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Communication comes from the latin term?
which means to share and inform,ideas, feelings, etc…
it is the act of transmitting intended meanings from one entity or group to another.
is a process of sharing and conveying messages for information from one person to another within and across channels.
the source of information or message.
the information, ideas, or through conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions.
the process of converting messages into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker understands.
the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or non-verbal, which the encoded message is conveyed
the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
the receipient of the message, or someone who decodes the message.
the reactions, responses or information provided by the receiver
the environment where communication takes place
the factors that affect the flow of communication
it occurs through the medium of spoken or written
Verbal Communication
Subtypes of communication
Spoken communication, Telecommunication, Written communication, and Electronic communication
this communication occurs without words; where the five senses and whole range of body movements, posture, gesture, facial expression and silence.
Non-verbal Communication
9 non verbal communication
Touch, eye contact, facial expression, posture, gait, gesture, physical appearance, sound, silence.
follows line of authority and is generally used in organization to achieve organizational objectives.
Formal Communication
does not follow line of authority
Informal Communication
takes plcae between a health care personal and a patient behavior
Therapeutic communication
communication functions to control behaviour
communication allows individuals to interact with others.
Social Interaction
communication motivates or encourages people to live better
communication facilities people’s expression or their feelings and emotions.
Emotional Expression
communication functions to convey information
Information Dissemination
involves talking to yourself, it may be invlove deliberation.
involves talking to one or a limited number of people
is an interpersonal communication between two people
is an interpersonal communication between three or more people
Small Group
is an interaction that occurs within a person’s spiritual domain.
Transpersonal Communication
involves communicating to a wide group of people
Public Communication
takes place when individuals and groups within an organization communicate with each other.
Organizational Communication
include interacting with the public as in customer service
a communication settings include presentations, business meetings, and employee performance reviews.
is an intersection of approaches from different disciplines: psychology, sociology, linguistics, anthropology, and communication.
Intercultural Communication
refers to any type of media that is used to communicate with mass audience
Mass Communication
responsible for giving us views of events, issues, and people from cultures that differs from ours.
Mass Communication
this refers to the distinctive way of communicating.
Speech Style
it consists of a particular pattern of linguistic, vocal, and nonverbal behaviours.
Speech Style
refers primarily to the “the manner one communicate” than the meaning of communication.
Speech Style
This communication is private
it is a style among intimate members of a family or friends that do not need a complete language with a clear articulation.
is an informal language used by peers and friends.
it is the most common speech style used among friends and co-workers.
This is a group of language
it is formal and societal expectations accompany the users of this speech.
this style is the standard one. it is best used for business and professional relationships.
it is a professional discourse.
This style is used in formal settings.
This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format.
It is usually impersonal and formal.
It is the most formal speech style.
This style of communication rarely or never changes. It is frozen in time and content.
the use of language or words is to transmit messages, ideas, and opinions.
Speech Acts
is the act of making a meaningful utterance.
Locutionary Act
This is about the same as saying a certain sentence with a certain meaning and reference.
Locutionary Act
can be expressed through asking or answering a question, describing, providing a statement or information, or giving an assurance.
Locutionary Act
is done through the power of speech, like when someone promises, apologies, or makes an offer.
Illocutionary Act
is the effect that the utterance has one the behavior, listener, whether it was meant to or not.
Perlocutionary Act
or gestures, are conscious body movements like waving, pointing, and giving a thumbs up or down.
proximity references how near something is. Human beings take personal space seriously. They also interpret physical distances in interactions differently.
communication by touch is called ____. Touch is powerful because our emotions drive it.
the use of time in nonverbal communication, though it carries implications for verbal communication as well. Time perceptions include punctuality. willingness to wait, and interactions.
The display of clothing, ornaments, jewelry, glasses, and other artifacts that have communication potential.
the use of eye movement, behavior, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication.
a type of illocutionary act in which the speakers expresses belief about the truth of a proposition. Some examples are suggesting, putting forwards, swearing, boasting, and concluding.
a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the address perform an action. some examples are speaking, ordering, requesting, inviting, advising, and begging.
a type of illocutionary act in which commits the speaker to doing something in the future. some examples are promising, planning, vowing, and betting.
a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions. Some examples are thanking, apologizing, welcoming, and deploring.
a type of illocutionary act in which brings change in the external situation. Simply put, declarations bring into existence or cause the state of affairs which they refer to. Some examples are blessing, firing, baptizing, passing a sentence, and excommunicating.
communication is considered one way process. the message signal is encoded and transmitted through channel in presence of noise.
Linear Model of Communication
(384-322 B.C) was a greep philospher and writer born in Stagira, Northern Greece. He was also the teacher of Alexander the Great. He studied physics, logic, mathematics, etc.
considered as the first model of communication and was proposed before 300 B.C. most widely accepted amon all communication models.
Aristotle’s Model of Communication
is mainly focused on speaker and speech.
Aristotle Model
Aristotle Model it can be broadly divided into 5 primary elements
Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience and Effect
credibility of the speaker. characteristics which makes you credible in front of the audience.
emotional bond. what you say matters to them and they can connect with it, then they will be more interested.
sense of reason, you must present facts to the audience for them to believe in you
developed by communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell (1902-1878) in 1948.
Lasswell’s Model of Communication
(also known as action model or linear model or one way model of communication) is regarded as one of the most influential communication models.
Lasswell’s Model of Communication
focuses on encoding and decoding which happens before sender sends the message and before receiver receives the message respectively.
Berlo’s Model of Communication
Berlo’s Model has mainly, four components to describe the communication process.
Sender, message, channel, and receiver.
is the exchange of messages between sender and receiver where each take turns to send or receive messages.
Transactional Model of Communication
the model is mostly used for interpersonal communication and is also called ______
Circular Model of Communication
was created in 1948 when claude elwood shannon wrote an article “A mathematical theory of communication” in Bell system technical journal with warren weaver.
Shannon weaver model of communication.
was an american mathematician.
was a scientist.
is the person who makes the message, chooses the channel and sends the message.
Sender (Information source)
is the sender who uses machine, which converts message into signals or binary data. It might also directly refer to the machine.
Encoder (Transmitter)
is the medium used to send message.
is the machine used to convert signals or binary data into message or the receiver who translates the message from signals.
Decoder (Receiver)
is the person who gets the message or the place where the message must reach.
Receiver (Destination)
is the physical disturbances like environment, people, etc. which does not let the message get to the receiver as what is sent.
also known as convergence model. deals with exchange of ideas and messages taking place both ways from sender to receiver and vice-versa.
Interactive Model of Communication
built on the theory that communication is a two-way street, with a sender, and a receiver.
Osgood-schramm’s Model of Communication
who does encoding or sends the message
who receives the message
Person trying to understand or interpret.
frank dance proposed a communication model inspired by a helix in 1967, known as Helical Model of Communication.
Dance-Helical’s Model of Communication
A ____ is a three dimensional spring like curve in the shape of a cylinder or a cone.