India and Bangladesh
318 people died
+4000 villages destroyed
9 million people displaced
166,000 hectares of ares destroyed
Operation Enduring Freedom
taliban tries to negotiate handing him over if evidence of his guilt was provided, US rejects attempts and doesn’t present evidence
169.4 million people (26 million more people than Russia)
143,998 km^2 (about the size of Iowa)
very high population density → which is why floods ruin it so easily
looks like Lousiana on a map because both of them are sinking
formerly known as East Pakistan
civilization complex
a cradle of civilizations (the earliest civilizations that popped up)
working pipes
complex urban infrastructure
Greek Bactria (possible Greek pantheon influencing idolization of the buddha/mixed Hindu and Greek mythology, a greek society thousands of miles away from Greece)
sikh religion founded in this region
equality, social justice, service to humanity, and tolerance for other religions
attached in North America → islamaphobia
humans have been there since at least 50,000 years ago
home to over a dozen ethnic groups
population of between 33-38 million people ( gap of 5 million people due to recent conflict)
multi-lingual , official language Dari and Pashto
mountainous with certain regions of good farmlands
landlocked, about the size of Texas
extremely dry even with a lot of rivers and reservoirs
historically critical to silk road
blend of Greek, Persian, and Indian cultures
syncretist religious milieu (blend of multiple religions)
monarchry but not independent
fought over by Russia during 19th century
technically became a British Colony
was neutral at first during WW1 before leader was assassinated →Hindu-German Conspiracy (plan to attack British Raj)
moved towards building relationships with the soviet union and weimar germany after a war with britain in WW1
major reforms throughout 1930s
joined league of nations in 1934
close relations with the axis powers up into WW2
did not get involved in WW2 and didn’t pick a side in cold war → the US and soviets intervened economically and soviets invested more per capita
bloodless coup in 1973 created an Islamic Republic
bloody coup in 1978, people’s democratic party of Afghanistan took power
fell into civil war in 1979
mujahideen and Maoist guerrillas vs regime forces
mujahideen backed by US and Pakistani intelligence agencies, the regime backed by soviets
soviets lost faith int he regime, invade in 1979. new regime backed by soviet army. the US, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and China backing rebel groups
turns into a quagmire
soviets pull out and government collapses in 1991
warlord period until 1994 (no central authority)
mujahideen commits major crimes against humanity during this time
taliban rises to power out of islamic madrases in Pakistan
taliban takes Kabul in 1996
implements sharia law, subjects women, carries out mass killings, destroys villages and fertile lands
opposition group called Northern Alliance resists the Taliban, Pakistan intervenes with thousands of troops to help the taliban
osama bin laden and associates carry out the 9/11/2001 attacks
US/UK launch Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001
taliban wants evidence of his guilt in return for him but the US rejects this offer
bin laden is finally assassinated in Pakistan in May 2011
landlocked and mountainous
British buffer state
passed between Indian, Chinese, and Mongolian Empires
became unified under the Tibetan Lama Monarchy
government form :constitutional monarchy
Druk Gyalpo (dragon king) is the head of state
tourism is a major industry but it is exploitive
considered “low impact, high value”
key reason for economy opening up in 1974
known for bright and vibrant festivals
only country in the world to be carbon-negative (3x the CO2 than it produces)
72% of county is forest
banned smoking in the 1990s (stopped all tobacco sales by 2004 and it is the first country to be free of smokers)
was closed off until the 1970s
didn’t get internet or tv until 1999
banned plastic bags in 1999
no traffic lights
hydropower biggest export at 32.4% of total exports
relies primarily on rivers, not dams (thanks to geography)
government provides free solar panels to isolate communities
population : 30.67 million people
geography : 500 miles long, 120 miles wide
gov style : federal democratic republic
world’s last hindu monarchies up until 2008
ancient critical point of the silk road
birth place of the buddha
had a unique civil war starting in 1996 and into the mid 2001
7th largest country by size
might be world’s most populous country (3x north america)
capital : New Delhi (easy location for invaders)
government style : federal republic (democratic parliamentary system)
inhabited by humans since 55,000 years ago
highly diverse genetic populations (2nd only to africa)
settled life split from Indus Valley Civilization about 9000 years ago
blended into indo-aryan and indo-european populations around 6500 years ago
by 1200 BCE sanskirt is embraced
between 1500-500 BCE vedic society and religions developed (vedas text laid groundwork for hinduism)
by 400 BCE hinduism, buddism, and janism formalized social orders in the form of the Hindu Caste System
century islamic empires pushed in from the West starting in the 13th - 18th (early attempts in the 8th and 11th centuries stopped)
mongols invade from the North around the 13th century
mughal expansion 16th - 19th century
world’s largest economy/manufacturing power during the mughal era
proto-industralization in bengal → conquest by the East India Company de-industrialized the nation
economic alliance of emerging economies
total population : 3.21 billion
$26.6 trillion total GDP
starting in 2012 : $100 billion global development fund
want global polar economic systems ( the decisions and stuff are shared between countries not just the US)
number of nuclear warheads : 156
tensions with other nuclear powers (Pakistan - 165 nukes, China - 350 nukes)
major economic reforms in the 1990s : mass privatization, foreign investments, reckless industrializing with fossil fuels
outcome : bigger GDP - mass inequality and social deprivation
14th prime minister
member of 2 major party’s in India
hindu nationalist/fascits and conservative
citizenship amendment act (2019) and the three controversial farm laws (2020)
mass public protests and outrage
saw indian communist parties nearly revolt (marxist-leninist and maoist parties)
created during 1947 partition of British raj but fought over until 1948 (wars in 1965, 1971, and 1999)
Simla agreement in 1972 formally established the line of control between India and Pakistan
77% Muslim majority - would have been Pakistan’s sphere of influence, Punjab Region specifically
India controls 55% of the land, 70% the population, has invested millions into infrastructure and development in the region
spheres of control : northwest (Pakistan), central and southeast (India), northeast (China)
claims, supposedly according to Quran texts
lost tribes of Israel migrated east to India and settled here
because the tribes migrated here :
jesus visited during the missing years of his youth
jesus survived the crucifixion and lived out the rest of his life here