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trust vs. mistrust
is the world predictable and supportive?
secure attachment, trust, hope
mistrust, social withdrawal
autonomy vs. shame and doubt
am I self-sufficient or must I rely on others?
positive: confidence, independence, coping skills
negative: shame, doubt, compulsion, impulsivity
initiative vs. guilt
am I good or bad? will I feel guilty for trying new things?
positive: acceptance of rules, imagination, positive risk-taking
negative: guilt, dependence, lying
industry vs. inferiority
am I successful or am I worthless? how can I function in comparison to others?
positive: competence, productivity, confidence
negative: inertia, inferiority, giving up
identify vs. role confusion
who am I? what is my place in society?
positive: positive self-image, self-confidence, sense of self, happiness with choices
negative: role confusion, withdrawal, rebellion, dissatisfaction with choices
intimacy vs. isolation
am I able to become close with others, but still maintain my sense of self?
positive: love, companionship, partnership
negative: promiscuity, isolation, loneliness
generativity vs. stagnation
am I able to give love and attention beyond myself? have I nurtured the next generation?
positive: satisfaction, accomplishment
negative: self-absorption, boredom
integrity vs. despair
how do I deal with the end of my career? am I still useful? how do I cope with loss?
positive: satisfaction with life, objectivity
negative: preoccupation with past, failures and decisions
sensorimotor stage
characteristic(s): exploratory play
significant milestone(s): object permanence
preoperational stage
characterisitc(s): symbolic thinking, egocentric, conservation
significant milestone(s): overcoming egocentrism, overcoming conservation
concrete operational stage
more logical thinking
formal operational stage
abstract and hypothetical thinking
exploratory play
infants learn through physical interactions with objects, such as touching, mouthing, and shaking them
lack of object permanence
the belief that objects cease to exist when they are out of sight, common in very youung infants
the inability to see the world from another person’s perspective; assumes others see, think, and feel the same way they do
lack of conservation
the inability to understand that quantity remains the same despite changes in shape or arrangement
abstract thinking
the ability to think logically about abstract ideas, such as scientific principles and hypothetical situations