A & P Practical 2

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Epicranius Frontal Belly

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Epicranius Frontal Belly

Origin: epicranial aponeurosis

Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and root of nose

Action: with aponeurosis fixed it raises eyebrows

<p>Origin: epicranial aponeurosis</p><p>Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and root of nose</p><p>Action: with aponeurosis fixed it raises eyebrows</p>
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Epicranius Occipital Belly

Origin: Occipital and temporal bones

Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis

Function: fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly

<p>Origin: Occipital and temporal bones</p><p>Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis </p><p>Function: fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly</p><p></p>
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orbicularis oculi

Origin: Frontal and maxillary bones

Insertion: Tissue of eyelid

Function: Closes eye, produces blinking, squinting and furrowing

<p>Origin: Frontal and maxillary bones</p><p>Insertion: Tissue of eyelid</p><p>Function: Closes eye, produces blinking, squinting and furrowing</p><p></p>
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orbicularis oris

Origin: maxilla and mandible

Insertion: Skin and muscles at angles of mouth

Function: Closes lips, purses and protrudes lips (kissing/whistling)

<p>Origin: maxilla and mandible</p><p>Insertion: Skin and muscles at angles of mouth</p><p>Function: Closes lips, purses and protrudes lips (kissing/whistling)</p><p></p>
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Origin: zygomatic bone

Insertion: skin and muscle at corners of mouth

action: raises corners of mouth (smiling muscle)

<p>Origin: zygomatic bone</p><p>Insertion: skin and muscle at corners of mouth</p><p>action: raises corners of mouth (smiling muscle)</p><p></p>
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Origin: Temporalis fossa

insertion: mandible

action: closes jaw, elevates and retracts mouth

<p>Origin: Temporalis fossa</p><p>insertion: mandible</p><p>action: closes jaw, elevates and retracts mouth</p><p></p>
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origin: zygomatic bone

insertion: mandible

action: jaw closer, elevates mandible

<p>origin: zygomatic bone</p><p>insertion: mandible</p><p>action: jaw closer, elevates mandible</p><p></p>
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latissimus dorsi

origin: lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, last 3-4 ribs, iliac crest

insertion: sulcus of humerus

function: prime mover of arm extension, adducts and rotates arm, brings arm down in power stroke

<p>origin: lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, last 3-4 ribs, iliac crest</p><p>insertion: sulcus of <strong>humerus</strong></p><p>function: prime mover of arm extension, adducts and rotates arm, brings arm down in power stroke </p>
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pectoralis major

Origin: Clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs (true 1-7)

Insertion: sulcus of Humerus

Action: prime mover of arm flexion, adducts, rotates arm, pulls chest upward with arms flexed

<p>Origin: Clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs (true 1-7)</p><p>Insertion: sulcus of <strong>Humerus</strong></p><p>Action: prime mover of arm flexion, adducts, rotates arm, pulls chest upward with arms flexed</p>
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origin: occipital bone, spines of c7, all thoracic vertebrae

insertion: scapula and clavicle

function: extends head, raises, rotates and adducts scapula (shrugging shoulder)

<p>origin: occipital bone, spines of c7, all thoracic vertebrae</p><p>insertion: scapula and clavicle</p><p>function: extends head, raises, rotates and adducts scapula (shrugging shoulder)</p><p></p>
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origin: clavicle and scapula

insertion: tuberosity of humerus

function: prime mover of arm abduction (intramuscular injection site)

<p>origin: clavicle and scapula</p><p>insertion: tuberosity of <strong>humerus</strong></p><p>function: prime mover of arm abduction (intramuscular injection site)</p>
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Biceps Brachii

origin shorthead: coracoid process of scapula

origin longhead: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

insertion: radial tuberosity

action: flexion and supination of forearm

<p>origin shorthead: coracoid process of <strong>scapula</strong></p><p>origin longhead: supraglenoid tubercle of <strong>scapula</strong></p><p>insertion: radial tuberosity</p><p>action: flexion and supination of forearm</p>
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triceps brachii

origin longhead: glenoid cavity of scapula

origin Lateral head: humerus

origin Medial head: humerus

insertion: ulna

action: forearm extensor, antagonist of forearm flexors

<p>origin longhead: glenoid cavity of scapula</p><p>origin Lateral head: humerus</p><p>origin Medial head: humerus</p><p>insertion: ulna</p><p>action: forearm extensor, antagonist of forearm flexors</p>
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extensor digitorum (posterior)

origin: humerus

insertion: phalanges II-V

action: prime mover of finger extension, extends hand and can abduct fingers

<p>origin: humerus</p><p>insertion: phalanges II-V</p><p>action: prime mover of finger extension, extends hand and can abduct fingers </p>
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palmaris longus

origin: humerus

insertion: palmar aponeurosis, skin and fascia of palm

action: flex hand, tenses skin and fascia of palm

<p>origin: humerus</p><p>insertion: palmar aponeurosis, skin and fascia of palm</p><p>action: flex hand, tenses skin and fascia of palm</p>
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flexor carpi ulnaris

origin: humerus

insertion: metacarpal V

action: flexes and adducts hand

<p>origin: humerus</p><p>insertion: metacarpal V</p><p>action: flexes and adducts hand</p><p></p>
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flexor digitorum superficialis

origin: humerus

insertion: middle phalanges of II-V

action: flexes hand and middle phalanges of II-V

<p>origin: humerus</p><p>insertion: middle phalanges of II-V</p><p>action: flexes hand and middle phalanges of II-V</p><p></p>
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flexor carpi radialus

origin: humerus

insertion: base of metacarpals II-III

action: powerful flexor and abductor of the hand

<p>origin: humerus</p><p>insertion: base of <strong>metacarpals II-III</strong></p><p>action: powerful flexor and abductor of the hand</p>
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gluteus maximus

Origin: dorsal ilium, sacrum and coccyx

insertion: femur tuberosity

action: complex, powerful thigh extensor (most effective when climbing stairs)

<p>Origin: dorsal <strong>ilium</strong>, sacrum and coccyx</p><p>insertion: <strong>femur </strong>tuberosity</p><p>action: complex, powerful thigh extensor (most effective when climbing stairs)</p>
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quadriceps femoris

Origin: femur

insertion: tibial tuberosity

action: powerful leg extensors (Kick!!)

<p>Origin: femur</p><p>insertion: <strong>tibia</strong>l tuberosity</p><p>action: powerful leg extensors (Kick!!)</p>
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bicep femoris

origin long head: ischial tuberosity (ilium)

origin short head: distal femur

insertion: lateral head of fibula

action: knee flexion

<p>origin long head: ischial tuberosity (<strong>ilium</strong>)</p><p>origin short head: distal <strong>femur</strong></p><p>insertion: lateral head of <strong>fibula</strong></p><p>action: knee flexion</p>
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origin: medial + lateral condyles of femur

insertion: calcaneus

action: plantar flexes foot when leg is extended, crosses knee joint thus can flex leg (when foot is dorsiflexed)

<p>origin: medial + lateral condyles of <strong>femur</strong></p><p>insertion: calcaneus </p><p>action: plantar flexes foot when leg is extended, crosses knee joint thus can flex leg (when foot is dorsiflexed)</p>
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tibialis anterior

origin: lateral condyle of tibia

insertion: metatarsal I

action: Prime mover of dorsiflexion, inverts foot, supports longitudinal arch of foot

<p>origin: lateral condyle of <strong>tibia</strong></p><p>insertion: metatarsal I</p><p>action: Prime mover of dorsiflexion, inverts foot, supports longitudinal arch of foot</p>
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