Creating the Constitution

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What is the constitution

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36 Terms


What is the constitution

the supreme document of out country

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What is the articles of confederation?

it was the first legal document that gave an outline of what government of the United States should be

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What did each state do under the articles of confederation?

each state retained it's own sovereignty under this system

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What is a confederation?

a form of government with a number of groups in an alliance

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What is a republic?

a form of government where supreme power is held by the people and their elected representation - one nation

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Where did the constitutional convention take place?


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What was the purpose of the constitutional convention?

"for the soul and express purpose of revising the articles of confederation" + in other words to make the constitution

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Who are the framers?

delegates who attended the constitutional convention and gave input on what should be in the constitution + they were men of wide knowledge and public experiences most of them were founding fathers

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What was the first order of business?

to choose George Washington to be leader aka president + at first he didn't want to

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What book inspired the three branches or government?

"Spirt of the Laws" by Montesquieu which advocated for three branches of government?

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What did the Virginia plan call for?

a Legislative branch + the states with bigger population had more representatives

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What was another name for the Virginia plan?

the big state plan

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How did the Virginia plan work?

if you had more people you receive more representation in congress

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What type of Legislative branch did the New Jersey plan want?

they wanted every state to have an equal number of votes

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What was another name for the New Jersey plan?

the small state plan

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What was the Connecticut compromise known as?

the great compromise

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What was the Connecticut compromise?

it was an agreement that both large and small states reached during the constitutional congress + congress would compose of two houses

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What are the two houses of congress?

The house of senates and the house of representatives

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What was the house of senates based on?

equal representation

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What was the house of representatives based on?

it was based on population

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What was the three firths compromise?

it is when they counted slaves as 3/5th of a person when it came to population

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Who was John Adams and what did he want?

he wanted to see slavery be abolished, but the country was in no position to do that

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Who were the federalist?

people who favore6d ratification for the constitution - they emphasized the weakness of the article of confederation and need for a constitution

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Who were the anti federalist?

they were against the constitution entirely - they feared the strong central government would lead to tyranny - their biggest criticism was a lack of a Bill of Rights and even the British gave them that

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How many states ratify the constitution?

13 on September 13

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What city was chosen to be a temporary capitol?


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How many articles and amendments does the constitution have?

7 articles and 27 amendments

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Article 1

Legislative Branch

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Article 2

Executive Branch

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Article 3

Judicial Branch

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Article 4

The States

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Article 5

Making Amendments

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Article 6

The Supremacy of the Constitution

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Article 7


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Bill of Rights

  1. freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition

  2. right to bear arms

  3. quartering of troops

  4. no illegal search and seizure

  5. rights of the accused

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good luck!!!

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