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cash flow forecast
the prediction of all expected reciepts and expenses of a business over a future time period which shows the expected cash balance at the end of each month
cash inflows
money going into the business
cash outflows
the flow of money out of the business
net cash flow
the difference between money flowing into a business and the cash flowing out of the business in a given time period
the degree to which a business is able to meet its debts when they fall due
cash flow forecasts
poor cash flow leads to a failure of business
net cash flow equation
opening balance
the money the business has at the start of each month
aka the money left over from the last month
so last month’s closing balance is this months opening balance
closing balance equation
net cash flow + opening balance
brackets mean its negative
uses of a cash flow forecast
identifying the timing of cash shortages
sorting applications for finance
enhancing the planning process
monitering cash flow
limitation of cash flow
data used in forecasts are esitmates if they are inaccurate it will be unreliable
business activity has tonnes of factors called external forces that are beyond the control of owners and managers
time is money and time constucting an inaccurate cash flow forecast is a wast of time that can be distributed elsewhere
only focuses on cash cannot evaluate performance
a quantitative economic plan prepred and agreed in advance
budgetry control
a business system that involves making future plans, comparing actual results with the planned results and then investigating the causes of any differences
historicle figures
quantitative information based on past trading records
opportunity cost
this is the benefit lost from the next best alternative to the one chosen
production cost budget
a firm’s planned production costs for a future time period
sales budget
a firms planned sales for a future period of time
the difference between actual financial outcomes and the ones budgeted
variance analsis
calculating variances and identifying their auses
zero based budgeting
a system of budgeting when no money is allocated for costs or spending unless justified by the fund holder