Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes (copy)

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Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

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Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

The annual percentage of population growth of a country for a one-year period, calculated as Birth Rate - Death Rate / 10%

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Demographic Equation

Utilizes birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration statistics to demonstrate population growth

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Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

Annual statistic representing the number of live births per total population x 1,000

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Crude Death Rate (CDR)

Annual statistic indicating the number of deaths per total population x 1,000

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Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Estimated average number of children born to each female aged 15 to 45, calculated as Number of Children Born / Women Aged 15 to 45

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Dependency Ratio

Compares the number of people too young or too old to work with the number of people in the workforce

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Demographic Transition Model (DTM)

Theory explaining population changes over time, including migration, fertility, economic development, and urbanization

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Epidemiological Transition Model (ETM)

Accounts for population growth due to medical advances and predicts changes in population size over time

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Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

Occurs when birth rates equal death rates, resulting in an RNI of 0.0%

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Push and Pull Factors

Push factors force people from rural areas, while pull factors attract them to urban areas

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