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What is social support?
The presence of people who do not follow the majority and resist the pressure to conform or obey.
What is Locus of Control?
The sense we have about what directs events in our lives.
What is an Internal Locus of Control?
The belief that you are in control of the events that happen in your life.
What is an External Locus of Control?
The belief that events in your life are out of your own control and determined by external forces like luck and fate.
What is the LOC Continuum?
LOC is a scale and degrees of LOC vary. You can be high or low internal/external.
What type of LOC is more likely to resist social influence and why?
Internal locus of control. They rely on their own beliefs and are more self confident and achievement oriented.
Evaluation for Social Support
+ Real-world research support - Albrecht Teen Fresh Start - those with a 'buddy' were less likely to smoke
Evaluation - Locus of Control
+ Research support - Holland replicated Milgram's study and found internals were more likely to resist than obey
- Research evidence against - Twenge found that over time people became more resistant but more external