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moral realism
the theory that claims that moral properties exist and exist mind-independently
hume’s fork
hume argues that knowledge can be of two kinds; matters of fact and relations of ideas
matters of fact
matters of fact are propositions that are understood a posterori and discovered through experience
about what exists and what is the case
such propositions are synthetic truths, meaning they are true on the virtue of the how the world is
e.g. Paris is the capital of France
relations of ideas
relations of ideas are propositions that are understood a priori and can be discovered purely through deduction
they are analytically true, meaning their truth depends on the meanings of the concepts involved and are ‘either intuitively or demonstratively certain’ such as all triangles have three sides
they cannot be denied without contradiction
hume’s fork against realism
hume claims there can be only two kinds of knowledge; matters of fact and relations of ideas
moral judgements are not judgements of reason and we cannot have knowledge of them because they do not fall into either category
mind-to-world direction of fit
when you change your beliefs to fit the world
world-to-mind direction of fit
when the world changes to fulfil our desires
hume’s argument from motivation (standard form)
p1. moral judgements can motivate our action
p2. reason cannot motivate our actions
c. therefore, moral judgements are not judgements of reason
hume’s motivation argument
cognitivism claims that moral judgements express beliefs which can be true or false and the faculty of judging what is true or false is reason
hume’s ought-is gap
cognitivist would say ‘eating meat causes animal suffering, therefore we shouldn’t eat meat’ according to the cognitivist the truth of this claim is inferred from the premise
hume argues that cannot infer one from the other because the premise tells me how the world is and the conclusion tells me how the world ought to be - there is a gap between the two, so we cannot reason one from the other
if moral judgements were true we would be able to infer them from other true claims, but we cannot
therefore moral judgements don’t make truth claims and cognitivism is false