NI MIDTERM Emergency Planning and Response

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on surveillance of threat detection

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on surveillance of threat detection

Early contributions by the informatics community focused __________________

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194 and 6

The World Health Organization took on the challenge of increased global coordination and response, working with _____ Member States, across ___ regions, and from more than 150 offices

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Case Fatality Rate

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Case Fatality Rate (CFR)

percent of deaths from the total number of people who are identified as infected with the disease

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R0 (pronounced R- naught)

is the number of people on average, the infected person will in turn infect.

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Chu et al. (2020) determined an approximate probability of infection, when exposed at close proximity for a considerable period of time to be approximately ___ when not wearing a mask

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local and state responders

Most disasters and emergencies are handled by_________

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when the consequences of a disaster exceed local and state capabilities.

When does the federal governments provides supplemental assistance?

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Under the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5


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the Secretary of Homeland Security

as the principal federal official for domestic incident management, coordinates federal actions within the United States to prepare for, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies.

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(1) a federal department or agency acting under its own authority has requested the assistance of the Secretary;

(2) the resources of state and local authorities are overwhelmed and federal assistance has been requested by the appropriate state and local authorities;

(3) more than one federal department or agency has become substantially involved in responding to the incident; or

(4) the Secretary has been directed to assume responsibility for managing the domestic incident by the President.

Coordination occurs if and when any one of the following four conditions applies:

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Department of Health and Human Services


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Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

to lead all federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies (Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2010)

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National Response Plan

  • guiding principles that detail how federal, state, local, tribal, and private sector partners, including the healthcare sector, prepare for and provide a unified domestic response, improving coordination and integration.

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planning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, and applying lessons learned and assigned lead federal agencies to each of 15 Emergency Support Functions (ESF)

The framework emphasized preparedness activities that included

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  1. Transportation

  2. Communications

  3. Public Works and Engineering

  4. Firefighting

  5. Information and Planning

  6. Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services

  7. Logistics Management and Resource Support

  8. Public Health and Medical Services

  9. Search and Rescue

  10. Oil and Hazardous Materials Response

  11. Agriculture and Natural Resources

  12. Energy

  13. Public Safety and Security

  14. Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure

  15. External Affairs

ESF 1 ; ESF 2 ; ESF 3 - 15

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ESF #1 Transportation

  • Transportation modes management and control

  • Transportation safety

  • Stabilization and reestablishment of transportation infrastructure

  • Movement restrictions

  • Damage and impact assessment

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ESF #1 Transportation

EXAMPLE ACTION Coordinate the opening of roads and manage aviation airspace for access to health and medical facilities

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ESF #2 Communications

  • Coordination with telecommunications and information technology infrastructures industries

  • Coordination of the reestablishment and provision of critical communications infrastructure

  • Oversight of communications within the federal response structures

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Provide and enable contingency communications required at health and medical facilities

ESF 2 Communications EXAMPLE ACTION

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ESF #3 Public works and engineering

• Infrastructure protection and emergency repair • Infrastructure protection and emergency repair • Critical infrastructure reestablishment • Engineering services and construction management • Emergency contracting support for life-saving and life-sustaining services

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ESF #3 Public works and engineering

EXAMPLE ACTION Install generators and provide other temporary emergency power sources for health and medical facilities.

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ESF #4 Firefighting

  • Coordination of federal firefighting activities

  • Support to wildland, rural, and urban firefighting operations

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ESF #4 Firefighting

EXAMPLE ACTION Coordinates federal firefighting activities and supports resource requests for public health and medical facilities and teams.

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ESF #5—Information and Planning

  • Incident action planning

  • Information collection, analysis, and dissemination

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ESF #5—Information and Planning

Develop coordinated interagency crisis action plans addressing health and medical issues.

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ESF #6—Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services

  • Mass care

  • Emergency assistance

  • Temporary housing

  • Human services

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ESF #6—Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services

EXAMPLE ACTION Integrate voluntary agency and other partner support, including other federal agencies and the private sector, to resource health and medical services and supplies.

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ESF #7—Logistics Management and Resource Support

  • Comprehensive, national incident logistics planning, management, and sustainment capability

  • Resource support (e.g., facility space, office equipment and supplies, contracting services)

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ESF #7—Logistics Management and Resource Support

EXAMPLE ACTIONProvide logistics support for moving meals, water, or other commodities.

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ESF #8—Public Health and Medical Services

  • Public health

  • Medical surge support including patient movement

  • Behavioral health services

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ESF #8—Public Health and Medical Services

EXAMPLE ACTION Provide health and medical support to communities, and coordinate across capabilities of partner agencies.

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ESF #9—Search and Rescue

  • Structural collapse (urban) search and rescue

  • Maritime/coastal/waterborne search and rescue

  • Land search and rescue

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ESF #9—Search and Rescue EXAMPLE ACTION

EXAMPLE ACTION Conduct initial health and medical needs assessments.

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ESF #10—Oil and Hazardous Materials Response

  • Environmental assessment of the nature and extent of oil and hazardous materials contamination

  • Environmental decontamination and cleanup, including buildings/struct

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ESF #10—Oil and Hazardous Materials Response

EXAMPLE ACTION Monitor air quality near health and medical facilities in close proximity to the incident area.

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ESF #11—Agriculture and Natural Resources

  • Nutrition assistance

  • Animal and plant health issue response

  • Technical expertise, coordination, and support of animal and agricultural emergency management

  • Meat, poultry, and processed egg products safety and defense

  • Natural and cultural resources and historic proper

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ESF #11—Agriculture and Natural Resources

EXAMPLE ACTION Coordinate with health and medical entities to address incidents of zoonotic disease.

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ESF #12—Energy

  • Energy infrastructure assessment, repair, and reestablishment

  • Energy industry utilities coordination

  • Energy forecast

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ESF #12—Energy

EXAMPLE ACTION Coordinate power restoration efforts for health and medical facilities or power-dependent medical populations.

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ESF #13—Public Safety and Security

• Facility and resource security • Security planning and technical resource assistance • Public safety and security support • Support to access, traffic, and crowd control

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ESF #13—Public Safety and Security

EXAMPLE ACTION Provide public safety needed security at health and medical facilities or mobile teams delivering services.

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ESF #14—Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure

  • Assessment, analysis, and situational awareness of cross-sector challenges

  • Facilitates operational coordination with critical infrastructure sectors.

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ESF #14—Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure

EXAMPLE ACTION Be informed of and assess cascading impacts of health or medical infrastructure or service disruptions, and deconflict or prioritize crosssector requirements.

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ESF #15—External Affairs

  • Public affairs and the Joint Information Center

  • Intergovernmental (local, state, tribal, and territorial) affairs

  • Congressional affairs

  • Private sector outreach

  • All Hazards Emergency Response Operations Tribal

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ESF #15—External Affairs

EXAMPLE ACTION Conduct public messaging on the status of available health and medical services or public health risks.

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an urgent, unexpected, and usually dangerous situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment and requires immediate action.

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Fire, Gas leak, Natural disasters and terrorist attack

Potential Emergencies

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the process of deciding in detail how to do something before you actually start to do it.

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a response to a situation that poses an urgent and substantial risk to the environment or to human health.

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  • Minimize the risks of emergencies occurring.

  • Prevent fatalities and injuries.

  • Develop, implement, and test plans to respond promptly and effectively to emergencies.

  • Continually improve emergency preparedness and response procedures.

Purpose of Emergency Preparedness and Response:

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Federal Emergency Management Agency


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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

a U.S. government organization that is part of the Department of Homeland Security and that organizes help for people when there is an emergency, for example a natural disaster.

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Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Emergency Management is about:

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Level 1

Scope of Emergency: can be dealt with by local department personnel

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level 2

Scope of Emergency: Need to activate facility emergency response team; may need to evacuate site.

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level 3

Scope of Emergency: full scale emergency requiring outside assistance; possible neighborhood evacuation

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  1. first alert procedure

  2. Emergency Response team member's responsibilities

  3. Evacuation routes and assembly points

  4. Response to various types of emergency

Emergency Response Requirement

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an organization must have a procedure for identifying potential accidents and emergencies. TRUE or FALSE

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need to know all potential resources, types, andnenvironmental impacts of emergencies. TRUE or FALSE

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keep emergency preparedness and response plan up to date. TRUE or FALSE

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hold regular deals to test the plan. TRUE or FALSE

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