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À-la-carte (according to the menu)
Listing/serving food that can be ordered separately rather than a set meal (Adjective/Adverb)
Apropos (To purpose)
With reference to, concerning, appropriate to a particular situation (Adjective/Preposition)
Bon Appétit (Good appetite)
Used as a salution to a person about to eat
Bon Voyage (Good Journey)
Same thing as bon appetit but you're wishing them a good and safe journey.
Carte Blanche (Blank Paper)
Complete freedom to act as one wishes (Noun)
C'est La Vie (That's life)
That's life! Oh well! YOLO! (Idiom/Exclamation)
Crème de la crème (Cream of the cream)
Best person/thing of its kind, preeminent
Coup D'état (Blow of the state)
Sudden, violent seizure of power
Déjà Vu (Already seen)
A feeling of having already seen/experienced something
Fait Accompli (Accomplished Fact)
A thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, you have no option but to accept it (Noun)
Faux Pas (False step)
Embarrassing act or remark in a social situation, gaffe, blunder
Hors D'oeuvre (Outside of Work)
A variety of foods being served as appetizers (Noun)
Laissez-Faire (Allow to do)
A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course without interfering
Rendezvous (Present yourself)
A meeting, appointment, date (Noun)
To meet at an agreed time (Verb)
Touché (Touched)
Used as an acknowledgement during a discussion of a good or clever point, often made at one's expense