Two Secants (When Secant Vertex is Outside)
AX • XC = BX • XD, where AX is the entire segment and XC is a sliver of it.
Secant-tangent theorem
Involves the relationship AX • XC = (BX)^2 where AX and XC are segments of a secant and BX is a tangent.
Two secants condition
Involves the equation a(a+b) = c(c+d) representing segments related to two secants outside a vertex.
Tangent-Tangent Theorem (Outside Vertex)
The relationship a^2 = b^2 applies, where a and b are segments created by the tangents.
Length of arc formula
Calculated using M/360(2piR) where M is the angle and R is the radius.
Two Chords
AB • CD (AB is a chord, CD is another chord).
Angle in a Semi-Circle Theorem
An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.
Inscribed Angle Theorem
Inscribed angles that subtend the same arc are equal.