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when cells are produced with half the number of chromosomes to make gametes (sperm, egg cells) for sexual reproduction
(aka haploids which have 1 set of chromosomes)
sperm and egg cells (found in animals as plants) that fertilized to create a zygote (/diploid)
when the sperm and egg gametes find eachother during sex and the sperm fertilizes the egg
fusing their gametes and making a diploid
a section of the DNA, which affects 1 or more hereditary traits
code for different verisons of the same characteristics
different versions of the same gene
(ex. Hair colour: black, brown, red, blonde)
Homologous chromosomes
chromosomes of the same type:
they have the same genes in the same posistion along the chromosomes
but they may have different alles so not identical
How many chromosomes in organisms
number of chromosomes depends on the organsim (each has their own #)
Sex chromosomes
chromosomes which determine sex
(ex. xx, xy)
any chromosome thats not a sex chromosome
Ploidy (1n, 2n, etc)
the number of sets of chromosomes in a cell (of a species)
(ex. haploid, diploid, polypoid)
the complete set of chromosomes in a species
(they are sorted by shape, size and number)
two sets of chromosomes (ex. humans)
diploid number for a human cell
(number of diploids)
23 pairs of chromosomes, 46 tota (one from each parent)
how many autosomes would you find in one of your skin cells
22 autosomes, 1 sex chromosome (pair)
44 chromosomes total, 2 total
Haploid number (n)
the number of different chromosomes in a species
as only 1 type of each chromosome, and 1 alle for each gene
can be distinct for each species (each species have their own # of haploids)
Meisosis 1
seperate the homologous pair of replicated choromosomes (2) in a parent cell (diploid)
Meiosis II
Seperates the sister chromatids of each chromosome seperate into 2 daughter cells
Meiosis II
the two daughter cells divides into 4 halpoid cells (1 chromatid each)
Stages of Meiosis I
Interphase I
Early prophase I
Late prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Interphase I
uncondensed chromosome replicate in parent cell (whole, cant distinguish chromosome)
Early prophase I
Chromosomes condense (visible) - chromatids stays together with cohesin proteins
spindle aparatus forms
nuclear envelope begins desintegration
homologous chromosomes synapsis pairing
Prophase I: explain homologous chromosomes synapsis pairing
two pairs of sister chromatids (2 homologous chromosomes from each parent) are binded together by proteins. this protein attachment creates synaptonemal complex:
this makes two homologous pairs grow togeher
synaptonemal complex:
a bridge of proteins between 2 homologous chromosome pairs which push them together
non sister chromatid
non identical chromatids
Prophase I: How does crossing over occur with synapsis: explain with chiasma
breaks are made in the DNA and in corresponding breaks between the non-sister chromatids,
this is where: cross over/swap of DNA (swaps same gene but swaps different version of genes) only linked by chiasma
a pair of homologous chromosomes which are conneted in Meiosis I. since they are duplicated it has 4 chromatids total. later on their genetic material will be mixed up “crossing over” which increases genetic variation.
4 chromatids from 2 homologous chromoomes
Late prophase
the chromosomes become bivalent: swap pairs forming non-sister chromatids
nuclear envelope disintegrated,
multiple chiasmata between non-sister chromatids
crossover between non-sister (maternal and paternal) chromatids
Explain The synapsis and corssing over in Prohase 1
Synapsis formation
Crossing over and plasma formation
Partial seprationof homologs
synaptonemal complex gone after crossing over
homologs seperate, only linked by the chiasma
Metaphase I
the bivalents move to make a metaphase plate across middle of cell (random order)
Anaphase I
the homologs seperate and move to opposite sides (poles) of the spindle apparatis
Telophase I
the homologs finish moving to opposite poles and the spindle disintegrates
cytokenesis occurs creating 2 haploid cells with replicated chromosomes
Meiosis II notes
has the same phases ( prohase II, Telophase II etc) using the (genetically mixed) replicated chromosomes, making. iteven more mixed and varied
Recap: List all parts of the spindle aparatus and their function
MTOC: microtubule organzing center: is the where microtubules come out/grow by de/polymerize
Astral microtubule: attaches MTOC to plasma membrane (secure) (astral/outside)
Kinteochore microtubule: attaches to kinetochore in centromere creating pulling force that spilts sister chromatids, or homologous pairs
Polar microtubule: partially overlaps with opposite polar microtubule, to contribute to pulling force by elongating the cell pole