Unit 4 review

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chain of infection

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chain of infection

Process of events that cause infectious disease in people.

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A cleaner or chemical used to kill most germs.

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Isolation (Transmission) Precautions

Airborne, droplets, or contact precautions

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Removing pathogens from living tissue (e.g. hand washing)

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single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus.

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Steps of _________ are: pull the pin. Aim at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever. Sweep the nozzle from side to side.

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Disease process

definite sequence of events following contamination and infection

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Biohazard Containers/Bag

A special "red" receptacle to dispose of materials or instruments that involved body fluids like blood

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Body mechanics

the proper use of the body to facilitate lifting and moving and prevent injury

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nosocomial (hospital acquired) infection

An infection acquired in a healthcare facility

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chemical disinfection

process that destroys or kills pathogens

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Yellow coloring of the skin or whites of the eyes usually due to liver failure.

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Infection prevention

Set of methods used to prevent and control the spread of disease.

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particle of moisture which carries microorganisms when a person coughs, sneezes, talks or laughs. May contain viruses and bacteria.

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Gait/transfer belt

A belt used to assist a resident when walking or transferring

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Keeping someone with a contagious disease in a special room, so they do not have contact with other people.

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A process using soap and water to remove all visible dirt, debris, and disease causing germs.

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a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.

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chemical restraint

Using a medication to sedate someone

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The steps _______ are: Reduce anyone in immediate danger, Activate the fire code and notify the appropriate person. Confine the fie by closing doors and windows. Evacuate patients

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Drugs that block the growth and reproduction of bacteria

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Dirty Linen

linen that is either soiled or has linen that needs changed

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Infection control

practices and procedures that prevent the spread of infection

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Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Information sheets that identify hazardous materials, lists guidelines for safe use, and identifies emergency procedures if exposure occurs

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a microscopic organism that may or may not cause disease.

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protective personal equipment that includes gloves, gowns, mask and eye protection

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physical restraint

any manual method or physical , material, or equipment that restricts freedom of movement.

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Sharps container

A puncture proof container designed specifically to safely dispose of needles or other sharp objects

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Standard Precautions

A strict form of infection control that is based on the assumption that all blood and other body fluids are infectious.

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Medical asepsis

Techniques used to control and reduce the spread of pathogens

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Plant, animal or human that harbors an organism

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The invasion of the body by a pathogen which causes disease. This produces clinical signs of fever, redness, heat, or exudate,

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Answer: C

1. To avoid injury, you should:
a. Avoid reaching
b. Use proper body mechanics
c. Let the resident know what you are going to do
d. All of the above

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Answer: B

2. When nursing assistants complain of frequent back aches, the most likely factor contributing to their back problem would be:
a. Pushing or pulling heavy objects
b. Bending over to tie their residents shoe laces or completing other tasks
c. Keeping their feet shoulder width apart
d. Bending their knees and lifting with their legs

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Answer: B

3. Whenever you are exposed to blood or body fluids you must use:
a. A gown
b. Gloves
c. A mask
d. Protective footwear

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Answer: D

4. Falls are quite common among the elderly because of:
a. Rapid reflexes
b. Good distance judgment
c. Excellent lighting
d. Poor balance

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Answer: C

5. In case of a fire, rescue efforts should begin:
a. After the fire alarm has been pulled
b. When the fire has been contained
c. Upon discovery of the fire
d. While the fire is being extinguished

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Answer: B

6. Cleaning helps control and prevent infection and involves:
a. Water, steam, and wiping
b. Water, detergent, and scrubbing
c. Water, gas, and steam
d. Water, disinfectant, and scrubbing

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Answer: B

7. Holding linens away from your uniform is an example of:
a. Safety
b. Infection control
c. Residents rights
d. Resident independence

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Answer: A

8. A room vacated due to the discharge of a resident will receive:
a. A total cleaning
b. Clean linen on the bed only
c. Floor mopped only
d. Bathroom disinfection only

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Answer: C

9. Hepatitis can cause yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes and mucus membranes. The
yellowing discoloration is called:
a. Petechiae
b. Cyanosis
c. Jaundice
d. Erythema

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Answer: B

10. While training a new nursing assistant you let him know that _______ would NOT be placed in a
sharps container:
a. Orange stick
b. Dirty gloves
c. Broken glass
d. Needles

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Answer: C

11. Bloodborne pathogens are found in:
a. Body fluids, drug needles, water, wound drainage, and mucus membranes
b. Body fluids, semen, vaginal secretions, wound drainage, and mucus membranes
c. Body fluids, infected semen, infected vaginal secretions, wound drainage, and
mucus membranes
d. Infected drug needles, uncontaminated blood and body fluids, needles or other sharp

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Answer: A

12. You are walking down the hallway with your resident when she begins to fall. You understand you
a. Assist the falling resident and ease her to the floor
b. Straighten your legs and arms and hold up the resident
c. Try to fall first so the resident lands on top of you
d. Get into a squatting position so the resident can sit on your lap

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13. You are caring for a resident who has pediculosis capitis (lice). You understand you will:
a. Allow the roommates to continue to share the same hairbrush
b. Allow the resident to postpone her weekly shower to the next day
c. Ensure all the linens in the resident's room have been removed and washed
d. Ensure that the resident's family have been notified of the condition

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Answer: C

14. Enteric precautions prevent the:
a. Person from coming in contact with non-pathogens
b. Spread of pathogens found in wounds
c. Spread of pathogens through fecal material
d. Spread of pathogens through the air

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Answer: B

15. Select an answer that is NOT a microorganism:
a. Bacteria
b. Progeny
c. Virus
d. Fungus

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Answer: B

16. Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) requires:
a. Airborne precautions
b. Contact precautions
c. Droplet precautions
d. No precautions

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Answer: C

17. Infections occur due to invasions by:
a. Microorganisms
b. Microbes
c. Pathogens (germs)
d. Normal flora

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Answer: D

18. One common reason residents develop C-difficile (C-Diff) is:
a. An abundance of protein
b. Increased vitamin intake
c. Too much water intake
d. Overuse of antibiotics

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Answer: B

19. When a nursing assistant is wearing gloves and a gown s(he) is following:
a. Airborne isolation
b. Contact isolation
c. Standard isolation
d. Droplet isolation

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Answer: B

20. A/an __________________ is responsible for developing policies and procedures that pertain to
infection control; abiding by local, state, and federal guidelines:
a. Parent
b. Employer
c. Physician
d. Co-worker

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Answer: C

21. The three categories of Transmission Based Precautions (Isolation Precautions) include:
a. Airborne, droplet, and intact
b. Airborne, touch, and liquid
c. Droplet, airborne, and contact
d. Droplet, personal, and contact

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Answer: C

22. Dispose of contaminated linens:
a. In the hallway on the floor
b. Over the clean linens
c. In a covered soiled linen container
d. On the bathroom floor

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Answer: B

23. The most common sterilization process in use today is:
a. Alcohol
b. Steam
c. Iodine
d. Chlorine

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Answer: C

24. Wrist restraints should be fastened securely to:
a. The side rails in the high position
b. The side rails in the lowest position
c. The bed frame using a slip knot
d. The bed frame using a square knot

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Answer: A

25. Tuberculosis and measles are spread by:
a. Air
b. Droplets
c. Skin-to-skin contact
d. Contact with blood

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Answer: D

26. A document that describes chemicals used in the facility is the:
b. MDS
c. ICP
d. SDS

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Answer: C

27. While helping your resident shower you noticed that one of your gloves has become torn and you
have been exposed to bodily fluids. Your BEST steps are:
a. Remove gloves, dispose of the gloves, perform hand hygiene, replace the gloves,
continue with the shower
b. Remove gloves, dispose of the gloves, continue with the shower without replacing gloves
c. Call for help, remove gloves, perform hand hygiene, replace the gloves, continue
with the shower
d. Call for help, perform hand hygiene, replace the gloves, continue with the shower

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Answer: B

28. The MOST serious type of hepatitis that is transmitted by blood, sexual secretions, feces, and
saliva is:
a. Hepatitis A virus
b. Hepatitis B virus
c. Hepatitis C virus
d. Hepatitis D virus

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Answer: B

29. You are caring for a resident who has a diagnosis of Clostridium difficile. You understand:
a. Using an alcohol based hand sanitizer is appropriate to use after caring for the resident
b. The resident will have his or her own dedicated equipment such as a blood
pressure cuff
c. Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming virus found in the intestinal flora
d. Clostridium difficile is not contagious and the resident is able to participate in resident

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Answer: B

30. A resident loses her balance while being transferred and lowered to the floor. The resident
appears to be hurt. The nursing assistant would:
a. Complete the transfer as started
b. Notify the nurse immediately
c. Document the event at the end of the shift
d. Do nothing as the resident is not hurt

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Answer: B

31. What is the first thing that should be done if you discover a fire in a resident's room:
a. Ring the alarm
b. Move the resident out of danger
c. Hurry and get the nearest fire extinguisher
d. Close all doors and windows

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Answer: B

32. A nursing assistant MUST wear gloves when:
a. Feeding a resident
b. Doing pericare
c. Giving a back rub
d. Doing range of motion

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Answer: C

33. The FIRST and FOREMOST cause of the spread of infection is:
a. Soiled linens
b. Soiled uniforms
c. Dirty hands
d. Polluted air

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Answer: A

34. When extinguishing a fire using the P.A.S.S. acronym, the hose should be aimed:
a. At the base of the fire
b. At the top of the fire
c. In the middle of the fire
d. Area surrounding the fire

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Answer: C

35. Mr. Wilson has been assessed for safety and his
doctor has ordered a lap belt to be used when
Mr. Wilson is sitting in his wheelchair. The lap belt should be removed and he should be
repositioned at least:
a. Once every four hours
b. Three times per shift
c. Once every two hours
d. Four times daily

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Answer: A

36. The nursing assistant knows that in order to prevent an injury while lifting and transferring
residents the nursing assistant should:
a. Use a slide board or a mechanical lift
b. Move the resident away from the nursing assistant
c. Lower the person quickly so to not injure themselves
d. Stand straight when moving with their back also straight

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Answer: C

37. Which of the following skills require gloves:
a. Feeding the dependent resident in bed
b. Making an unoccupied bed
c. Changing an adult brief
d. Range of motion to the hip and knee

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Answer: D

38. A nursing assistant should wear gloves when performing the task of:
a. Skin care on intact skin
b. Hair care for a resident
c. Repositioning a resident
d. Using a razor to shave a resident

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Answer: A

39. The easiest and MOST important way to prevent the spread of infection is to:
a. Practice hand hygiene
b. Wear gloves
c. Apply hand lotion
d. Dispose of waste

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Answer: C

40. A physical restraint is:
a. Medication used to sedate a resident
b. Locking a resident in their room
c. Any device that restricts movement
d. Spanking or slapping a resident

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Answer: C

41. A key strategy to prevent resident falls always:
a. Put side rails up
b. Place slippers nearby
c. Place call light within reach
d. Place essential items in the bathroom

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Answer: D

42. The nursing assistant should wash hands:
a. Before coughing and sneezing
b. Before and after getting supplies
c. After handling eyeglasses
d. Before and after caring for a resident

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Answer: D

43. A special HEPA mask used in infection control protocols is a(n):
a. Surgical mask
b. Simple mask
c. Non-rebreather mask
d. N95

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Answer: A

44. You have cared for a resident in isolation and need to take off your personal protective
equipment. The article you will take off first is:
a. Gloves
b. Gown
c. Mask
d. Goggles

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Answer: B

45. Your supervisor asked you to wipe down the counter top with germicidal wipes. This cleaning
process is known as:
a. Sterilization
b. Disinfecting
c. Discarding
d. Infecting

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Answer: C

46. One of the residents has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis. The charge nurse asks you to go
change the sheets for the resident. You know the resident will be placed on:
a. Standard precautions
b. Contact precautions
c. Airborne precautions
d. Droplet precautions

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Answer: B

47. When a fire is discovered in a resident's room the NA would take the actions in the following
a. Alarm others, rescue resident from the area, extinguish the fire, confine the area
b. Rescue resident from the area, alarm others, confine the fire, extinguish the fire
c. Confine the fire, rescue residents from the area, alarm others, extinguish the fire
d. Rescue resident from the fire, confine the fire, alarm others, extinguish the fire

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Answer: B

48. When caring for a resident with an infection your gloves should be changed when:
a. You are done caring for the infected area of the resident
b. The gloves become wet, soiled, or torn
c. You are done caring for the other resident in the same room
d. You leave the resident's room and return only if soiled

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Answer: A

49. A nosocomial infection, or hospital acquired infection is:
a. An infection acquired in a healthcare facility
b. An infection acquired within the community
c. Always a non-life threatening infection
d. Classified as only a mild infection

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Answer: D

50. Be sure you know the facilities emergency procedures by:
a. Understanding fire and evacuation procedures
b. Knowing the location of all exits
c. Knowing where the fire extinguishers and alarms are located
d. All of the above

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Answer: B

51. The second link in the chain of infection where microorganisms live is called:
a. The pathogen
b. The reservoir
c. The bacterium
d. The portal of exit

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Answer: C

52. Restraints should be unfastened or released:
a. Daily
b. Never
c. Q 1-2 hours
d. Q 3-5 hours

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Answer: B

53. Many back injuries that are common to nursing assistants can be prevented by:
a. Wearing a back brace
b. Proper body mechanics
c. Bending from the waist
d. Keeping the knees locked

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Answer: C

54. You need to reposition a 350lb. resident in bed, You should:
a. Use your strong back muscles
b. Do the job alone
c. Ask for help and use a draw/lift sheet
d. Ask a strong fellow worker to reposition the resident

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Answer: D

55. A person who recovers from childhood chickenpox is at risk for developing ____________ later in
life when his/her immune system has weakened:
a. Mumps
b. Measles
c. Chickenpox
d. Shingles

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Answer: D

56. When removing PPE, the last step should be to:
a. Remove and discard goggles
b. Remove and discard gloves
c. Remove and discard the gown
d. Remove and discard the mask

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Answer: A

57. A resident experiencing malaise (general unwell feeling), chills, fever, muscle aches, and cold like
symptoms may be suffering from:
a. Influenza
c. VRE
d. Hepatitis C virus

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Answer: A

58. You are walking down the hall and you notice a spill of body fluids on the floor. Your IMMEDIATE
actions are:
a. Don gloves, follow the facility policy on cleaning up spills, dispose in designated
container and disinfect the spill area
b. Guard the area, call housekeeping, follow facility policy on cleaning up spills and disinfect
the area
c. Don gloves, call housekeeping, disinfect the spill area and wash hands
d. Guard area, don gloves, disinfect the spill area and dispose in designated container

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Answer: D

59. You can help stop the spread of infection in a facility by:
a. Following infection control guidelines
b. Recognizing that infection control is everyone's responsibility
c. Understanding what causes infections and how they are spread
d. All of the above

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Answer: B

60. When you are carrying clean or soiled linen you should remember to:
a. Hold it close to your uniform so you won't drop it
b. Carry it away from your uniform
c. Don't carry it at all, have the laundry room workers carry it
d. It is okay to carry linen next to your uniform if your uniform was clean when you came to work

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