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Somactic Symptom disorder and other related disorders
Psychological conditions characterized by excessive focus on physical
symptoms or health AND absence of actual health concerns
Faking of sympoms for external gain
not a diagnosis
Factitious Disorder
Fake illness because like the sick role
No external incentives
AKA Munchausen syndrome
Often very knowledgeable about medical conditions
When confronted, doctor shop
Imposed on another
Illness Anxiety Disorder
AKA hypochondriac
Excessive fear of having an illness despite evidence to the contrary
Very anxious about their health
Reassurance from doctors is only temporary fix
Sometimes will even undergo invasive tests to decrease anxiety
May also avoid the doctor
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Focus on the symptoms
Interrupt daily life Spend a great deal of time, money and energy on the symptoms
No actual medical cause for symptoms
Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder
AKA conversion disorder
Psychological worry or concern is converted into a physical symptom
Usually neurological symptoms
La belle indifference
Often linked with a certain stressor or event
Stress and Cardiovascular Disease
Heart disease and Hypertension
Stress risk factors include job strain, marital conflict, exposure to high traffic noise levels at oneās home
Type A or Type B
Type A is a significant risk factor for heart disease
Anger and hostility the most important factor, even suppressed anger
Sleep apnea
Obstructive v. Central v. Hypoventilation
CPAP machine
Circadian Rhythm Sleep-wake disorders
REM sleep behavior disorder
Nightmare disorder
Sleep eating
Sleep sex
Sleep terrors
Gender dysphoria
Distress and/or impairment associated with their gender
Sexual dysfunction
Concern with one or more areas in the sexual response cycle
Paraphilic Disorders
Problematic or inappropriate sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors
Biological male or female
Intersexuality - born with sexual anatomy that fits both male/female
Gender identity
Characterizes the way you think about biological features that inform who you are
Gender expression
Transgender or gender nonconforming (TGNC)
Gender identity is different than gender assigned at birth
Sexual Dysfunctions
People have difficulty in one or more areas of the sexual response cycle Also lead to distress, low self-esteem and relationship problems
1. Desire - want sex
2. Arousal
3. Orgasm
4. Resolution
Sexual response cycle?
Sexual desire disorders
Characterized by decreased sexual desire or a total lack of sexual interest
Sexual arousal disorder
Aversion to sexual contact
Females: impact on sexual excitement or feelings of pleasure
Males: may result in lack of an erection
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Lack of interest in sexual activity or persistent low level of sexual arousal
Inability to attain sexual excitement and lubrication required for sex
Need to occur in 75% of sexual encounters for at least 6 months
Need to cause distress or impairment
Can impact quality of life, self-esteem and moods
Higher rates postmenopausal or had a hysterectomy
Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and Erectile
Lack of interest in sex but may have typical physical response to sex and will have sex
Controversy with females because their disorders are lumped into one and males have 2 separate disorders
Erectile dysfunction
Unable to develop or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity
Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) tests
Orgasm Disorders
May experience a delay or absent organsm following a typical sexual excitement phase
In men - early or delayed ejaculation
Female ______ ______
Persistent delay or absence of orgasm following typical arousal
Ejaculation Disorder
Ejaculation and orgasm are 2 separate things but often happen at the same time
Premature ejaculation
Consistently reach organsm within 2 minutes of sexual activity
Delayed __________
Delay or absence of ejaculation
Needs to occur 75% of time AND cause distress in order to be diagnosed
Disorders of Sexual Pain
Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
Pelvic floor muscles can tighten in fear of this pain happening, making it worse Results in distress and avoidance of sex
Paraphilic Disorder
Intense sexual urges or fantasies outside societal norms
Diagnosed when causes distress and/or puts a person at risk (themselves or someone else) Need to be present for at least 6 months
Can be illegal
Fetishistic Disorder
Related to a nonliving object or nongenital body part in order to achieve sexual arousal
Transvestic Disorder
Dressing in clothing of another gender along with intense sexual feelings
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Exposing genitals to an unsuspecting person
Often in a public place - thrill of being caught
Frotteuristic Disorder
Touch or rub against someone unsuspecting or nonconsenting
Often occurs in a crowded place - victims often do not realize what occurred
Pedophilic Disorder
Sexual attraction to children
Sexual masochism disorder
Act of being humiliated, beaten, bound or made to suffer
May have fantasies about having sex against their will but this causes distress
Sexual sadism disorder
Aroused by the suffering of others and may inflict pain on them
Psychotic symptoms
Active vs. residual phase
Need to be in an active phase for 1 month to be diagnosed with symptoms for at least 6 months
Can have a significant financial cost
Many on disability - homeless - or in jail
At an increased risk for other health impairments Prevalence
Delusional Disorder
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
Other Psychotic Disorders?
Positive = occur in ADDITION to typical behavior
Sensory perceptions
Disorganized thoughts, speech and behavior
Positive Symptoms of Psychosis- Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders?
Deficits in expected behaviors
Flat or restricted affect
Some psychotic symptoms may be related to culture
Negative Symptoms of Psychosis- Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders?
A lack of motivation or drive to start or continue goal-oriented activitiesĀ
A feeling of apathy or loss of interest in usual activitiesĀ
A reduction in the amount of speech or words usedĀ
A narrowing of speech range and poverty of speech contentĀ
A brain-related symptom that can be caused by damage or disruptions in brain activityĀ
An inability to experience pleasure from activities or relationshipsĀ
A loss of interest or pleasure in current or future activitiesĀ
Schizophrenia and psychotic disorders
Disconnect from your senses and reality
Person lost some contact with reality
Psychotic symptoms versus psychotic disorder
Overview for what two disorders?
Minimal consciousness and reduced motor/sensory activity
Brain is still very active during sleep
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Melatonin = hormone to make you feel tired
This is why blue light on electronics keeps you awake at night!
Health Impact of Poor Sleep
Sleep debt
Need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night
Sleep rebound
Increase in problems like:
Depression-like symptoms
Cognitive functioning -> memory, learning, decision making, reaction time
Obesity, high blood pressure, cancer, liver disease, increase in cortisol