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Psychological Disorder
A syndrome with significant disturbances in cognition, emotion, or behavior.
Medical Model
Concept treating diseases, including psychological disorders, with physical causes.
Study of environmental influences on gene expression without DNA change.
American Psychiatric Association's system for classifying psychological disorders.
Disorder with extreme inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Anxiety Disorders
Disorders with distressing anxiety or maladaptive behaviors.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Intense fear and avoidance of social situations.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorder with continual tension and autonomic arousal.
Panic Disorder
Anxiety disorder with unpredictable episodes of intense dread.
Fear or avoidance of situations causing loss of control and panic.
Anxiety disorder with irrational fear and avoidance of specific things.
Disorder with unwanted repetitive thoughts or actions.
Disorder with haunting memories and hypervigilance after trauma.
Major Depressive Disorder
Disorder with depressive symptoms lasting two or more weeks.
Bipolar Disorder
Disorder alternating between depression and mania.
Hyperactive, optimistic state with poor judgment.
Compulsive overthinking and fretting.
Disorder with delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.
Psychotic Disorders
Disorders with irrational ideas and distorted perceptions.
False sensory experiences without external stimuli.
False belief, often accompanying psychotic disorders.
Chronic Schizophrenia
Form of schizophrenia with symptoms appearing in late adolescence.
Acute Schizophrenia
Form of schizophrenia beginning at any age, often in response to trauma.
Somatic Symptom Disorder
Disorder with physical symptoms without apparent cause.
Conversion Disorder
Disorder with physical symptoms not compatible with recognized conditions.
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Disorder interpreting normal sensations as disease symptoms.
Dissociative Disorders
Rare disorders with conscious awareness separation from memories and feelings.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Rare disorder with two or more distinct personalities.
Personality Disorders
Enduring behavior patterns impairing social functioning.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Personality disorder with lack of conscience for wrongdoing.
Anorexia Nervosa
Eating disorder with starvation diet despite being underweight.
Bulimia Nervosa
Eating disorder with binge eating followed by weight-loss behaviors.
Binge-Eating Disorder
Significant binge-eating episodes without compensatory behaviors.
Treatment involving psychological techniques for overcoming difficulties or achieving growth
Biomedical therapy
Therapy using medications or procedures affecting physiology directly
Eclectic approach
Therapeutic approach combining techniques from various therapies
Freud's technique using free associations, dreams, and transferences for insight
Blocking anxiety-laden material from consciousness in psychoanalysis
Analyst's noting dream meanings and resistances to promote insight
Patient transferring emotions linked with other relationships to the analyst
Psychodynamic therapy
Derives from psychoanalytic tradition, enhancing self-insight
Insight therapies
Aim to improve psychological functioning by increasing awareness of motives
Client-centered therapy
Therapist uses active listening in an empathic environment for growth
Active listening
Empathic listening where the listener echoes and clarifies
Unconditional positive regard
Nonjudgmental attitude aiding self-awareness and acceptance
Behavior therapy
Applies learning principles to eliminate unwanted behaviors
Uses classical conditioning to evoke new responses to triggers
Exposure therapies
Treat anxieties by exposing people to feared situations
Systematic desensitization
Associates relaxation with anxiety-triggering stimuli to treat phobias
Virtual reality exposure therapy
Treats anxiety through simulations of feared situations
Aversive conditioning
Associates unpleasant state with unwanted behavior
Token economy
Operant conditioning where tokens are exchanged for privileges
Cognitive therapy
Teaches adaptive thinking based on thoughts influencing emotions
Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
Challenges illogical attitudes and assumptions
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
Integrative therapy combining cognitive and behavior therapy
Group therapy
Therapy conducted with groups for interaction benefits
Family therapy
Treats individuals in the context of family dynamics
Statistical procedure combining results from different studies
Evidence-based practice
Integrates research, expertise, and patient preferences for clinical decisions
Therapeutic alliance
Trust bond between therapist and client for constructive problem-solving
Study of drug effects on mind and behavior
Antipsychotic drugs
Treat severe thought disorders like schizophrenia
Antianxiety drugs
Control anxiety and agitation
Antidepressant drugs
Treat depression, anxiety, and PTSD
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Brief electric current for severe depression
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
Repeated magnetic pulses to stimulate or suppress brain activity
Surgery altering brain tissue to change behavior
Procedure cutting nerves to control emotions
Personal strength coping with stress and adversity
Posttraumatic growth
Positive changes from struggling with challenging circumstances