Oversees national forest & conservation efforts, responsible for the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products, and attempts to provide foreign markets for American agriculture.
Concerned with creating the conditions for economic growth and opportunity. It’s main purpose is to create jobs, promote economic growth, encourage sustainable development, and block harmful trade practices of other nations.
Manages the nation’s military and is headquartered at the Pentagon
Manages federal student aid programs, monitors academic performance nationwide, and administers federal education legislation like the No Child Left Behind Act.
Manages the nation’s nuclear weapons and energy, developed energy policies, and conducts energy research.
Health and Human Services
Conducts heath research, manages efforts to prevent disease, manages Medicare and Medicaid, and pursues efforts to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans
Homeland Security
Oversees a wide range of federal agencies to help them coordinate plans to confront national emergencies and threats to national security.
Housing and Urban Development
Strives to increase domestic home ownership and improve access to affordable housing that is free of discrimination.
Manages conservation efforts, responsible use of public lands, the national parks system, and environmental protection.
Responsible for the enforcement of federal law by investigating alleged criminal wrongdoing, prosecuting suspected offenders in court, running the federal prison system, and reviewing the actions of local law enforcement officials.
Looks out for “job seekers, wage earners, and retirees” by administering federal labor laws and providing services like connecting potential employers to unemployed workers.
Advises the President on foreign policy and is responsible for American diplomatic relationships with nations around the world. This Department negotiates treaties and agreements with foreign nations and represents the United States at the United Nations
Manages national transportation infrastructure like highways, air traffic, and railways.
Manages federal finances, collects taxes, produces stamps, and provides government advice on matters of economic policy.
Veterans Affairs
Provides for the healthcare, benefits, and memorial service needs of veterans.