Roman RQ Part 2

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how to agriculture develop from producing it just for local use

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how to agriculture develop from producing it just for local use

latifundia began to mass produce agriculture for exporting and trade

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did all region export the same things

no every region in the empire produced something different

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what was italy known for exporting, and where was it made

pottery and metallurgy, this was made in large factories that helped employ thousands of people

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how was the mediteranean preotected from pirates

roman military and naval powers gaurded it so cargo could be traded

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what was the book written on trade in the red sea and what was it about

Periplus maris erythraei (meaning a “sailing itinerary of the Red Sea”) it depicted trade with africa and india through the red sea

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how was wealth gained in rome during the time of the republic

military expansion allowed them to collect more taxes and trade allowed wealth to flow into rome

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what was funded for after expansion in rome (art)

statues, pools, fountains, and arches to commemorate victories

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what were public works founded by the roman government

plumbing/sewer systems, bathhouses, and aquaducts that were created with precision

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how did romes population surge

large constructions projects employed hundred of thousnads of workers allowing rapid populaton growth and the attraction of migrants who often worked as servents or construction workers

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how did rome provide entertainment

they hosted circuses, theaters, and gladiator performances in the colosuam

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what was here largest circus

circus maximus (250,000)

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what were the gladiator performances

battles to the death between humans and animals, the colusam could hold 10,000 and was so well built it cold be flooded and used for mock naval fights

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what were the male head of families called

paterfamilias (father of the family)

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what did paterfamilias have power to do

they could arrange marriages, chose their kids jobs, punish, sell, and execute them (most didnt)

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what did women do

although not as powerful as men women helped run domestic and financial affairs and helped influence her family, romans had laws that said women could not gain inherticance but a lot of them evaded the law

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as rome grew what happened to wealth in society

there was a large gap between rich and poor and their was a big poverty problem

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what happened as poverty inceased

poor people rioted asking for a change in policy but authorities didnt listen and tried to keep them happy with bread and public performences (roman poet described it as “bread and circuses”)

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how much of the population did slavery make up


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how did rural slaves differ from slaves in the city

rural slaves lived in harsh coditions and were often chained together, city slaves had less difficult jobs such as servants and craftsmen

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who was spartacus

he was a rural slave who assembled an army of thousands of slaves, eventually defesated by thousands of roman troops

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Who was epicitus

he was an anatolian urban slave who became a pominent stoic philospher and lectured to high ranked officials

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what did masters have the right to do to their slaves

they had the right to sell them, arrange their family affairs, punish them, and even execute them, most masters set their slaves free at the age of 30

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what were the main roman deities

a collection of deities who repersented different things and looked over romans

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what were the deities called who looked over specific househols

tutelary deities

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what was the most prominant school of thought that the romans adapted from the greeks


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what was stoicism about

Recognizing that they lived in a large and interdependent world, they sought to identify a set of moral standards based on nature/reason that would become ethical codes

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who was Marcus Tullius Cicero

he adopted stoic values, lived in greece, often wrote about how he thought people should live in accordance to nature and should not accumulate wealth or unjustfully try and become powerful

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who took part in religions of salvations and what did they provide

both educated and non-educated took part in the religion to try and have a sense of purpose and a glorius experience after death

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how did the religions of salvation spread

they began flourishing in rome and then spread through the mediteranean

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what was mithraism

a male only religous cult dedicated to the Persian deity Mithras

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who was mithras to the perians vs the romans

Zoroastrian mythology, Mithras was a god closely identified with the sun and light the romans associated with strength and courage allowing it to become ery popular to roman armies, mithraic temples appeared near military settlements

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what was the salvation for worshiping mithra

by observing and attending cult teachings people thought they would recieve union with mithra in the after life

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what was the cult of isis

dedicated to the Anatolian mother goddess Cybele, the Egyptian goddess Isis, and other deities made a place for both men and women, this cult may have been the most popular religion before christianity

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what was the salvation hoped to recieve in the cult of isis

by praying to isis’s godesses in temples cult member hoped for a peaceful after life

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what happened after the fall of the jewish kingdoms

the Jewish people maintained their faith and their communities under various imperial regimes

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what did emporers do to encourage loyalty

empires often created state cults that honored their emperors as gods

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how was this a problem for jews

most jews were strictly monotheistic and recognized only their god, Yahweh, some even declined to pay taxes to regimes that required subjects to revere their emperors

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what happened after the jews expressed their concerns

Jews in Palestine tried rebelling against Seleucids and Romans, but the resistance failed, and Roman forces decisively defeated the rebels during the Jewish War

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Who were the essenes

they were a sect that had strict moral code and participated in rituals and baptisms designed to reinforce a sense of community

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how were the essenes beliefs uncovered

shepherds accidentally discovered some Essene writings known as the Dead Sea scrolls

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what were the 2 groups of jews

Zealots – wanted to drive Romans out of Judea

Apocalyptics – believed a Messiah, or “the Christ,” was coming to destroy the Romans and save the Jews

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who was jesus of Nazerath

he was a Jewish teacher whom christians recognized as their savior and formed their relgion around, he attracted large crowds becuase of his teachings and ability to heal the sick

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why was jesus a threat to the romans and what did the romans do

he often taight that “the kingdom of God is at hand” which was refering to a spiritual realm but the romans took it as a threat and crussified him

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who were jesus’ early followers

they were all jews, but often sought out to recruit non-jewish communities

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after his death what did jesus’ early followers call him

they felt his presence and said that he rose from the dead, they called him christ (the anointed one)

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what did people teach about jesus

they said he was the son of god, they said that his sacrifice would relieve peoples sins and if they were faithful to him they would go to the kingdom of god

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what were the codes and writings taught to cristians and what were they called

they had a demanding moral code they had to observe, they also had a collection of writings resembling jesus’ life and christian teachings, the new testament

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what was the old testament

Jews’ Hebrew scriptures

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what was the book called that was a combinantion of the new and old testament

the holy book of christianity

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who was Paul of Tarsus

a Jew from Anatolia who preached his faith, especially in the Greek-speaking region of the Roman empire, he taught a Christianity that attracted the urban masses since it provided a meaning for peoples lives and promised an existance after death

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how did paul spread christianity and how did he die

he traveled through the mediteranean, when he went from palestine to rome where he promoted christianity for 2 years until he was put on trial and executed

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was their a central source for chirstianity

no, christianity was spread around the mediteranean and there were individual communities with bishops who oversaw priests however it began in Jerusalem

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what did ealry christians do to express tehir understaning of the religion

they created a number of writings

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what did church authorities do to these writings

they supressed them and called them heretical, however many of them were able to survive

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why did romans try and persecute christians and what happened

they did not want to honor emporers as their gods, however this just made christianities numebers grow faster

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who was allowed to join christianity

anyone, christianity taight an equality of sexes and often appealed to lower classes as well

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forbids hunting down Christians

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Roman Empire struggles under his rule, He thinks the Roman gods are punishing them, so he increases persecution of Christians.

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issued “Edict of Milan” which legalizes Christianity. Makes Church tax-free.

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made Christianity official religion of the Roman Empire.  Allows Church to have its own “canon law”.

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