The Dutch Revolt.
Who was the main leader of the Dutch Revolt?
William of Orange.
What were two main causes of the Dutch Revolt?
Religious tensions (Protestant vs Catholic) and Spanish taxation.
What were the Sea Beggars?
Dutch rebels who fought against Spain, particularly at sea.
One feature of England’s support for the Dutch Revolt was…
that Elizabeth provided financial assistance to help the Dutch. She sent a loan of £100,000 to the Dutch rebels in the Netherlands.
Another feature of England’s support for the Dutch Revolt was…
sending an army over to help. Elizabeth sent a mercenary who led 6000 volunteers into the Netherlands to face the Spanish.
Causes of the Dutch Revolt
Phillip II was strictly Catholic and sought to supress Protestantism.
He intensified the inquisition to get rid of heresy, enforcing strict Catholic orthodoxy.
This led to Protestant communities in the Netherlands facing arrests, executions, and loss of religious freedom due to Spanish control over the country,
This fuelled widespread anger in Protestant parts of the Netherlands, leading to a rebellion known as the Dutch Revolt.