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Maximal O2 consumption
Maximum amount of O2 consumed per minute
Lungs take O2 and transfer it to
Heart pumps
blood carrying O2 to working muscles (limiting factors)
Skeletal muscles
cells to extract & utilize O2 from the blood (AVO2 difference)
VO2 max =
HR max * SV max (alpha - v) * O2
Fick equation
VO2 max expressed as
L/min (absolute)
VO2 max is higher in
larger individuals
higher value does not equal (absolute)
higher aerobic fitness
Relative VO2 max is expressed as
Relative VO2 max
considers individual difference based on weight
Relative VO2 max
high value typically equals higher aerobic fitness
Maximal o2 consumption declines
with age
Differences in max aerobic capacity between genders are explained
by differences in body mass
If VO2 max is corrected for weight
difference becomes smaller
If VO2 is corrected for FFM
difference becomes smaller/disappears
VO2 max is a
graded test
You can reach VO2 max
within 8-12min
A plateau in Vo2 with increases in ______ is ideal, but…
work rate, but occurs in <50% of subjects tested
HR within +- 10bpm of
age predicted maximum (220-age)
Respiratory Exchange Ratio
(>1.10 at test termination)
Blood lactate concentration
>8.0mmol/L in first 5 min of recovery
Lactate Threshold Definition
point @ which blood lactic acid rises systematically during incremental exercise
Lactate threshold in untrained subjects
appears @ 50-60% Vo2 max
Lactate threshold in trained subjects
appears at higher work rates 65-80% of VO2 max
Lactate threshold (LT) also known as
is called anaerobic threshold, onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA)
Blood lactate levels reach 4mmol/L
Low muscle o2 = hypoxia
If glycolytic flux > mitochondrial activity
enter fast glycolysis,
NADH in cytoplasm converts pyruvic acid → lactic acid
Recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers
LDH enzyme in fast fibers promotes lactic acid formation
Reduced rate of lactate removal from blood
Intracellular Lactate Shuttle
Liver via Cori Cycle
Amount of heat given off by a reaction
1 kcal
amount of heat required to raise 1L of H2O by 1C
1kcal = ______ calories = ___ calorie
1000, 1
jacket function
keeps heat from escaping
VCO2 / VO2
Fuel utilization
RER = 0.82, ____kcal/LVO2
As %VO2 max increases, % energy from fat…
As %VO2 max increases, % energy from Carbs…
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Minimum energy requirement needed to sustain life processes representing 60-70% of total energy use
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) conditions
morning, fully rested, supine
12-18 hours after eating/drinking/smoking (fasted)
No exercise 1-2 days
Free of all psychic/physical disturbances
Resting Metabolic Rate
Estimate of BMR
Measured under less strenuous conditions
4 hour fast
1 hour w/o strenuous activity
Harris-Benedict Equation (kcal/day) in Men
66.5 + (13.8 x BW in kg) +(5 x height in cm) - (6.8 age)
Harris-Benedict Equation (kcal/day) in Women
655.1 + (9.6 x BW in kg) + (1.9 x height in cm) - (4.7 * age)
TDEE (kcal/day)
1279 + (18.3 x BW in kg) + (2.3 x age) - (338 x gender)
gender 1= female, 0 = male
weight in kg
weight (lbs) / 2.2046
Height in cm
height (inches) x 2.54