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Respiratory system
System of organs to maintain gas exchange
Gaseous exchange
oxygen is taken in and exchanged for carbon dioxide (waste product of respiration)
Sites of gas exchange
alveoli of the lungs and respiring cells around the body
main organs and responsible for gas exchange
Nasal cavity
hollow space behind nose to warm and filter air
allows air to pass through and supported by rings of cartilage to prevent collapsing
Two short branches off trachea to carry air into lungs
Airways made up of multiple branches, leading to alveoli
Tiny sacs of lung tissue where gas exchange takes place
Effective exchange surface
Has a large surface area, a good blood supply, is well ventilated for gas exchange and has a thin membrane for diffusion
Small and thin blood vessels where gas exchange occurs, they consist of a single layer of cells
thin sheet of muscle to help control breathing, pulls down and contracts to become flat so air can easily enter
in between ribs which move rib cage during breathing
Double-layered membrane that encloses and protects each lung to reduce friction
particles and bacteria stick to move them out and to the back of the throat
movement of substances from a higher concentration to a lower concentration
Leads to faster diffusion rates, more room for particles to diffuse through membrane
Large surface area - many alveoli are present
Thin, moist and permeable walls
Permeable walls
Good blood supply
A large diffusion gradient - concentration in alveoli is higher than capillaries so oxygen moves to the blood
gases dissolve in moisture helping them to pass across, which increases the rate of diffusion
one cell thick to optimise diffusion between the alveoli and the blood
Permeable walls
allows gasses to pass through easily
Many blood vessels surrounding alveoli
maintain a constant diffusion gradient for gas exchange so oxygen is taken out and carbon dioxide in
adaptations for exchange
Alveoli in mammals, guard cells and spongy mesophyll in plants
Carbon dioxide diffuses into plant in exchange for oxygen that diffuses out, regulated by guard cells to open and close stomata
pores called stomata to open/close and regulate gas exchange
surrounded by air spaces to increase surface area for diffusion and gas exchange
cell membranes are also thin, moist and permeable
occurs in spongy mesophyll
Glucose -> carbon dioxide + ethanol + little energy
Anaerobic respiration in yeast practical
Boil the glucose solution to sterilise it and remove any oxygen, leaving behind the glucose needed for anaerobic respiration
Cool before adding the yeast (high temperatures will kill it)
Place a layer of oil on top of the glucose solution to prevent oxygen entering
Yeast will respire anaerobically producing alcohol, heat and carbon dioxide that can be collected in limewater
Factors affecting respiration in yeast practical
Mix yeast into a solution of glucose and water - this provides the glucose and oxygen needed for respiration.
Leave at room temperature for 1 hour.
Place mixture in a test tube.
Place a boiling tube over the test tube and invert - the test tube will now be upside down.
Place in water bath at 10°C.
Measure the height of the bubble at the top of the test tube.
After 30 minutes, measure the height of the bubble at the top of the test tube.
Repeat steps 2 to 7 at different temperatures (e.g. 20°C, 30°C, 40°C and 50°C).
Calculate the change in bubble height and record results
Factors affecting respiration in yeast results
optimum temperature will produce largest bubble of CO2 after 30 minutes, respiration will have happened fastest
CO2 bubbled in limewater cause a change from colourless to a milky (cloudy precipitate)
releases energy to its surroundings, usually heat
Use of energy (7 life processes)
movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition (+ active transport)
happens in the presence of oxygen and releases lots of energy
Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
Anaerobic respiration
happens in the absence of oxygen (strenuous exercise) and produces little energy
Glucose → lactic acid + little energy
amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to react with lactic acid
intercostal muscles contract, ribs move up and out
thorax increases in volume and decreases in pressure, causing air to enter lungs
diaphragm contracts, moving downwards
intercostal muscles relax, ribs move down and in
thorax decreases in volume and increases in pressure, forcing air out of the lungs
diaphragm relaxes, returning to domed shape
When the rubber sheet moves down, the volume inside the glass jar increases.
This increase in volume causes a decrease in pressure.
The lungs (balloons) inflate as air enters until the pressures inside and outside are equal
The ribs and intercostal muscles are not represented in the model
Space between lungs and wall of thorax is large rather than small
Diaphragm shape is not flat and pulled down but domed and it flattens
Balloons contain open space opposed to many alveoli
Composition of inhaled air
21% Oxygen, 0.04% Carbon Dioxide, 78% Nitrogen, water vapor varies
Composition of exhaled air
Effects of exercising
muscles require more energy causing increased respiration
a larger volume of air is needed to replace oxygen used and remove carbon dioxide
to supply this the body increases the rate and depth of breathing
also leads to increased heart rate
Recovery time
time taken for breathing rate to return to normal after exercise