Work and health
enhancing, destroying
Health and jobs:
Being _____ promotes health
The higher the quality of the job, the _____ the person’s mental and physical health
Good jobs are health ______; bad jobs are health _______
They reinforce existing health problems
The create new health problems
They are more stressful and demanding
What are the 3 ways through which bad jobs are health destroying?
General patterns of employment both reflect and reinforce the social ______ in health
nutritious, activity, housing, care
Pathways through which work affects physical and mental health:
Physical aspects of the work/workplace → increased exposure to physical _____ and hazards
Psychosocial aspects of the work/how it’s organized → increased _______
Work-related resources and opportunities → inability to obtain ______ foods, inadequate physical _____, unhealthy _____, less access to medical ______
High job demand (lots of work and responsibilities) + low job control (low autonomy) = exposure to stress
Can also include a 3rd dimension which is workplace social support from supervisors and colleagues
What’s the job demand-control model by Karasek?
Because job control effects have a bigger influence on men
Why is the job demand-control model a male model?
High job effort + low job rewards = exposure to stress
Concerns itself with organizational inequities
What is the effort reward imbalance model by Siegrist?
When people have excessive job demands and they exhaust their job resources (job security, rewards, pay…), they face stress
What is the job demand resources model by Demerouti et al.?
There are continuous interactions and adjustments between a person and their environment
There are 2 phases in this interaction: cognitive appraisal and coping
What is the transactional process model by Lazarus and Folkman?
When chronic stresses and excessive demands at work are not compensated by adequate social support
What’s an isostrain?
→ lower
People in the lowest quality, worst-paid jobs are at the greatest risk of _______
→ The quality of job depends on education, which is influenced by SES at birth so that people with _____ SES are at higher risk of unemployment
Unemployment affects health through:
Loss of employment ______
Loss of ______ outlets
causality, health
Unemployment has 3 levels of _______ (proximal - individual, intermediate - household, distal - population) and they all can impact the ______ of an unemployed person
Some changes in the nature of employment:
Increased ________ and international interdependence
Move towards _______ economies by focusing on technical innovation
_______ of services and sectors