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position at which a letter is paired with a null
typically negative
gap presence is more important then the length
Blocks Substitution matrix
Blosum 62
Is a matrix calculated from comparisons of sequences w/ no less than 62% divergence
default in BLAST
Alignment scoring is required
+ or - values
gap creation and extension penalties
positive scores are identities
some partial positive score
global vs local
sub matrix
Global Alignment
extends from one end to another
finds optimal alignments between 2 sequences, gaps are permitted
total length is aligned
Local Alignment
matches regions within a sequence
alignment can contain just a portion
is appropriate for finding matched domains
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
allows for rapid sequence comparison
Fast, accurate
provides database of seq alignments along with E value
E value
Estimate that a sequence alignment occured by chance
BLAST Application
identifying ortho/paralogs
discovering new genes and proteins
discovering variants
investigating EST
exploring protein structure functions
2 molecules that are derived from a common ancestor
homologs that are present within different species have similar functions
homologs that are present within one species and often differ in their functions
ā¦ Only 16% sequence identities
Divergent evolution
process by which proteins derived from a common ancestor accumulate differences over time
Sequence alignment
Process of systematically aligning 2 sequences w/ respect to each other in order to identify regions of specific overlap.
ā¦ If the alignment score is higher than the scores gotten by random shuffling, it proves that the alignment was likely not by chance
Sequence is split and pushed to maximize alignment. Each identity (identical AA) betweened aligned sequences is +10 points. Each gap is -25 points.
Substitution matrix
scoring system based on replacing an AA by 19 others.
ā¦ large +ve score = frequent substitution
ā¦ large -ve scre = rare substitution
Conservative v.s. Non-conservative substitutions
ā¦ similar in size/chemical properties will occur more often, it may have minor effects on proteins
ā¦ AA is structurally dissimilar, may disrupt structure & function
see Blosum-62
Convergent evolution
Proteins donāt have the same ancestor but are converging to the same function
What are the alignment score and percent identity?
Alignment score = (6 Ć 8) - 15 = 33
Percent identity: 6/13 = 46% or 6/14 = 43%