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Why is the immune system important to the body?
It maintains homeostasis in the body.
The term ___ refers to all of the mechanisms used in the body to protect against foreign agents.
The innate immune system provides _____ invaders.
both external and internal defenses against foreign
Match the aspects of the innate immune system (in the left column) with their components (in the right column).
The external defense: It is composed of the physical barriers such as the skin and the mucus membranes that line the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts.
The internal defense: It is composed of both specialized cells designed to destroy the invader, and a group of proteins called the complement system.
True or false: Phagocytes and natural killer cells make up the physical barrier that is the first line of defense against invaders
False, Skin and the mucosa make up the physical barrier that is the first line of defense against invaders.
The _____ system recognizes, attacks, and destroys foreign agents in the body.
_____ are an important class of immune cells designed to recognize and remove foreign invaders
Which of the following statements best describes a well-coordinated immune system
It consists of complex cellular and chemical components that provide overlapping protection against infectious agents.
True or false: Humans and other animals are born with a specific immune system
All blood cells are made in the _____ from self-renewing stem cells
bone marrow
Which of the following is an accurate statement about natural killer cells?
They function as killer cells in antibody dependent immune response.
Match the components of the innate immune system (in the left column) with the area they cover (in the right column)
Skin, 2 square meters
Mucosa, 400 square meters
Leukocytes are also known as _____
white blood cells
Identify the key phagocytes.
The term ____ refers to all of the mechanisms used in the body to protect against foreign agents.
Macrophages are often called professional phagocytes because they ____
make their living destroying bacteria
Which of the following is a strategy of renewal that ensures that there will always be stem cells to produce mature blood cells
When stem cells divide into two daughter cells, one of the daughter cells remains a stem cell.
__ bind directly to virus-infected cells and cancer cells to destroy them
Natural killer cells
Increasing the amount of blood flow to the infected site, with the help of macrophages, helps innate immunity by
bringing additional leukocytes to the infected site
Immune cells that consume bacteria are classified as __
Identify a function that describes cytokines' role as a chemoattractant
They recruit other immune system components to assist in fighting the infection.
Macrophages are derived from __
__ are also known as professional killers that are "on call" in the blood.
The natural killer cells are produced in the ___
bone marrow
The _____, after destroying bacteria, give off chemicals to increase the amount of blood flow to the infected site.
The word inflammation comes from the Latin word inflammare, which means "_____."
to set on fire
Identify the clinical signs of localized inflammation. (Check all that apply.)
(Pain too)
__ are cell signals that regulate immune system by facilitating communication between cells within the immune system
Chronic inflammation is associated with an increase in circulating cytokines and the so-called "acute-phase proteins" such as ____
c-reactive proteins
How does a neutrophil alert other immune cells in the body
By secreting cytokines
Adaptive immune response provides us with the ability to _
recognize and remember specific pathogens
Natural killer cells are produced from ___
stem cells
is a normal part of the biological response to harmful stimuli, such as bacteria entering the body
Both B- and T-cells are members of the _____ sub-family of blood cells that have their origin from stem cells located within bone marrow.
What causes redness, swelling, and heat around the damaged area
Increased blood flow
The field of ___ ___ is defined as the study of exercise, psychological, and environmental influences on immune function.
exercise immunology
Which of the following exhibits signs of chronic inflammation
Identify the class of individuals who are less prone to colds (URTIs)
Those who engage in moderate-intensity workouts
What is the contribution of Dr. Edward Jenner to the field of immunology?
He provided the first evidence to prove the existence of acquired immunity.
High levels of cortisol can inhibit the function of specific cytokines and suppress the function of ____
natural killer cells
The major cells involved in the acquired immune system are __
B-cells and T-cells
The important topics of exercise immunology deal with the
effects of exercise on resistance to infection
What is the average duration of a moderate-intensity workout that prevents a person from URTIs
20-40 minutes
Stress hormones depress the production and function of __