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what is the problem with age related stereotypes
can be exaggerated, can be applied incorrectly to a whole track of people, can lead to prejudice
what is ageism
a socially constructed way of thinking about older persons based on negative attitudes and stereotypes and a tendency to structure society based on an assumption that everyone is young
what are the result of ageist beliefs on decision
can result in implicit biases in how people make decisions and act.
by practitioners: decisions on treatments
by policy makers: interventions to promote healthy living as “too late to be effective”
what are the result of ageist beliefs on promotion of leisure/sports
reflected in the type of leisure pursuits usually prescribed/promoted for older people
what are the results of ageist beliefs that become internalized
age-related perceptions are associated with reductions in personal health-seeking behaviors (people who accept ageist stereotypes tend to risk poor health and exercise less as they age)
age-related perceptions can affect an older person’s self-confidence or performance
(negative perception = less confidence = perform poorly)
what is a narrative
narratives shape our expectations of how we will/can age
ex. disney book, children books, seem harmless but its cerates a narrative of what it may look like to age
our narratives are shaped by…
culture (stereotypes)
stories from older adults
significant others
lived experiences
what is the fitness discourses of older athletes
“the body is a machine to be worked on, to avoid the deteriorative effects of getting old”
key part is that they are working to avoid getting old
(sport = to delay the effects of aging)
what is the competition discourses among older athletes
the body is a machine to be trained to achieve peak performance measured in higher rankings, personal best, and/or wins
what to make of these performance discourses
they challenge the dominant participation discourse
they challenge dominant constructions of aging and old age
(they are image that resist ageism, as if aging is a bad thing problem)
what about the model of master’s athlete
these images needs to represent master athletes
“that’s not atteignable by me (lot of distance between me and what you’re showing me)
intimidation factor
similarity between the observers and the model
whether the observers have time to act toward the image
what image are more effective by the aging individuals
images of average (rather than spectacular) older athletes may be more effectively received by aging individuals contemplating a return to sport because they are more attainable