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When was the NAA established?

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When was the NAA established?


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Which Joya's mural in the Virata School of Business is rendered in the Abstract Expressionist style and consists of soft, overlapping planes of black, white, orange, brown, and golden yellow?

Barter of Panay

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Why is the Church of the Holy Sacrifice in UP Diliman is credited as the first Catholic Church in the country to be known for its mathematical complex computation?

It has a unique circular architecture with a thin shell dome.

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Why is Abueva's abstract sculpture Spirit of Business often associated with science fiction?

It is composed of a metal disk with sharp-looking poles jutting through it.

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Why did Jose Maceda receive recognition from the UNESCO Memory of the World?

He founded the UP Center for Ethnomusicology.

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Which artwork uses of flat and angular shapes, which are murals painted by Vicente Manansala with the assistance of Ang Kiukok?

15 Stations of the Cross

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If you were to create a mural of Abstract Expressionist Style, what would it consist of?

Soft, overlapping planes of black, white, orange, brown, and golden.

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If you were a sculptor like Guillermo Tolentino, how will you depict freedom and sacrifice through the Oblation?

A male nude with arms outstretched as a gesture of sacrifice and freedom.

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If you were Jose Maceda, what will you do with ang Pagsamba?

It will involve a hundred mixed voices.

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Which Philippine style refers to the art produced by artists living today?

Contemporary Art

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Which art style is considered by art historians as new and shocking?

Modern Art

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What, among the art overviews, refers to knowing where the artists are coming from and the circumstances of making and disseminating their art?

Cultural Overview

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Why is Modern Art referred to "traditional" compared to the Contemporary Art?

Because Contemporary Art is the art of the present, which is continuously in process and in flux.

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Which art style refers to the museum-circulated, artist-centered, and gallery-distributed art?

Fine or world-based

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Which of the following styles is appropriate to use to create a Philippine contemporary artwork?


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If you were to defend the cultural context of your artwork to your teacher that defines it as contemporary, what is the characteristic will you choose to expound?

Mass produces

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Which refers to connect the subjects to their social milieu?


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Which questions can be asked to understand the subject of an artwork?

What do we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch?

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Why is it better to research on national identity and heroism to understand the Rizal Monument?

Because research can provide us deeper insight on the way these big themes are defined and depicted.

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Why is it difficult to generalize our notions of what is it to be a hero, and what it is to be Filipino in a context?

Because there are many ways of interpreting heroism and national identity in a context where multiple and varied cultures reside.

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If you were to analyze the subject of the artwork, which are the things you have to bear in mind and use?


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If you were to analyze deeper into the theme of the artwork, what are the data you need to consider?

texts images, allusions, and symbols

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