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page 3-development of resources ques- consequences of indiscriminate use of resources
answer= 1) Resources are vital for human survival as well as for maintaining the quality of life 2) It is believed that resources is a natural gift given to the human beings but they use the resources in a indiscriminate manner 3) the use of these resources can lead to the following problems: i) depletion of the resources for fulfilling the greedy of a few individuals ii) Accumulation of resources which in turn divide the society into two segments. iii) this will also lead to global ecological crisis i.e; global warming, environmental pollution and land degradation
what is meant by subsistence development?
this is the development without the environment being damaged and ensuring that the present development does not compromise the requirements and need of the future generations
what is resource planning?
planning is important as it ensures the judicious use of the resource
why is resource planning important?
resource planning is important because it ensures that there is judicious use of the resource and moreover it is important in a country like India where there is a huge diversity of resources. there might be some regions who can be considered to be self sufficient in many resources which are vital while some can be the regions which have acute shortage of the vital resource!
give examples of resource planning related places in India
the states of Jharkhand, madhya pradesh and chhatisgarh are rich in minerals and coal deposits
andhra pradesh is rich in water resources but lavks the infrastructural development.
the state of Rajasthan is rich in solar and wind energy but lacks in water resources.
ladhakh a\ha cultural heritage but lacks in infrastructural, water resources and other vital minerals.
what is resource planning?
resource planning is a complex process which involves:
i) Identification and inventory of the resources across all the regions of the country. this involves surveying, mapping and qualitative and quantitative measurements and estimation of the resources.
ii)evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology, skills and institutional set up for implementing resource development plans.
iii)matching the development with the overall national development of resources.
value points
jharkhand is rich in some minerals but is economically backward because there mostly are tribals who are uneducated
conservation of Resources
Mahatma Gandhi said that there is enough for the ones who need and not the ones who greed
mahatma gandhi wanted to replace the mass production with the production by the masses
conservation of resources part 2
at the international level the club of Rome advocated resource conservation for the first time and in a more systematic way. the Gandhian Philosophy was once again presented by schumacher in his book small is beautiful.
the brondtland commission report introduced the concept of subsistence development and advocated it as means of resource of development and it was published in a book, our common future
the earth summit
the earth summit took place in june 1992 in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
land use pattern in India
the use of land is determined in both physical factor such as topography,climate, soil type as well as human factors such as population,density culture and tradition e.t.c
How are we able to feed our large cattle population even when the permanent pasture land is decreasing? what are the consequences
we are feeding our cattle population on fodder, and low quality food. the decreasing pasture lands is putting strains on farmers because it is difficult for them to perform husbandary which results in the cattle to be less productive
waste lands
the waste lands are the areas which are included in the non-agricultural uses.
these include, rocky,arid, barren and desert areas
the waste lands are used as railways, roads, bridges, etc
land degradation
continuous use of land for very long period of time without taking some measures to conserve it or manage it has resulted in the land degradation.
the amount of degraded land in present
1)there are about 130 million hectares of degraded land in India
2)28 percent belongs to the forest degradation
3) 56 percent of its water eroded area
3) the rest is affected by alkaline and saline
international resources
the ocean bodies beyond 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zone belongs to the open ocean and no individual can utilise it without the concurrence of the international institutions
india has the power to mine manganese nodules from the base of indian ocean which lies beyond the exclusive economic zone.
factors responsible for land degradation are?
the factors for land degradation are different indifferent countries
1) in Madhya pradesh Jharkhand, chhatisgarh and odisha , mining is the main reason of land degradation
2)in Gujrat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Mahrashtra overgrazing is the main reson of land degradation
3) in states like Punjab , Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh overirrigation is the main reason for land degradation due to water logging leading to the water to be alkaline and saline
the ways of preventing land degradation
1) afforestation and proper management of grazing
2)proper management of waste lands
3) planting of shelter belts of plants
4) control on over grazing
5) stabilization of sand dunes by growing thorny bushes
6) control of mining activities
7) proper discharge of waste and effluents from industries