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Election of 1844
Polk vs Henry Clay
Polks 4 point plan
Keep government funds in the treasury, reduce tariffs, settling the Oregon boundary question; and acquiring California.
54 40 or Fight
Get this territory or fight the British for it
Oregon Treaty
Signed with British in 1846 allowed for a peaceful accusation of the Oregon territory.
Mexican American War
Polk used a border attack as an excuse to start this war.
Spot Resolutions
Lincoln asked Polk the exact spot where American blood was spilled.
Wilmot Proviso
congressional bill that prohibited extension of slavery into territory gained from Mexico. Not successful.
Free soil
Opposed expansion of slavery, they wanted white people to have job opportunities in the new lands.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
1848 the war was over
Mexican cession
Mexico gave Arizona, New Mexico, California, nevada, and Utah
Gadsend Purchase
US would take southern regions of Arizona and New Mexico for 10 million. (Intent was to use it for a transcontinental railroad)
The compromise of 1850
Clay drafted and clarified final boundaries of Texas, originally banned slavery in the cession, Democrats (John C Calhoun) didn’t like it but some whigs (Daniel Webster) liked it
Stephan Douglass
Democrat who seperated the compromise of 1850 into two seperate bills which were passed and allowed California in as a free state with a stronger fugitive slave law.
Uncle Toms Cabin
Written by Hariet Beecher Stowe in 1852
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephan Douglas promoted. Repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed for popular sovereignty
Personal Liberty Laws
ways the north fought the fugitive slave act. This allowed slaves to a court case + lawyer.
Border Ruffians
pro slave Missourians
John Brown
Radical abolitionist who led a raid on a proslavery camp. (why bleeding kansas is called that)
James Buchanan
Enforced slave acts and opposed abolitionist activism.
Dred Scott v Sandford
Cheif justice Taney said slaves weren’t US citizens they were property so they can’t sue in federal courts. Ruled congress doesn’t regulate slavery in territories.
Election of 1858
Abraham Lincoln won
Abraham Lincoln
Got recognition from the Lincoln-Douglas debates and was nominated by the Republicans.
Freeport Doctirine
Douglas destroyed his political career in his atempt to defend popular soveirnty.
Harper’s Ferry
1859 raid by John Brown that fueled secessionist sentiment.
Fire Eaters
Group or radical pro slavery southerners who wanted to seceed.
December 1860
South Carolina seceeds
Confederate States of America
Southern states that left the Union
Jefferson Davis
Led the confederacy
Fort Sumter
First battle of civil war, least bloody. April 12, 1861.
Habeas Corpus
Protection against improper imprisonment. Lincoln repealed it so he could jail seccessionists in border states.
Battle of Antietam
September 1862. First battle in the east wehre the union didn’t lose completly. Gave Lincoln the victory he needed to announce the Emancipation Proclamation.
The Battle of Gettysburg
Fought in south pennsylvania, Lee’s troops faced mass casualties. Huge ego boost for the Union.
Battle of Gettysburg
Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Adress in two minutes to redefine the War.
Salmon P Chase
Lincolns Treasury issued greenbacks.
Confiscation Acts
Radicals introduced it and it gave the gov rights to seize slaves for certain purposes, allowed the gov to liberate any enslaved person owned by someone who supported the rebellion. Lincoln refused to reinforce it.
Thirteenth Amendment
Prohibited Slavery
Hampton Roads Conference
Lincoln tries to negotiate a settlement with the South, but Jefferson davids wishes for confederate independence ruined chances of compromise.
opposed the civil war
Election of 1864
Lincoln won against George Mclellany
War democrats
said civil war was necessary to preserve the union
Freedmans Bureau
To help newly liberate black people find their way in society.
Shermans March
Union Army burned everything from Atlanta to the sea. 1864.
1865-1877 from the end of civil war to end of military reconstruction.
Ten percent plan
Ten percent of the voters who voted in 1860 swear an oath of alliegence + accept emancipation.
Wade Davis Bill
Confederates would be ruled by military government and required 50% to swear an oath. Pocket vetoed by Lincoln.
Pocket veto
When the president doesn’t sign a bill within the 10 days. He doesn’t need to explain why and it can’t be overturned.
Andrew Johnson
Southern democrat and 17th
Johnson Reconstruction Plan
Called for creation of military governments to run the states until they were back in the union. Required all citizens to swear an oath. Didn’t work because Johnson pardoned the southern elite.
Black Codes
limited freedmens rights
Special field No.15
Said land that confederates had would be redestributed to freedmen. Johnson said no.
Congressional Reconstruction
Reconstruction officially taken over by congress.
14th amendment
If you are born in the US you are a citizen
Swing around the Circle campaign
Johnson campaigned against the amendment and lost
Military Reconstruction act of 1867
Congress passed this and this put troops in the south to make sure reconstruction was working. This also required each state to ratify the 14th amendment.
Impeachment proceedings
Johnson violated the Tenure of office act leadingto these.
Ulysses S. Grant
18th president
15th amendment
Black men can vote in 1869
group who focused on murdering the freedmen
White League
focufed on murdering Republicans
Slaughter house cases
court ruled 14th amendment only applied to the federal government
Amnesty Act of 1872
Pardoned many rebels allowing them to re-enter public life.
Boss Tweed
Corrupt political machine
Compromise of 1877
Hayes can be president if troops are taken out of the South.
Freedmens bureau
helped freedmen find jobs, housing and eduction too.
Traded a portion of their crop to work on someone elses land.
Hiram Revels and Blanche K Bruce
first Black senators in the U.S
Robert Smalls
founded the republican party and served in the US house of representitives in the 1880s.