Psychology modules 31-35

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CH 31: A psychological disorder is a harmful dysfunction in which thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are maladaptive, disturbing, atypical and a. unusual. b. unhappy. c. unified. d. unjustifiable.

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CH 31: A psychological disorder is a harmful dysfunction in which thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are maladaptive, disturbing, atypical and a. unusual. b. unhappy. c. unified. d. unjustifiable.

d. unjustifiable.

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CH 31: What do we call behaviors that are destructive to oneself or others? a. predestined b. maladaptive c. disturbing d. predispositioned

b. maladaptive

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CH 31: Which of the following would be most likely categorized as disturbing by a psychologist? a. speaking in nonsense words in public in a loud voice b. feeling compelled to hurt another when tired c. refusing to read newspapers or watch the news on television d. believing that aliens are responsible for starting life

b. feeling compelled to hurt another when tired

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CH 31: Which of the following would most likely be explained as a product of the medical model? a. using drugs to treat a disorder b. discussing stressors with a therapist c. reviewing environmental causes of a therapist d. examining how a person was raised

a. using drugs to treat a disorder

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CH 31: Which of the following is most likely a goal of the DSM's authors? a. Identify labels for psychological disorders in various cultures at various historical periods b. List human strengths and weaknesses to guide therapists' advice for patients trying to improve their lives. c. Gather all statistics involving psychological disorders to advise government health agencies on policy matters. d. Categorize psychological disorders and describe them specifically enough to guide future research

d. Categorize psychological disorders and describe them specifically enough to guide future research

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CH 31: The study from Stanford University of healthy individuals who admitted themselves to a mental hospital showed psychological labels a. do not help increase the reliability of diagnoses. b. cause excessive stress, which can lead to heart disease. c. influence how psychologists interpret normal behaviors of patients. d. benefit patients because they enable them to be admitted to effective treatment programs.

c. influence how psychologists interpret normal behaviors of patients.

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CH 31: Clinical psychologists classify psychological disorders according to their symptoms. This allows them to describe the disorder, predict its future course, treat the disorder appropriately, and a. provide a springboard for research. b. charge more money for their services. c. certify their credentials. d. avoid labeling.

a. provide a springboard for research.

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CH 31: Which approach to psychological disorders studies both nature and nurture and focuses on their interaction? a. medical b. social-predispositional c. bio-psycho-model d. DSM

c. bio-psycho-model

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CH 31: Research indicates that most people who suffer from mental disorders are a. stigmatized and discriminated against. b. routinely given the best housing. c. easily able to shed the disorder label. d. faking their illness in order to get sympathy.

a. stigmatized and discriminated against.

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CH 31: What do some psychologists call the "un-DSM"? a. bravery, courage, and zest b. the bio-psycho-social model c. the categories and descriptions of disorders d. a listing and explanation of character strengths

d. a listing and explanation of character strengths

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CH 32: Which of the following is NOT a symptom of anxiety? a. restlessness b. excitement about upcoming events c. irritability d. feeling on edge

b. excitement about upcoming events

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CH 32: Phobias are disruptive, ____________________ fears. a. irrational b. unconscious c. observable d. justified

a. irrational

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CH 32: A person with agoraphobia experiences fear a. when near farmland. b. of anything made of wool. c. of situations that would be difficult to escape from. d. in the presence of any animal with horns.

c. of situations that would be difficult to escape from.

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CH 32: Which of the following is true of obsessions and compulsions? a. Both are always considered disorders. b. Obsessions are always disorders, but compulsions may or may not be disorders. c. Compulsions are always disorders, but obsessions may or may not be disorders. d. They are not considered abnormal unless they disrupt a person's life.

d. They are not considered abnormal unless they disrupt a person's life.

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CH 32: Which of the following is true regarding biological causes anxiety disorders? a. Specific genes that cause anxiety disorders have been discovered b. People with anxiety disorders may show more activity in the frontal lobes of the brain c. People with anxiety disorders may show reduced activity in the amygdala d. We are rapidly evolving to develop anxiety about modern threats like cars

b. People with anxiety disorders may show more activity in the frontal lobes of the brain

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CH 32: Which of the following is NOT a symptom of major depressive disorder? a. changes in weight or appetite b. diminished ability to concentrate c. sleep changes d. periods of mania

d. periods of mania

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CH 32: Bipolar disorder involves a. swinging between depression and unreasonable and disruptive optimism b. depression that is even deeper than major depressive disorder c. a delayed reaction to highly stressful situations d. episodes of unexplained terror

a. swinging between depression and unreasonable and disruptive optimism

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CH 32: The highest rate of suicide occurs among a. adolescent females b. adolescent males c. middle-age females d. elderly males

d. elderly males

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CH 32: If one identical twin is diagnosed with major depressive disorder, a. there is little increased likelihood that the other twin will develop depression. b. there is about 50-50 chance that the other twin will develop depression. c. it is almost certain that the other twin will develop depression. d. there is a high chance that the other twin will develop depression if the twins are female, but a low chance if the twins are male.

b. there is about 50-50 chance that the other twin will develop depression.

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CH 32: Vicky was unable to get a date for the Valentine's Day dance. She concluded that "nobody will ever love me." Which of the following is true? a. She has an unstable, external, and specific explanatory style, and this is associated with depression b. She has an unstable, external, and specific explanatory style, and this is not associated with depression c. She has a stable, internal, and global explanatory style, and this is associated with depression d. She has a stable, internal, and global explanatory style, and this is not associated with depression

c. She has a stable, internal, and global explanatory style, and this is associated with depression

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CH 33: Psychologists skeptical about the increase in the number of people diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder believe the increase is likely due to a. better diagnostic criteria b. an increase in severe child abuse c. genetic factors that may trigger the disorder d. therapists who "cause" the disorder through suggestion

d. therapists who "cause" the disorder through suggestion

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CH 33: Individuals with a deep distrust of others might be diagnosed with _____________________ personality disorder. a. paranoid b. avoidant c. borderline d. antisocial

a. paranoid

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CH 33: According to the DSM-5, how many kinds of personality disorders are there? a. 10 b. 100 c. 200 d. 300

a. 10

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CH 33: Which of the following is characterized by memory loss caused by a reaction to a traumatic event? a. dissociative fugue b. dissociative amnesia c. dissociative identity disorder d. dissociative paranoia

b. dissociative amnesia

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CH 33: A person who becomes paralyzed because of a stressful situation might be diagnosed with a. somatic system disorder. b. borderline personality disorder. c. conversion disorder. d. dissociative amnesia.

c. conversion disorder.

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CH 33: What kind of disorders are usually a response to overwhelming stress? a. antisocial b. schizophrenic c. predispositional d. dissociative

d. dissociative

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CH 33: What is the disorder characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and behaviors called? a. schizophrenia b. amnesia c. multiple personality d. impulsive disorder

a. schizophrenia

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CH 33: Which of the following is NOT considered a biological factor related to schizophrenia? a. genetics b. blood type c. brain function d. brain structure

b. blood type

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CH 33: What do we call a disorder where the person's sense of self has become separated from memories, thoughts, or feelings? a. illness anxiety disorder b. anxiety c. mood d. dissociative

d. dissociative

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CH 33: What kind of personality disorder involves a lack of conscience and a lack of respect for the rights of other people? a. antisocial b. dissociative identity c. dependent d. schizophrenia

a. antisocial

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CH 34: Sigmund Freud was the founder of what controversial theory? a. psychoanalytic therapy b. light-exposure therapy c. client-centered therapy d. behavior therapy

a. psychoanalytic therapy

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CH 34: What type of therapy uses a method that involves weekly sessions over a few months and focuses on what's going on in the patent's life now? a. psychoanalytic b. psychodynamic c. interpersonal d. eclectic

c. interpersonal

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CH 34: What is the key to client-centered therapy? a. light exposure b. active listening c. free association d. transference

b. active listening

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CH 34: What does Carl Rogers call a feeling of being accepted that does not depend on any specific behaviors? a. psychodynamic assumptions b. latent content c. repressed memories d. unconditional positive regard

d. unconditional positive regard

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CH 34: What type of therapy applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors? a. behavior therapy b. psychotherapy c. interpersonal therapy d. humanistic therapy

a. behavior therapy

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CH 34: What type of therapy gradually helps you overcome an anxiety-producing stimulus? a. operant conditioning b. systematic desensitization c. aversive conditioning d. cognitive therapy

b. systematic desensitization

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CH 34: What type of therapy can help desensitize people to fears? a. token economy b. cognitive therapy c. virtual reality therapy d. aversive conditioning

c. virtual reality therapy

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CH 34: What is the process behind aversive conditioning? a. replacing a positive response to a harmful experience with a negative response b. replacing a negative response to a fearful experience with a positive response c. overcoming a maladaptive behavior to feel better about yourself d. rewarding desired behaviors and withholding rewards or punishing unwanted behaviors

a. replacing a positive response to a harmful experience with a negative response

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CH 34: What do cognitive therapists believe? a. our thinking affects how we feel b. we need to be rewarded for our behaviors c. desensitization helps us to overcome fears d. our childhood traumas affect us today

a. our thinking affects how we feel

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CH 34: What type of therapy helps people become aware of irrationally negative thoughts and behaviors? a. cognitive-behavioral therapy b. aversive conditioning c. virtual-reality therapy d. systematic desensitization

a. cognitive-behavioral therapy

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Emotionally charged interactions between a therapist and someone suffering from a psychological difficulty are called a. delusion of grandeur. b. psychotherapy. c. token economy. d. transference.

b. psychotherapy.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Rather than following one specific approach, many psychotherapists use a variety of techniques to treat their patients. This is called a. the psychotherapy approach. b. psychoanalysis. c. systematic desensitization. d. an eclectic approach.

d. an eclectic approach.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Which of the following is a common criticism of psychoanalysis? a. Carl Rogers, the founder of psychoanalysis, was unscientific in his data collection. b. It relies too heavy on complex physiological information about the brain. c. The expense and time involved limit it to the wealthy. d. The rewards and punishments used in these therapies are degrading.

b. It relies too heavy on complex physiological information about the brain.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Carl Rogers is best known for his work in which of the following types of therapies? a. behavioral b. free association c. humanistic d. touch therapy

c. humanistic

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Active listening includes the therapist _____ the patient's thoughts and feelings. a. echoing b. restating c. clarifying d. all of the above

d. all of the above

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Behavior therapies can be divided into what two main categories? a. client-centered and therapist-centered b. cognitive and behavioral conditioning techniques c. operant and classical conditioning techniques d. transference and resistance techniques

c. operant and classical conditioning techniques

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Which of the following techniques would behavior therapists most likely use to help people overcome a fear of flying? a. a token economy b. aversive conditioning c. systematic desensitization d. transference

d. transference

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: 8. Virtual reality technology works well with: a. psychoanalysis. b. cognitive therapies. c. humanistic therapies. d. behavior therapies.

d. behavior therapies.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: Giving rewards in the form of tokens that can be exchanged for privileges or treats is called: a. a token economy. b. counterconditioning. c. latent content. d. systematic desensitization.

a. a token economy.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 34: According to the data in the textbook, almost half of all psychologists say they use some type of _____ therapy. a. behavioral b. cognitive c. humanistic d. psychodynamic

a. behavioral

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CH 35: Which of the following is NOT considered a biomedical therapy? a. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy b. cognitive therapy c. electroconvulsive therapy d. drug therapies

b. cognitive therapy

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CH 35: The factor most responsible for the deinstitutionalization after the 1950s was a. a new edition of DSM that reclassified several categories of disorders. b. the growth in the use of lobotomies. c. a change in federal law. d. the development of effective drugs.

d. the development of effective drugs.

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CH 35: Antipsychotic drugs are most effective when used to treat a. depression. b. anxiety disorders. c. schizophrenia. d. post-traumatic stress disorder.

c. schizophrenia.

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CH 35: Tardive dyskinesia is: a. a new treatment for substance abuse disorders. b. a serious side effect of antipsychotic medications c. a technique that involves using magnets to stimulate the brain. d. the term that describes the amount of time it often takes before antidepressant medications take effect.

b. a serious side effect of antipsychotic medications

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CH 35: The major side effect of electroconvulsive therapy is a. muscle tremor. b. hallucinations. c. weight gain. d. memory loss.

d. memory loss.

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CH 35: One advantage of electroconvulsive therapy over drugs is a. ECT is much less expensive. b. we understand how ECT works but how the drugs work is a mystery c. ECT may work more quickly than drugs d. ECT can be used to treat a greater number of disorders than drugs can

c. ECT may work more quickly than drugs

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CH 35: Antipsychotic medications a. boost the effect of dopamine b. block the effect of dopamine c. boost the effect of serotonin d. block the effect the effect of serotonin

b. block the effect of dopamine

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CH 35: Prozac is an ________________ medication a. antipsychotic b. antianxiety c. antidepressant d. anticonvulsive

c. antidepressant

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CH 35: The original purpose of a lobotomy was to a. destroy memories of traumatic events b. stimulate the growth of new neurons and synapses c. sedate the patient d. disconnect the emotional parts of the brain from the rational parts of the brain

d. disconnect the emotional parts of the brain from the rational parts of the brain

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CH 35: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is being developed as a possible replacement for a. lobotomies b. antipsychotic medication c. electroconvulsive therapy d. antianxiety medication

c. electroconvulsive therapy

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Which of the following treatments led most directly to deinstitutionalization? a. drug therapies b. hospitalization in a mental hospital c. lobotomies d. psychoanalysis

a. drug therapies

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: The muscle tremors known as tardive dyskinesia are associated with long term use of a. Prozac. b. Rispedal. c. Thorazine. d. Valium.

b. Rispedal.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Valium would most likely be prescribed in order to help a. Cassium get rid of his suicidal thoughts and feelings of apathy and hopelessness. b. Synthia give up her irrational belief that her husband is a foreign government spy. c. Jerome overcome feelings of nervous apprehension and an inability to relax. d. Vlad discontinue his habit of smoking more than three packs of cigarettes a day.

c. Jerome overcome feelings of nervous apprehension and an inability to relax.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Walter is taking a drug which blocks the reuptake of serotonin. The drug most likely is a. an antipsychotic drug. b. Valium. c. an antianxiety drug. d. an antidepressant drug.

d. an antidepressant drug.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Since Francesca is taking lithium, she most likely is suffering from a. bipolar disorder. b. schizophrenia. c. dissociative amnesia. d. depression.

a. bipolar disorder.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Which of the following statements is the best description of the process of electroconvulsive therapy? a. A brief current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient. b. A patient is asked to increase aerobic exercise (convulsions) in order to increase electrical activity in the brain. c. Doctors use drugs to enhance the electrical activity already in the brain. d. Part of the frontal lobe is removed through electrical shock.

a. A brief current is sent through the brain of an anesthetized patient.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) shows greatest promise for the treatment of a. alcoholism. b. anxiety. c. bulimia. d. depression.

c. bulimia.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: You read a biography of a person who went through mental health treatment in 1943 for extremely irrational and violent behavior. Which of the following treatments was most likely used? a. lobotomy b. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) c. tardive dyskinesia treatment d. thorazine treatment

a. lobotomy

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: The negative side effects of lobotomies listed in the text include a. increased and rapid cycling of emotions from happiness to sadness. b. lack of motivation and a tendency to stare into space for long periods. c. memory disruptions. d. violent psychoses.

b. lack of motivation and a tendency to stare into space for long periods.

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CLICKER QUESTION CH 35: Which of the following statements regarding drug therapies is true? a. Antipsychotic drugs give the patient a "high" or sense of euphoria. b. Antidepressants may take up to a month or so to become effective. c. Thorazine and Clozaril are used with mood disorders. d. Valium and Librium are forms of antipsychotic drugs.

b. Antidepressants may take up to a month or so to become effective.

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