World History World War 1

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

This was the murder of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. This event was the spark that started World War I.

<p>This was the murder of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. This event was the spark that started World War I.</p>
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Woodrow Wilson

This was the president who was elected in 1912, and led the US into WWI. Later wrote a plan for post-WWI peace known as the Fourteen Points.

<p>This was the president who was elected in 1912, and led the US into WWI. Later wrote a plan for post-WWI peace known as the Fourteen Points.</p>
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This Central Power declared war on Serbia after Serbia rejected their ultimatum.

<p>This Central Power declared war on Serbia after Serbia rejected their ultimatum.</p>
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Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany

This German Emperor behaved aggressively through increased militarism. He ended Bismarck's isolation of France by allowing a treaty with Russia to lapse.

<p>This German Emperor behaved aggressively through increased militarism. He ended Bismarck's isolation of France by allowing a treaty with Russia to lapse.</p>
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Used by the Germans as a means to break Britain's naval blockade. Many British and American ships were attacked in the North Sea and in the Atlantic Ocean.

<p>Used by the Germans as a means to break Britain's naval blockade. Many British and American ships were attacked in the North Sea and in the Atlantic Ocean.</p>
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This cause of World War I was based on an intense pride in one's nation. The term also describes the desire of a group to be independent from foreign rule.

<p>This cause of World War I was based on an intense pride in one's nation. The term also describes the desire of a group to be independent from foreign rule.</p>
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Allied Powers

This alliance during WWI included the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy.

<p>This alliance during WWI included the United States, Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy.</p>
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Wilson's Fourteen Points

This is the plan for post-World War I outlined by President Wilson in 1918. The plan provided a framework for lasting peace.

<p>This is the plan for post-World War I outlined by President Wilson in 1918. The plan provided a framework for lasting peace.</p>
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Zimmerman Telegram

This intercepted note offered Mexico land (Texas, Arizona and New Mexico) if Mexico joined the war against the United States.

<p>This intercepted note offered Mexico land (Texas, Arizona and New Mexico) if Mexico joined the war against the United States.</p>
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Germans U-boats sank this British passenger ship in 1915. The event turned American opinion against Germany.

<p>Germans U-boats sank this British passenger ship in 1915. The event turned American opinion against Germany.</p>
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Trench Warfare

This style of warfare was common in WWI, due to the need for protection from the machine gun and heavy artillery.

<p>This style of warfare was common in WWI, due to the need for protection from the machine gun and heavy artillery.</p>
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Armistice, 1918

This was the agreement between the Allies and Central Powers that ended WWI fighting. It began at 11/11/1918 at 11:11 am.

<p>This was the agreement between the Allies and Central Powers that ended WWI fighting. It began at 11/11/1918 at 11:11 am.</p>
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This term refers to the payments that Germany was required to make under the treaty of Versailles.

<p>This term refers to the payments that Germany was required to make under the treaty of Versailles.</p>
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League of Nations

This intergovernmental organization was the only one of Wilson's 14 points to make it into the Treaty of Versailles. It did not work effectively to prevent WWII.

<p>This intergovernmental organization was the only one of Wilson's 14 points to make it into the Treaty of Versailles. It did not work effectively to prevent WWII.</p>
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War Guilt Clause

This clause of the Treaty of Versailles placed all blame for WWI with Germany and its allies.

<p>This clause of the Treaty of Versailles placed all blame for WWI with Germany and its allies.</p>
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Causes of World War I Imperialism

This cause of World War II resulted from the competition among European nations for colonies in Africa and Asia from 1880-1914. This created tension, especially between Germany and Great Britain.

<p>This cause of World War II resulted from the competition among European nations for colonies in Africa and Asia from 1880-1914. This created tension, especially between Germany and Great Britain.</p>
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Causes of World War I Alliances

This was a major cause of WWI. Two major alliances formed the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria, Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, England, Russia). This alliance system made world war likely, by drawing all countries into a small war.

<p>This was a major cause of WWI. Two major alliances formed the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria, Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, England, Russia). This alliance system made world war likely, by drawing all countries into a small war.</p>
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These are the four long-term causes of World War I. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.

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Triple Alliance

This alliance was made Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI. IN RED ABOVE

<p>This alliance was made Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI. IN RED ABOVE</p>
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Triple Entente

This alliance was made between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI. IN BLUE ABOVE

<p>This alliance was made between Great Britain, France and Russia in the years before WWI. IN BLUE ABOVE</p>
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Balkan Region

Slavic Region of intense nationalism and imperial domination in mountains of south/eastern Europe - spark to set off powder keg of Europe.

<p>Slavic Region of intense nationalism and imperial domination in mountains of south/eastern Europe - spark to set off powder keg of Europe.</p>
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Central Powers

This was a major alliance at the 'center' of Europe during World War I, made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire.

<p>This was a major alliance at the 'center' of Europe during World War I, made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Ottoman Empire.</p>
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Western Front

This was a major front in World War I. A line of trenches and fortifications in World War I that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea.

<p>This was a major front in World War I. A line of trenches and fortifications in World War I that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea.</p>
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Schlieffen Plan

This was Germany's military plan at the outbreak of WWl to avoid a 2-front war. The plan called for an invasion of France through neutral Belgium. A small force would be sent east to Russia.

<p>This was Germany's military plan at the outbreak of WWl to avoid a 2-front war. The plan called for an invasion of France through neutral Belgium. A small force would be sent east to Russia.</p>
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Eastern Front

This was a front in WWI. The region of fighting happened along the German-Russian Border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.

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How did the overseas colonies contribute to the Allied victory in World War I?

Colonies provided troops and labor.

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United States

This country entered the war in 1917. Its entrance was the greatest factor in ending the stalemate and achieving Allied victory.

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Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

A policy that the Germans announced on January 1917 which stated that their submarines would sink any ship in the British waters. Resulted in entry of the US into World War I.

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This cause of World War I was a policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war.

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Treaty of Versailles

Treaty which ended World War I.

<p>Treaty which ended World War I.</p>
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Mandate system

System by which Great Britain and France were given control over lands of the former Ottoman Empire to help them ultimately achieve independence. Included lands which eventually became Iraq, Transjordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon.

<p>System by which Great Britain and France were given control over lands of the former Ottoman Empire to help them ultimately achieve independence. Included lands which eventually became Iraq, Transjordan, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon.</p>
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Battle of the Marne, 1914

Initial battle of the war that stopped the German advance toward Paris. Taxi cabs brought additional troops to battle.

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German invasion of Belgium

This event brought Britain into the war.

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Austrian ultimatum to Serbia

Austria's response to the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand.

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Weapons used during WWI

machine gun, tank, airplane, poison gas, long-range artillery

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machine gun

Weapon responsible for many of the deaths during WWI; Led to the stalemate on the Western Front and the creation of trenches.

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Britain's naval strategy to starve Germany of needed supplies

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This country switched sides, abandoning their pre-war alliance and joining the other side.

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This country dropped out of the war in 1917 to have a communist revolution; Had a large, poorly trained army that ran short of supplies during WWI; Forced Germany into a two-front war by diverting troops from the Western Front.

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Battles at Verdun and Somme

These 1916 battles along the Western Front resulted in tremendous loss of life with little territorial gain.

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Battle of Tannenberg

The Russians were defeated by the Germans at this battle on the Eastern Front, even though the Russians outnumbered the Germans 4 to 1. Russian general committed suicide due to humiliation from defeat.

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Victims of genocide that took place during WWI

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Countries created from land that belonged to Russia

Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland

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Countries created from land that once belonged to Austria-Hungary

Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland

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Big Four at Paris Peace Conference

U.S., France, Britain, Italy

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Black Hand

Organization that was responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

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No Man's Land

Area located between enemy trenches

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Battle of Gallipoli

Battle where Ottoman Turks stopped the Allies from seizing the Dardanelles. Troops from Australia and New Zealand aided Allied forces.

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UN definition of genocide

Planned, systematic "Intent to destroy" .

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mustard gas

Weapon that caused blindness and possibly a slow death over a period of weeks.

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Gavrilo Princip

The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria. He was a member of the Black Hand.

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Lawrence of Arabia

British officer who urged Arab nationalists to revolt against Ottoman control.

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Years of WWI

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Experiences of trench warfare

Boredom, lice, rats, poison gas, artillery bombardment, machine gun fire, trench foot.

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This country seized German territory in China during WWI.

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Ways Germany punished by Treaty of Versailles

War guilt, military reduction, reparations, loss of colonies, loss of German territory.

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war of attrition

A war based on wearing the other side down by constant attacks and heavy losses

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total war

A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort

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Restricting the amount of food and other goods people may buy during wartime to assure adequate supplies for the military

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information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view; used to gain support for the war

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women's role in WWI

large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war. New jobs were also created as part of the war effort, for example in munitions factories.

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