princeton review
independent variable
control variable
random sampling
sampling bias
bias of selection
self selction bias
advertising bias
healthy user bias
sigle blind
double blind
case studies
experimental design
internal validity
external validity
descriptive statistucs
standard deviation
is an investigation seeking to understand relations of cause and effect.
independent variable
The manipulated variable is called the
dependent variable
what is measured.
is the degree to which a sample reflects the diverse characteristics of the population that is being studied.
Random sampling
is a way of ensuring maximum representativeness
bias of selection
from a specific real area occurs when people are selected in a physical space.
Self-selection bias
occurs when the people being studied have some control over whether or not to participate.
Pre-screening or advertising bias
occurs often in medical research; how volunteers are screened or where advertising is placed might skew the sample.
Healthy user bias
occurs when the study population tends to be in better shape than the general population.
means that the subjects do not know whether they are in the control or experimental group.
studies are designed so that the experimenter does not inadvertently change the responses of the subject, such as by using a different tone of voice with members of the control group than with the experimental group.
Correlational research
involves assessing the degree of association between two or more variables or characteristics of interest that occur naturally.
One way to gather information for correlational studies is through
Clinical research
often takes the form of case studies.
Case studies
are intensive psychological studies of single individuals.
conceptual definition
is the theory or issue being studied
operational definition
refers to the way in which that theory or issue will be directly observed or measured in the study.
Internal validity
is the certainty with which the results of an experiment can be attributed to the manipulation of the independent variable rather than to some other, confounding variable.
External validity
is the extent to which the findings of a study can be generalized to other contexts in the “real world.”
inter-rater reliability
the degree to which different raters agree on their observations of the same data.
Descriptive statistics
summarize data
inferential statistics
allow researchers to test hypotheses about data and determine how confident they can be in their inferences about the data.
is the arithmetic average of a set of numbers.
is the most frequently occurring value in the data set.
is the number that falls exactly in the middle of a distribution of numbers.
normal curve
These statistics can be represented by a
is simply the largest number minus the smallest number.
refers to how much the numbers in the set differ from one another.
standard deviation
measures a function of the average dispersion of numbers around the mean and is a commonly used measure of variability.
express the standing of one score relative to all other scores in a set of data.
positive skew
means that most values are on the lower end, but there are some exceptionally large values.
negative skew
means the opposite: most values are on the higher end, but there are some exceptionally small values.
correlation coefficient
is a statistic that will give us such information.
Pearson correlation coefficient
is a descriptive statistic that describes the linear relationship between two attributes.
Inferential Statistics
are used to determine our level of confidence in claiming that a given set of results would be extremely unlikely to occur if the result were only up to chance.
Sample size
refers to the number of observations or individuals measured.
null hypothesis
states that a treatment had no effect in an experiment.
alternative hypothesis
is that the treatment did have an effect.
is the accepted probability that the result of an experiment can be attributed to chance rather than the manipulation of the independent variable.
Type I error
refers to the conclusion that a difference exists when, in fact, this difference does not exist.
Type II error
refers to the conclusion that there is no difference when, in fact, there is a difference.
Stanley Milgram
conducted obedience experiments in which he convinced participants that they were administering painful electric shocks to other participants, when, in fact, no shocks were given.
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
assess research plans before the research is approved to ensure that it meets all ethical standards.
informed consent
they agree to participate in the study only after they have been told what their participation entails.
in which they are told the exact purpose of their participation in the research and of any deception that may have been used in the process of experimentation.
is another area of concern for psychology.