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What are the purposes of laws in pharmacy practice?
Laws provide overall rules passed by legislative branches to guide conduct.
What is a regulation in the context of pharmacy oversight?
Regulations are legislated rules and procedures that exist to carry out the law.
What do standards refer to in pharmacy?
Standards refer to benchmarks or desired normal levels of quality for a product or professional performance.
Define ethics in the context of pharmacy.
Ethics involves following a code of high professional standards.
What was the state of drug regulation in the 19th century?
There was no regulation, leading to unregulated use of substances like opium and misleading claims by 'medicines'.
Name two federal regulatory agencies in pharmacy oversight.
Health Canada and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
What are the roles of professional organizations in pharmacy?
Professional organizations help create standards and enforce laws and regulations.
What significant legislation contributed to drug regulation in the 20th century?
The emergence of various laws, oversight agencies, and professional organizations.
Identify one key federal drug law from the 20th century.
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
What does the term 'drug' refer to according to the pharmacy definition?
A substance used for diagnosis, treatment, prevention of disease, modifying bodily functions, or disinfection.