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layout planning
determining the best physical arrangement of resources within a facility
process layouts
grouping similar things together; general purpose and flexible resources, low capital intensity and little automation, high labor intensity, slower processing
product layout
desinged to produce specific product efficiently; utilizing specialized equipment to make large volumes of one or more products, efficiency, and specialized equipment, widespread use of automation
using specialized eqipument to transport wip to different operations
product layout
uses general purpose and flexible with low capital intensity and automation
process layout
hybrid layouts
combine beneficial elements of both layouts by maintaining efficiencies of product layouts and flexibility of process layouts
fixed position layout
product cannot be moved, uses project management
office layout
minimizes the cost of information flow
warehouse layout
focuses on both material handling and ease of access
retail layout
requires 3d thinking, has implications for customer flow and gross profit
newport news shipbuilding company is building a new aircraft carrier for the navy
fixed postion
lawn boy has metal forming and fabrication equipment organized in departments but utilizes special lines to assemble the product
hybrid layout
maximum output rate
available time / sum of elemental times
if forecasted demand is greater than max output
assembly line with work stations
takt time
available demand / forecast demand
max bottleneck output
available time / bottleneck task timeb
bottleneck time
longest elemental time in the series
arriving customer chooses not to enter a queue becuase its already too long
when a customer already in queue goves up and exits without being serviced
when a customer switches back and forth between alternate queues in an effort to reduce time wating
multiple phase systems requires customers to visit more than one server
job design
the process of specifying contents for the job
job design requirementws
purpose, duties and responsibilites, and required credentials
technical feasibility
describes whether the job is within physical and mental capabilities for the average worker
economic feasibility
indicates whether the cost of doing the job is less than its added value to the product or service
behaviroal feasibility
describes whether the job is intrinsically satisfying
why switch to automation
safety and risk of injury to workers, monotonus, degree of precision, complexity of task, need for empathy, compassion or other emotional elements
job enlargement
increasing scope of work assigned to a job, enhancing the pride of work and sense of accomplishment of the worker, significant contribution to the product
job enrichment
increases level of responsibility for work planning or inspection, increasing sense of control and pride
job rotation
shifts a worker through several jobs to increase understanding of total process, gives job variety, reduces boredom, and reduces repetitive motion risks
use of teams
increase sense of partnership and can involve small groups
time study
how long does it take to do it the best way
method analysis
whats the best way to do something
standard time
length of time of a qualified worker working at a normal pace following the appropriate SOP using the correct tools and procedure will take to complete a job
normal time
actual length of time to complete a job adjusted by a performance rating factor
standard time
includes additional allowances that occur within an average work dat
work sampling
used to evaluate the time in various job activities when the job is not repetitive
individual systems
time based salary vs output based incentive systems
group incentives
profit sharing and gain sharing
raw materials
coal stockpile at coal company
sparkplugs, wires, clips, bolts
lawnmowers partially assembled on assembly line
finished goods
televisions crated and packed at a warehouse
distribution inventory
nissan motors has orders on a ship from japan
maintenance, repair, and operating supplies
lubricating oils, bathroom supplies, and metal stock for repairs
inventory turnover n
sales / inventory
which is the hardest cost to measure
shortage costs
lot for lot
order exactly whats needed
fixed order quanity
order a predetermined amount each time m
min max system
when inventory falls to a set minimum level, order up to max levekl
periodic review
at specified intervals, order up to target level
reorder point
daily demand * lead time
paretos law
use of abc classification
high volume operations
fixed routings, easy identifiable bottlenecks, line balancing
low volume operations
job shop operations that are designed for flexibiliy, each product or service have have its own routing
infinite loading
ignores capacity contraints and loads the stations based on total demand at that station
finite loading
allows work to be assined at a station only when there is capacity
forward scheduling
demonstrates the amount of slippage that can be allowed and not be late on the project
theory of constraints
eli goldratt - optimized production technology
demand management
appontments and reservations, posted availability, delayed service or backlog
managing service capacity
staff for peak demand, floating employees or on call, temp, seasonal or part time employees
an endeavor with multiple activities with defined precedence relationships
specific tasks that must be completed and that require resources
precedence relationships
a natural order between activities, where some tasks must be completed before others can begin
project life cycle
initiation, planning, execution, and closing
agile project management
time is most valuable resource