Soda Water Bubbles Up

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Who is the man that discovered the process of carbonation, essential to the production of soda?

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Who is the man that discovered the process of carbonation, essential to the production of soda?

Joseph Priestley, an English clergyman and scientist

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What is “fixed air” and how is it produced?

“Fixed air” is fermentation vats which is produced from gas bubbling up.

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What are the characteristics of “fixed air”?

One characteristic of “fixed air” may be how it could serve as a medicine, which explains the health-giving properties of natural mineral waters, often fizzy.

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What is the chemical name for “fixed air”?

Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2)

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How are “fizzy” drinks made? There are 2 ways from the given text.

  1. Hold a candle above the surface of a fermented beer and extinguish the flame. The smoke from the candle should then carry along the gas, revealing it running over the sides of the vat, falling to the floor. Then pour the water out quickly and roughly between two glasses held over a vat, causing the gas to dissolve with the water, producing a “fizzy” drink.

  2. Generate the gas in one bottle from a chemical reaction and pass it onto the second bottle, which should be inverted and filled with water. Once there is enough gas built up in there, shake it to combine the gas and water in there, producing another way to make a “fizzy” drink.

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What specific gas was used in the first fire extinguishers?

Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2)

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Carbonation Chemistry

CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 (reversible reaction)

Carbon dioxide reacts with water to produce carbonic acid

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Sealed Soda Can

When the can/bottle is sealed, increased pressure will force a reaction to the right. (forward reaction) This will keep the soda carbonated (H2CO3).

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Opened Soda Can

When the can/bottle is opened, pressure is decreased (pressure is let out when you open the can/bottle), the reaction will be forced to the left (backward reaction) and the CO2 will be released (that’s the bubbles you see in the soda once you pour it out).

When the can is opened, CO2 escapes it lowers the concentration of CO2 in the solution so the reaction will move left to fill the “gap”.

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