technical terminology to use in english lit essays
The time and place when and where a story takes place.
The pervading feeling created by a story, setting up expectations in the reader about the outcome of an episode or plot.
Descriptions and figures of speech that help the mind form forceful or beautiful pictures.
The point of view from which a story is told, such as first person, second person, or third person.
An implied comparison between two different things without using "like" or "as."
A literary device revealing concealed or contradictory meanings, including verbal, dramatic, and situational irony.
Hints or warnings of events to happen later in the story.
Deus ex machina
A god introduced into a play to resolve the entanglements of the plot
An artificial or improbable device resolving plot difficulties
Verbal irony
occurs when a contrast is evident between what a character says and wht the character actually means
Narrative where characters/events/setting represent deeper truths, often dealing with religious, political, or personal issues.
rhetorical device, used for one-to-one comparison
The main argument in a non-fiction work expressed in a statement.
The first act of a play is usually referred to as the exposition. The function of the exposition is to provide the reader with the information that he or she needs to know in order to understand and appreciate what is to follow, to introduce some of the characters, to establish the mood and atmosphere of th eplay and to get the action off to a good start
The repetition of similar initial consonant sounds.
The repetition of similar stressed vowel sounds.
The repetition of similar final consonant sounds.
Attributing human characteristics to animals, objects, or ideas.
An indirect reference to a historical or literary person, event, or object. *functions on the assumption that readers will recognise references and superimpose ideas and meaning associated with it into the context
Using mild words in place of harsh ones to reduce offense; often used to reduce risk of offending or upsetting people
Appealing to the emotions
Satire using a caricature
Culmination or result of actions/plan/plot
Impassionate rant or angry speech
Dramatic irony
occurs when the author shares informtion with the reader, which is not known by the character - resulting in the reader becoming aware of
Situational irony
occurs when a set of circumstances turns out differently from what is expected or considered appropriate
Round characters
convincing, true to life - these characters exhibit many different and sometimes contradictory personality traits
Dynamic characters
these characters undergo some type of change or development in a story, often because of something that happened to them
Flat characters
Stereotyped, shallow and often symbolic; these characters exhibit only one or two personality traits
Static characters
these characters do not change in the course of the story
A repetition of similar initial vowel sounds followed by similar consonant sounds, resulting in rhymes
end rhyme - most common type, occurs at the end of a line of poetry
Internal rhyme - occurs when a word within a line rhymes with another word within the same line
The repetition of similar final consonant sounds
Deliberate exaggeration in order to emphasize a fact or a feeling, to create either a comical or serious effect
The musical effect achieved when a poet uses words and phrases that create pleasant, harmonious sounds and rhythms
The use of unpleasnt sounds or rhythms to create a jarring effect
The use of a word that closely resembles the sound to which it refers
The rhythmic arrangement of syllables in verse, usually according to the number and kind of metrical feet in a line
The attitude of the author towards hi/her subject.
The arrangement of contrasting words, sentences, or ideas in a balanced grammatical structure. (e.g. ‘do not doubt the man who tells you he is afraid/ be afraid of the man who tells you he never doubts’)
A deliberate understatment, used for emphasis, or to create a humourous effect.
The use of a closely related term to represent an object with ehich it is associated
A recurring subject, theme, idea, etc., especially in a literary, artistic or musical work
When we say less than we actually mean, or use less emphasis than required or deserved in the given context
Lexical field
field of words
Semantic field
group of meaning
Giles’ Communication Accommodation Theory
Language theory of communication that suggests people adapt their styles of speech and often converges or becomes more similar to people they're close to