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What have perspectives like functionalism + NR been described as?
What does modernist mean?
see society as fairly fixed, clear-cut + predictable structure
What do modernist func + NR believe the best type of family is?
one best; nuclear family that slots into clear/modernist society helping maintain via performing essential functions
FUNCTIONALISM - What does PARSONS say about the relationship between a nuclear family + society? How does the family meet society’s needs? (workforce + 2 functions) Why does this mean they are able to generalise a type of family? In turn, how do they view other types of families?
there’s a functional fit
meets needs via geographically + socially mobile workforce and performing the 2 ‘irreducible’ functions, therefore able to generalise a type of family to find in mod society - NUCLEAR W/ TRAD DOL:
primary socialisation of the child
stabilisation of the adult personalities
therefore, other types of family = abnormal, dysfunctional + deviant because less able to perform functions
What is the NR persp on family? What do they believe similar to functionalists? How does liberal feminist OAKLY critic this?
conservative + anti-feminist, oppose family diversity
Like functionalists, believe one correct type of family: Trad/conventional patriarchal nuclear family w/ married couple + dependant children, clear-cut trad DOL
See this family = natural + based on biology
wrongly assume biological, cross-cult studies show great variation in roles
How do feminists criticise NR correct family?
conventional = pref by NR because = patriarchal + oppressive, fundamental cause of gender inequality
prevents women from working → financially dependent → denies equal say in decision-making
What do NR believe family is the cornerstone of? How does liberal feminist OAKLY critic this?
of society; a place of refuge, commitment + harmony
NR view = reactionary, against feminist campaigns for equality
What family diversity do NR oppose? What do they argue it causes?
cohab, gay, lone
argue decline of nuclear trad fam + diversity → social problems
What type of family are NR particularly concerned with? Why and give 3 specific arguments to support? Criticism?
Harmful to children; argues that:
can’t disiplince children
leave boys w/o role model → edu failure, delinquency + social instability (LIKE MOHIYANN’S ideas in Edu)
family more likely to be poor → burden on welfare state + taxpayers
CRITIC - no evidence of higher delinquency
What do the NR believe is the main cause of lone-parent households?
collapse of the relationship between cohabiting couples
What did BENSON analyse to highlight how marriages are more stable? Why is this important? How are marriages more stable? CRITIC - S____? , criticism - diversity of cohab?
analysed data of parents w/ babies:
found in 1st 3yrs of babies life, the rate of breakdown = higher in (20%) cohab vs (6%) married
provide stable environment to bring up children in
requires deliberate binding commitment
CRITIC - SMART; poverty cause of breakdown in cohab rather than choice not to marry
CRITIC - NR belief of lack of commitment = challenged, cohab can be temp phase
What is the evidence to supp view that family + society are broken? What do they argue we need to do to prevent social disinterg + damage to children? What do they argue undermines the conventional family? In turn, what does BENSON believe the government should do?
rise of cohab → allows partners to avoid commitment + responsibility → broken
argue return to trad values e.g marriage → prevent social disinterg + damage to children
regard laws + policies e.g easy access to divorce, gay marriage + welfare benefits = undermine the conventional family
BENSON therefore args. gov = encourage couples to marry via policies to supp marriage
Who outlines the idea of NEO-CONVENTIONAL families?
What does CHESTER regard family diversity as? What does he consider the most significant and only change?
recognises the increase but doesn’t regard it as negative
move from dominance of trad/conventional nuclear family → neo-conventional family, no other major change
What is a neo-conventional family and what it similar to?
dual earner family similar to the symmetrical family as posed by WILLMOTT + YOUNG
What do most people still aspire to have and why according to CHESTER?
Nuclear family
alternatives = not long-term
why does CHESTER believe statistics on household compositions are wrong?
not being part of nuclear family at any one time = because of life-cycle mainly e.g many people in on-person households were once in nuclear families or will be in the future e.g widows, divorced, young
therefore just a snapshot of single moment in time
CHESTER’S view suggests little has changed, what continued patterns does he identify? In turn, what does he believe is exaggerated and what similar view does he hold with functionalists? What does he regard as the only difference now?
most ppl = in household headed by married couple
most adults = married + children w/ 2 natural parents
most marriages = until death, most divorcee = re-marry
cohab = increase, but phase, most = marry if have children
in turn, the extent + imp of family diversity = exaggerated, like func = see nuclear as also dom, only diff = shift to neo-conv
Who differs from CHESTER in regards to the importance of diversity? What do they argue?
THE RAPOPORTS; central in importance in understanding family types today
diversity reflects higher freedom in choice + acceptance of diff cultures
What do the RAPOPORTS say that we have moved from the dominance of? In turn, what have families adapted to?
traditional nuclear family to a range of different types
pluralistic society (cultures = lifestyles = diverse)
what do the RAPOPORTS see diversity as?
positive response to people’s different needs + wishes, not abnormal/deviant from assumed norm of a ‘proper’ nuclear family
what are the 5 types of family diversity recognised by the RAPOPORTS?
Organisational diversity → differences in family role org e.g joint/seg conjugal role
Cultural diversity → diff cult, religious etc = diff fam structure e.g higher % of black fem-headed lone fams, extended in hindu + asian households
social class diversity → differences in structure due to income diffs
life stage diversity → differ according to stage in life cycle e.g young recently married, couples w/ grown up children, widows living alone
generational diversity → older/younger gens = diff attitudes + experiences therefore have diff attitudes of morality of divorce etc.