’s actions (prevent pelvis tilt when walking)</p>
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Tensor Fascia Lata m.

origin: ASIS and anterior part of iliac crest

insertion: iliotibial tract/band (ITB), which attaches to lateral condyle of tibia

innervation: superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)

action: flexion of thigh

<p><strong>origin:</strong> <mark data-color="red">ASIS</mark> and anterior part of iliac crest</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> <mark data-color="red">iliotibial tract/band (ITB)</mark>, which attaches to lateral condyle of tibia</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> flexion of thigh</p>
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Pririformis m.

origin: 2nd-4th sacrum

insertion: greater trochanter of femur

innervation: branches of anterior rami of sacral nerve (S1-S2)

action: -lateral rotation of extended tigh

-abduct flexed thigh

-steady femoral head in acetabulum (stabilizes hip joint)

<p><strong>origin:</strong> 2nd-4th sacrum</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> greater trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> branches of anterior rami of sacral nerve (S1-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -lateral rotation of extended tigh</p><p>-abduct flexed thigh</p><p>-steady femoral head in acetabulum (stabilizes hip joint)</p>
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Obturator internus

origin: ilium and ischium

insertion: greater trochanter of femur

innervation: nerve to obturator internus (L5-S1)

action: -abduct thigh

-lateral rotation of thigh

-stabilize hip while walking

<p><strong>origin:</strong> ilium and ischium</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> greater trochanter of femur </p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> nerve to obturator internus (L5-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -abduct thigh</p><p>-lateral rotation of thigh</p><p>-stabilize hip while walking </p>
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Superior Gemellus

origin: spine of ischium

insertion: medial surface of greater trochanter of femur

innervation: nerve to obturator internus (L5-S1)

action: -laterally rotates extended thigh

-abduct flexed thigh

-steady femoral head in acetabulum

<p><strong>origin:</strong> spine of ischium</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> medial surface of greater trochanter of femur </p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> nerve to obturator internus (L5-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -laterally rotates extended thigh </p><p>-abduct flexed thigh</p><p>-steady femoral head in acetabulum</p>
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inferior gemellus

origin: ischial tuberosity

insertion: medial surface of greater trochanter of femur

innervation: nerve to quadratus femoris (L5-S1)

action: -laterally rotates extended thigh

-abduct flexed thigh

-steady femoral head in acetabulum

<p><strong>origin:</strong> ischial tuberosity</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> medial surface of greater trochanter of femur</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> nerve to quadratus femoris (L5-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -laterally rotates extended thigh</p><p>-abduct flexed thigh</p><p>-steady femoral head in acetabulum</p>
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hamstring muscles

semitendinosus- extend thigh, flex/medially rotate leg

semimembranosus- extend thigh, flex/medially rotate leg

biceps femoris-

  • long head: flex and laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed

  • short head: flex and laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed

<p><mark data-color="red">semitendinosus</mark>- extend thigh, flex/medially rotate leg</p><p><mark data-color="red">semimembranosus</mark>- extend thigh, flex/medially rotate leg</p><p><mark data-color="red">biceps femoris</mark>-</p><ul><li><p><mark data-color="red">long head</mark>: flex and laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed</p></li><li><p><mark data-color="red">short head</mark>: flex and laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed </p></li></ul>
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origin: ischial tuberosity (ischium)

insertion: medial superior part of tibia

innervation: tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)

action: -extend thigh

-knee flexion

-medially rotate leg when knee is flexed

-extend trunk when thigh and leg are flexed

<p><strong>origin:</strong> ischial tuberosity (ischium)</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> medial superior part of tibia</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> <mark data-color="red">-extend thigh</mark></p><p><mark data-color="red">-knee flexion</mark></p><p>-medially rotate leg when knee is flexed</p><p>-extend trunk when thigh and leg are flexed</p>
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origin: ischial tuberosity

insertion: posterior medial condyle of tibia

innervation: tibial division of sciatica nerve (L5-S2)

action: -extend thigh

-knee flexion

-medially rotate leg when knee is flexed

-extend trunk when thigh and leg are flexed

<p><strong>origin: </strong>ischial tuberosity</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> posterior medial condyle of tibia</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial division of sciatica nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -extend thigh</p><p>-knee flexion</p><p>-medially rotate leg when knee is flexed</p><p>-extend trunk when thigh and leg are flexed</p>
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Biceps femoris long head

origin: ischial tuberosity

insertion: lateral side of head of fibula

innervation: tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)

action: -flex knee

-lateral rotation when knee is flexed

-extend thigh when starting to walk

<p><strong>origin: </strong><mark data-color="red">ischial tuberosity </mark></p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> lateral side of head of fibula</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action: </strong> <strong>-flex knee</strong></p><p>-lateral rotation when knee is flexed</p><p>-extend thigh when starting to walk</p>
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biceps femoris short head

origin: lateral femur

insertion: lateral side of head of fibula

innervation: common fibular division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)

action: -flex knee

-laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed

-extend thigh when starting to walk

<p><strong>origin:</strong> <mark data-color="red">lateral femur</mark></p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> lateral side of head of fibula</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>common fibular division of sciatic nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> <strong>-flex knee </strong></p><p>-laterally rotate leg when knee is flexed </p><p>-extend thigh when starting to walk</p>
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Popliteal Fossa Boundaries

superior: biceps femoris (superior lateral), semimembranosus and semitendinosus (superior medial)

inferior: gastrocnemius (inferolateral and inferomedial)

<p><strong>superior:</strong> biceps femoris (superior lateral), semimembranosus and semitendinosus (superior medial)</p><p><strong>inferior:</strong> gastrocnemius (inferolateral and inferomedial)</p>
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muscles of anterior compartment of leg (dorsiflexor/extensor)

tibialis anterior: dorsiflex ankle, invert foot, support arch of foot longitudinally

extensor digitorum longus: extend lateral 4 digits, dorsiflex ankle

extensor hallucis longus: extend great toe, dorsiflex ankle

peroneus (fibularis) Tertius: dorsiflex ankle, everts foot

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Tibialis anterior

origin: lateral condyle and superior ½ of lateral surface of tibia

insertion: medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal

innervation: deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)

action: dorsiflex and invert the foot

<p><strong>origin: </strong> lateral condyle and superior ½ of lateral surface of tibia</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> medial and inferior surfaces of medial cuneiform and base of first metatarsal</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)</p><p><strong>action: </strong>dorsiflex and invert the foot</p>
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extensor digitorum longus

origin: lateral condyle of tibia

insertion: middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits

innervation: deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)

action: extension of toes and ankle

<p><strong>origin:</strong> lateral condyle of tibia</p><p><strong>insertion: </strong>middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> extension of toes and ankle</p>
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extensor hallucis longus

origin: middle part of anterior surface of fibula

insertion:dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of first digit (great toe)

innervation: deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)

action: extend great toe and dorsiflexion of foot at ankle

<p><strong>origin:</strong> middle part of anterior surface of fibula</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong>dorsal aspect of base of distal phalanx of first digit (great toe)</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> deep fibular nerve (L4-L5)</p><p><strong>action: </strong>extend great toe and dorsiflexion of foot at ankle </p>
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peroneus (fibularis) Tertius m.

origin: inferior 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula

insertion: dorsum of base of 5th metatarsal

innervation: deep fibular nerve (L5-S1)

action: dorsiflex and evert foot

<p><strong>origin:</strong> inferior 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula</p><p><strong>insertion: </strong>dorsum of base of 5th metatarsal </p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> deep fibular nerve (L5-S1)</p><p><strong>action: </strong>dorsiflex and evert foot</p>
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muscles of lateral compartment of leg (everter)

peroneus (fibularis) longus: evert foot, plantar flex ankle, support arch of foot transversely

peroneus (fibularis) brevis: evert foot

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peroneus (fibularis) longus m.

origin: head and superior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula

insertion: base of first metatarsal & medial cuneiform

innervation: superficial fibular nerve (L5-S2)

action: evert foot, weakly plantar flex ankle, supports transverse arch of foot

<p><strong>origin:</strong> head and superior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula </p><p><strong>insertion: </strong>base of first metatarsal &amp; medial cuneiform</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>superficial fibular nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> evert foot, weakly plantar flex ankle, supports transverse arch of foot</p>
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peroneus (fibularis) brevis

origin: inferior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula

insertion: dorsal surface of tuberosity of base of fifth metatarsal

innervation: superficial fibular nerve (L5-S2)

action: evert foot, weakly plantar flex ankle

<p><strong>origin:</strong> inferior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> dorsal surface of tuberosity of base of fifth metatarsal</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>superficial fibular nerve (L5-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> evert foot, weakly plantar flex ankle </p>
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muscles of posterior compartment of leg - superficial

(supplied by tibial nerve and posterior tibial and fibular vessels)

gastrocnemius: plantar flex ankle/foot when knee extended, raise heel while walking, flex leg at knee joint

soleus: plantar flex foot, steadies leg on foot

plantaris: plantar flex foot

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muscles of posterior compartment of leg - deep

popliteus: flex knee

flexor hallucis longus: flex great toe, plantar flex foot, longitudinal arch support

flexor digitorum longus: flexes lateral 4 digits, plantar flex foot, longitudinal arch support

tibialis posterior: plantar flex foot, invert foot, medial longitudinal arch support

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origin: lateral condyle and medial condyle of femur

insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus via achilles tendon

innervation: tibial nerve (S1-S2)

action: plantar flex ankle when knee is extended, raises heel during walking and flex leg at knee joint

<p><strong>origin:</strong> lateral condyle and medial condyle of femur</p><p><strong>insertion: </strong>posterior surface of calcaneus via achilles tendon</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial nerve (S1-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> plantar flex ankle when knee is extended, raises heel during walking and flex leg at knee joint</p>
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deep to gastrocnemius; is “workhouse” of plantarflexion

origin: head of fibula and medial border of tibia

insertion: posterior surface of calcaneus via Achilles tendon

innervation: tibial nerve (S1-S2)

action: plantarflexes ankle

<p><u>deep to gastrocnemius;</u> is “workhouse” of plantarflexion</p><p><strong>origin:</strong> head of fibula and medial border of tibia</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> posterior surface of calcaneus via Achilles tendon</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial nerve (S1-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> plantarflexes ankle</p>
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origin: lateral supracondylar of femur

insertion: calcaneus via calcaneal tendon

innervation: tibial nerve (S1-S2)

action: weakly assists gastrocnemius in plantarflexing ankle

<p><strong>origin:</strong> lateral supracondylar of femur</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> calcaneus via calcaneal tendon</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial nerve (S1-S2)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> weakly assists gastrocnemius in plantarflexing ankle</p>
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tibialis posterior

deepest, most medial

origin: posterior tibia and posterior fibula

insertion: navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid and bases of 2nd-4th metatarsals

innervation: tibial nerve (L4-L5)

action: plantar flexes ankle, inverts foot, supports medial longitudinal arch of foot

<p>deepest, most medial</p><p><strong>origin:</strong> posterior tibia and posterior fibula </p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> navicular, cuneiforms, cuboid and bases of 2nd-4th metatarsals</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>tibial nerve (L4-L5)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> plantar flexes ankle, inverts foot, supports medial longitudinal arch of foot </p>
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origin: lateral femoral condyle and lateral meniscus

insertion: posterior surface of tibia

innervation: tibial nerve (L4-S1)

action: -flex knee

-laterally rotating femur on fixed tibia

-medially rotating tibia of unplanted limb

<p><strong>origin:</strong> lateral femoral condyle and lateral meniscus</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> posterior surface of tibia</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial nerve (L4-S1)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex knee </p><p>-laterally rotating femur on fixed tibia</p><p>-medially rotating tibia of unplanted limb</p>
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flexor hallucis longus

“push off muscle”

origin: posterior fibula

insertion: base of distal phalanx of great toe

innervation: tibial nerve (S2-S3)

action: -flex great toe at all joints

-plantarflex ankle

-support medial longitudinal arch of foot

<p>“push off muscle”</p><p><strong>origin:</strong> posterior fibula </p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> base of distal phalanx of great toe</p><p><strong>innervation: </strong>tibial nerve (S2-S3)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex great toe at all joints</p><p>-plantarflex ankle </p><p>-support medial longitudinal arch of foot </p>
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flexor digitorum longus

origin: medial posterior tibia

insertion: bases of distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits

innervation: tibial nerve (S2-S3)

action: -flex lateral 4 digits

-plantarflex ankle

-support longitudinal arch of foot

<p><strong>origin:</strong> medial posterior tibia</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> bases of distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits </p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> tibial nerve (S2-S3)</p><p><strong>action:</strong> -flex lateral 4 digits</p><p>-plantarflex ankle </p><p>-support longitudinal arch of foot</p>
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foot muscles: plantar interossei (3 muscles)

adducts digits 3-5, flex MTPs

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foot muscles: dorsal interossei (4 muscles)

abduct digits 2-4, flex MTPs

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extensor digitorum brevis (foot)

origin: calcaneus


innervation: peroneal nerve

action: extends digits 2-4

<p><strong>origin:</strong> calcaneus</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong>toes</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> peroneal nerve</p><p><strong>action:</strong> extends digits 2-4</p>
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extensor hallucis brevis (foot)

origin: calcaneus

insertion: phalanx of 1st digit

innervation: peroneal nerve

action: extend 1st digit

<p><strong>origin:</strong> calcaneus</p><p><strong>insertion:</strong> phalanx of 1st digit</p><p><strong>innervation:</strong> peroneal nerve </p><p><strong>action:</strong> extend 1st digit</p>
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musles of ankle inversion

tibialis anterior

tibialis posterior

(occurs at subtalar joint)

<p>tibialis anterior </p><p>tibialis posterior </p><p>(occurs at subtalar joint)</p>
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muscles of ankle eversion

peroneus longus

peroneus brevis

<p>peroneus longus</p><p>peroneus brevis</p>
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